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脸书公司英文简介范文 第一篇










(1)Integrates development and manufacturing in-house

(2)Specializes in manufacturing all types of XX and related products

(3)Convenient water, land and air transportation / close to XX Airport (Port)

(4)We have many years of experience in supplying XX

Zhejiang ABC Wood Industrial Co., Ltd. is a professional large-scale manufacturer of all types of wood flooring, integrating development and production together. Our parent company is China ABC Wood Industrial Group. Our main products include real wood flooring, wood composite flooring, laminated wood flooring and related products. Our company was established in 20_, and we have many years of history in the wood flooring industry. Located near Shanghai, we enjoy convenient water, land and air transportation.

脸书公司英文简介范文 第二篇


公司立足于科技发展,具有一批丰富工作经验的高级管理、营销、生产技术人才。注重基础管理,稳定品质。并且不断完善产品的售前,售中、售后服务体系,培育产品的市场竞争力。 公司主导产品有:东元伺服电机,东元全系列产品,正名齿条,WEG高效电机等。 公司自创立以来,一直秉承“诚信经营、优质服务,以人为本,为顾客创利”的经营理念,竭诚为顾客提供最优质的服务,最放心的产品。我们向广大顾客保证:服务流程一旦启动,我们将全程呵护。

Founded in July,20_,as a subsidiary company to Tian Yi Electric Machinery Corporation,Li Ming Automation Science is a high-tech enterprise with all vitality , potential and comprehensive strength .The company is located in the Dong Guan Ao Bo Science &Technology zone ,a unique place with beautiful scenery and gifts of nature.

On the basis of technology development , the company has taken in a group of experienced personnels who are talented in senior management ,marketing and skills of producing .In the company ,great attention is paid to basic management ,stable quality ,continuously improving pre-sale services,sale and after-sale services,and enhancing

the market competitiveness of our products.

Main products of our company :TECO electric machinery series,KH gear,WEG high-efficiency motor ,etc.

Since its foundation ,the company keeps living up to the belief of :”honest selling ,best quality ,people-orientation and benefits to customers. ”

We are doing everything to offer our customers with best services and best products .We promise that we’ll be responsible all the way to the end once our services begin.

脸书公司英文简介范文 第三篇

Adidas is one of the world’s top sporting brands. It is based in Germany and includes other brands like Reebok in its group. The three parallel bars that form its logo is known worldwide. The company bought these “Three Stripes” from a Finnish sports company in the 1950s. Adidas has provided quality sporting goods for decades. They create a very strong brand loyalty among consumers. Many people wear Adidas clothes and shoes as a fashion statement. The company also manufactures other products such as bags, glasses and watches. Adidas is heavily into sponsoring sports stars and teams. It is involved in sponsorship deals with the top soccer, rugby and cricket teams all over the world. Its current marketing slogan perhaps sums up the company’s success - “Impossible is Nothing”.

脸书公司英文简介范文 第四篇

APPLE is a world famous brand, which is a world leader in the field of computer and personal digital. Apple products toexcellent product design、 innovative ideas and the best user experience for hundreds of millions of users.

APPLE mobile phone and apple notebook are the most popular objectsin many

modern young people.

People who Likeappleproducts know, apple enterprise devoted much passion and efforts in products. They know that apple is committed to designthe best system and product . Just like they know about Jobs---always pursuit of the perfect, at the same time, our worship of Jobsstrengthened our love of apple of the time, Jobs and apple is Integrated,we don't know exactly like apple or like also say that :“Three apples changed the world, the first temptation of Xia Wa, the second one awakened Newton, third was in the hands of Jobs”.

脸书公司英文简介范文 第五篇

Tishman Speyer is one of the leading owners, developers, operators and fund managers of first-class real estate worldwide.

Across North America, Europe, Latin America, India and China, many of the world’s most prestigious corporations rely on Tishman Speyer to meet their space needs.

Since our inception in 1978, we have acquired, developed and operated 391 projects totaling over 166 million square feet.

We have assembled a property portfolio in excess of US $ billion in total value across the United States, Europe, Latin America, India and China.

Our global real estate professionals blend local knowledge and market-driven insights with an international wealth of expertise and experience.

Leveraging their creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation, they collaborate across disciplines and borders to consistently create real estate of enduring value around the world.

脸书公司英文简介范文 第六篇

Hangzhou XX is a company engaged in chemical raw materials, electronic products trading company. The company was established in May 1998, has many famous enterprises at home and abroad (such as XX company) to establish a long-term friendly business relationship. Company mainly engaged in mechanical and electrical products and electronic products. Since its inception continue to absorb a variety of talents, improve product quality, improving staff quality, in order to grow their companies. Company also was incorporated in January 20_, Hangzhou XX Co., Ltd. Main chemical raw materials and import of electronic products. In cooperation with the South Korean LG has made a lot of money business results. Strict quality guarantee system and perfect management system, high-quality products after-sales service is our foothold in this, my company of xxxquality first, reputation firstxxx principle, provide customers with quality and quantity of various types of products. Always uphold the xxxquality, integrity and pragmatic, motivated, service-orientedxxx business philosophy, and applies the company's management and operating among. The face of fierce competition, the company system is constantly being improved, relying on science and technology, continuously improve the technology content of products sold, for society, customers and companies to create a higher market value. My company has been in good faith to create enterprises, to credit management market, has won a good reputation, also won the respect of their domestic counterparts.

Business strictly in accordance with relevant state laws, regulations and rules of the WTO requirements management according to law, actively participate in regional economic cooperation, recent years the company has reached annual sales of as much as 25,000,000, business prospects and good, the next time, My company will expand the scale of operation and steady development of corporate economic, sincerely seeking partners, good faith cooperation and seek common development, writing a new chapter in high-tech electronics








热门标签: 公司 简介 英文







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