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阳光家庭自我推荐范文英语 第一篇

My name is Claire and I’m in my fourteen years old. I live a happy life because I have a warm and harmonious family.

There are four people in my family. They are my parents and my elder brother. My parents both are teachers so that my brother and I have been well educated. I am four years younger than my brother who always cares much about me.

We have a good relationship, though we quarrel even fight sometimes. Actually, I am likely to consider it as a sign of love. In one word, I really love my family. How about yours?

阳光家庭自我推荐范文英语 第二篇

My family I have a happy family. There are three people in our family. My mother, father and my father are a math teacher.

He teaches in a middle school near my home. He doesn't like watching movies and watching TV at home. But he likes reading newss every day.

My mother is a nurse. She works in the hospital. She has many good habits, such as eating fresh vegetables, drinking milk and doing sports every day She always says it's good to keep young, which can make her relax now.

I want to introduce myself. I'm a shy and interesting boy. I'm good at sports and football is good, but I'm not good at learning my lessons, so I need to do my best in my class.

From now on, I believe I can study hard in the near future. I love my family and my parents love me.



阳光家庭自我推荐范文英语 第三篇

Home is a warm words, a warm place. I believe that every classmate have a warm home. My home also is such, is the serious cautious father alive, tender and beautiful mom and I together.

My dad, the top of the square face, a head of black shiny hair, thick eyebrows below with a pair of eyes, high bridge of the nose more foil out of his culture. My father as my tutor, all assignments to please him, sometimes I met wisdom surfing math very hard, my mother and I don't use the standard equation solutions, one to ask dad, a few simple formula has solved the problem easily. My father was a geek, home in the evening every day the first thing to do is open a computer. But he's learning with a computer, don't like someone turned on the computer is pure to play games.

My mother, long brown hair perms beside the oval face, big eyes are so bright, I would have been she found all the little affectations. My mother not only looks affable, also special bright and broad minded, every time I quarrel with my sister, she will tell me the importance of friendship, let me and her sister and good, maybe I touched my sister, whenever the two of us quarrel, she will learn to me let us be friends.

This is my home, a warm home, a warm home, a family full of happiness. This is a story of a love knitting, reading the rest of my life, forever aftertaste, touched a lifetime.





阳光家庭自我推荐范文英语 第四篇

My family habits I have a happy family. There are three people in our family. My mother, father and my father are a math teacher.

He teaches in a middle school near my home. He doesn't like watching movies and watching TV at home. But he likes reading newss every day.

My mother is a nurse. She works in the hospital. She has many good habits, such as eating fresh vegetables, drinking milk and exercising every day Body.

She always said that it's good for her to keep young. Now I can let her relax. I want to introduce myself.

I am a shy and interesting boy. I am good at sports and play well, but I am not good at learning lessons. So I need to try my best from now on.

I believe I can do my homework well in the near future. I love my family and my parents love me.



阳光家庭自我推荐范文英语 第五篇

In my home, I love my bedroom, it’s big and bright. In it, you can see a bed and a table. On the table, there’s a TV. There’re two small desks near the window. On the desk, there are many books. There are two small lamps on the wall. I have a picture on the wall. It is very nice, it has blue sky and blue sea in it. Look, a pretty girl on the beach, is playing sand now.

We have a sitting-room near my bedroom. We can watch TV, read books and play with my have a kitchen. Mother can cook lunch and supper in it. A dining-room is near it. You can see a big fridge. It’s grey. Open it, you can see some meet, milk and fish in it. You can eat them on the table.

In the study, I can draw some pictures, play computer games and do my homework. In the room, I have a bookcase, it’s brown.

We have a small bathroom, you can wash hands and take a bath in the bathroom.

This is my home, I love my home.

阳光家庭自我推荐范文英语 第六篇

lives in Taiwan, but my father doesnt. He lives in China. name is Jian. I have one brother and one sister. My name is Jeff. My brothers name is Art. My sisters name is Sophia. My fathers name is Jian Zong-he and my mothers name is Jenny. I like to watch TV and play PC games. My brother likes them, too. My father and my mother both like to watch TV. My brother and I are both junior high school students. My father is a businessman. My mother is a businesswoman. I like my family very much.








热门标签: 自我 英语






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