
更新时间:2024-04-13 18:52:29 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

介绍产品的英语信函范文 第一篇

Dear [Mr. Chang].

The bearer, [Ms Huan], is a classmate of mine at middle school, who has recently been assigned to work in your city. [She] is well educated, having good habits and agreeable manners. Any assistance you may give [her] concerning [her] life will be esteemed as a great favor for me.

Yours truly,

介绍产品的英语信函范文 第二篇

Dear Wendy,

I've heard that you are looking for a special gift for your little nephew. I've found a great new oversea product on the Internet that you might be interested in. It is the Leapfrog Fridge Phonic Magnetic Letter Set. I strongly recommend it because it is really a special gift that you can import.

This product will be a great help of learning letters for a child. It is colorful and easy for kids to use. You can just place any letter into the letter reader and press it, and then the reader will identify the magnetic letter placed inside of it and sing a short song about the sound it makes. Thus, this product will teach babies letters, phonics and songs as well.

This product enables your little nephew to be better educated before school. It is a great gift for babies. What's more, it is not expensive. It is really worth buying such an interesting and educational toy that is attractive and reasonably priced.

Search it yourself on the Internet if you are interested in it. I am sure you will find the right thing you are looking for.

Lovely Yours,


介绍产品的英语信函范文 第三篇

Dear Export Manager,

We would like to introduce ourselves as Importers and distributors of Abrasive Products in Pakistan and shall feel most grateful if you will very kindly extend your valued co-operation to us.

We are in search of stock lots of abrasive products such as:

1. Grinding & Cutting Wheels

2. Flap discs

3. Fiber Discs

4. Abrasive cloth

5. Flap Wheels

6. Pin Wheels

7. Satin Finishing Wheels

8. Abrasive belts

Also if there are any stock lots / scraps of the following products plz let us


1. carbide tips

2. electric power tools

3. metal cutting tools

4. measuring tools

5. hand tools

6. nuts and bolts

7. mini chains

8. iron chains

9. wires and wire mesh

10. nails

So please inform us of any stock lots that you may have and quote us your lowest possible PRICES!

Thanking you for your kindness, we look forward to hear from your good selves favorably soon.

With Best Regards.

Aleem Azhar

Please respond to the buyer quickly as this will improve your chances of getting an order.

Hope everything goes well,

We got a recommendation of you from one of your customers about your products.

Please kindly view our website

介绍产品的英语信函范文 第四篇

dear mr. / ms,

we are pleased to introduce mr. wang you, our import manager of textiles department. mr. wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season. we shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.

yours faithfully


——英文介绍信怎么写 (菁选2篇)

介绍产品的英语信函范文 第五篇

Dear Sirs,?

You may be interested to know something about the new products developed by our kind of new products sells very well at our market.?

Because of its successful sales in our country,we think there will be a potential market we are sending you some samples by separate posts and would welcome your advice as to whether,in your opinion,there will be a ready market in your district.? If you think you can find a good market for the new products we can supply you on the most favorable terms in order that you can promote our new products to the potential customers.?

We are awaiting your early reply.?

Yours faithfully,








热门标签: 产品 英语






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