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英语五十字日志范文 第一篇

Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful.

In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner.

Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!




英语五十字日志范文 第二篇

The day after yesterday I received 200yuan from my relatives as my pocket money. I was so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year. “what!” I shouted.


英语五十字日志范文 第三篇

or lying in bed reading,I do not like talking with others,and l like eat fast food when i stayed along in my house .just because this ,i have no feriends,and sometime i felt lonely.

but now ,i changed a lot ,I have a lot of friends like others ,Sometimes we go outside to have a picnic,or we hold parties,what's more ,i attend a club that can help me how to communicate with people of different age,and ,i become a outgoing girl ,now ,l smile a lot and my mother fell very happy about my change.


英语五十字日志范文 第四篇


Today, I went back to my hometown. My brother and I had a good time together. Dad and uncle are fishing by the river, one after another, and many small fish. In the evening, we take the fish home and cook it. I think it's delicious, just a little spicy.

英语五十字日志范文 第五篇

i like the chinese new year better than any other festival.

this is a time especially for rest and joy. i need not study. i wear good clothes and eat good food. i have a good time from morning till night.

i am as happy as a king.




英语五十字日志范文 第六篇

August 12,20xx Friday Today, I did housework for grandmother. She is not very healthy and I decide to do housework for her more frequently. And she will feel happy and bee better. Suddenly, an idea hit me that it’s terrible to grow old becuase you have to worry about both your health and others’ opinions. Once again, I make a decision to be a good girl.

英语五十字日志范文 第七篇

No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I must make good use of it;.In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night I watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed.

英语五十字日志范文 第八篇

I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king.


英语五十字日志范文 第九篇

Today,my sister and me to a dirty dog take a shower,sister to bring water,then used washbasin and soap,we first make the dog water wet,and then rubbed with soap and rub a rub,finally washed with clean water!The dog is white and beautiful!今天,我和姐姐给脏脏的小狗洗澡,姐姐先拿来热水,然后再拿来脸盆和肥皂,我们先把狗用水打湿,再擦上肥皂搓一搓,最后用清水洗干净!小狗变得又白又漂亮!

英语五十字日志范文 第十篇

Today,my sister and me to a dirty dog take a shower,sister to bring water,then used washbasin and soap,we first make the dog water wet,and then rubbed with soap and rub a rub,finally washed with clean water!The dog is white and beautiful!



英语五十字日志范文 第十一篇

let me tell you something about my new house. it's very nice and big. there is a living room, a dining romm, a bathroom and a kitchen. there are two bedrooms, one is for my parents, the other is for me. i like my new house.

让我给你说说我的新家。 它又大又漂亮, 有一个客厅、餐厅、卫生间和一个厨房。 有两间卧室,一间是我的父母的,另一间我的。我喜欢我的新家。








热门标签: 日志 英语






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