
更新时间:2023-02-16 18:03:12 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx




  在报纸上看到贵校的招聘启事,我对教师一职很感兴趣。 我现年21岁,生于金边市,今年7月从中国暨南大学,华文学院华文教育系毕业。高中时期我是班里的班长。大学期间曾担任过学生会学习部部长一职,业余时间,我还参加学校各项活动。些外,我曾在某校教书过二年时间和开补习班。我善于思考,耐心和有团队合作的精神。目前,我有学士学位,hsk(8级)、英语(6级)等证书。我一直很喜欢教书,如能被贵校录用,相信能把自己所学到的知识做出贡献。








ms. wang,

  thanks for your email and happy national day !

  i just got your email and got around to reply to you during national day. to be frankly, it's not easy to understand all the contents of the attachment within 45 minutes. but i tried and it spent me almost 1 hour to read it over.

  let me go ahead to answer you the two questions now. because i have been engaging in purchasing field, assume that i am a purchaser of vega:

  1. per my personal understanding, if we don't have any value-added services, we just act as a simple left and right hand trader, we will be losing lots of chances to develop ourselves. that's to say, the assume is not correct. we'd better to find a couple of famous or potential foreign brands and franchise their brands. take an example, i have been working for some multinational ems manufacturers and sme independent electronics distributors. the bottleneck of this sector now is that some franchised distributors are trying to do independent businesses and lots of independent distributors are growing up. there are almost 3000 companies around the region pearl river delta except for yangtse river delta. the business style is also under huge pressure and competitiveness and facing challenges from china mainland. you will see something and chinese characteristics if you read the literature "my country and my people" written by mr. ling yu tang. copying is just like thieving ! i hate this kind of behaviour although i am a chinese. we have to, we must innovate ! i have a suggestion that the company should have their own advantages not only frachised brands but also value-added pre and after-services. as said by the attachment "these firms survived by using the low costs of their suppliers as the source of their competitive advantages as well as their specialist knowledge of the sources of the product in the region". except that we develop the advantages that low costs and professional knowledge (low cost and specialist knowledge will also be challenged from another same competitors; in my personal opinion, these cannot be the strengths of the company), we also need to find potential foreign brands and represent their brands as authorized distributors.

  the most important, we need to capture business chances by our intelligence and diligence. i.e. sunglass is a very famous brand of italy in the world. as i know the company has established its factory to produce sun glasses and exhibition in dongguan city. one of my friends visited me before national day and he said one of his friends got a potential order about glasses shop funiture from friends. he showed me the layout of the funiture, i help him to translate it into chinese because his english is not good. i seeked out the details of the layout and the customer is actually sunglass. but we gave up the chance finally because the capital reserve in our hands is not sufficient at all. 共2页,当前第1页12

  2. at the same time, we have to focus on the details. you will see what i mean if you once read the book "detail is the key of success". take an another example. i am serving for one of hk independent distributors and our business is not good since the beginning of . some sales came in and dismissed after three months because they can't make profit for the company; some purchasers are also not professonal in this field though their english level is emt-8. but fortuntely i made profit almost 13k plus 17k usd gp in the past one month (aug-sep) with my sales. our customer is a big manufacturer in Chinese Taiwan and they urgently need 10k elpida sdram. we are sure they have already sent the inquiry to many brokers and only we found the sourcing. the sourcing is not online sourcing but offline sourcing, so all of our competitors didn't find it out but us. this is just "detail is the key of success". we read it, we practised it !

  why i am taking the two examples is just would like to show how we make the business successful and smooth. that is also my answers to your first and sceond questions. i hope this can be a little useful for you...

  lastly, i wish i can unerstand your company more. i logged in your company website and found no any details on the website, just understood the company is a medical equipment trader exporting to western countries. i have been looking for a permanent job with promotions and raises where i can find good harmony and team work. i hope the company is the one what i have been looking for and i am the one what your company is looking for !

  happy national day one more time ! after all, just one time every year ! let us enjoy ourselves, i need to take a bath now.

  see you !

  jack cai

















法院(court),是世界各国普遍设立的国家机关。主要通过审判活动惩治犯罪分子,解决社会矛盾和纠纷,维护公平正义。人民法院是中华人民共和国的国家审判机关,中华人民共和国设立最高人民法院、地方各级人民法院和军事法院等专门人民法院。本站今天为大家精心准备了2023年区人民法院上半年工作总结及下半年工作计划,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年区人民法院上半年工作总结及下半年工作计划  今年以来,区法院在



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凡事预则立,不预则废。有计划,就等于明确了工作的方向和方法,就有了工作的标准流程。就不会出现先射击后画靶子的情况,打到哪儿就算哪儿。以下是本站为大家整理的关于卫生院工作计划6篇范文,希望能够帮助大家~卫生院工作计划 篇1  为认真贯彻落实《卫生监督稽查工作规范》的相关要求和省卫生厅《关于印发20XX年安徽省卫生监督稽查工作计划的通知》(卫监督秘〔20XX〕451号)文件精神,全面推进我市卫生监督各



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  工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。下面是i乐德范文网为大家带来的2023年暑假计划三篇,希望能帮助到大家!  2023年暑假计划一篇  光阴如梭,时间在飞快的流逝,初二这一学年,不知不觉的过去了。初二是一个过渡阶段,他是为初三时期要面临中考打好基础,把初二的所有课程学好,才能让初三的



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