
更新时间:2023-03-31 10:53:39 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc



  Good evening,everyone! The theme of my speech today is "I love the motherland".

  Some people say, "China's existence itself is destined to be a miracle. There is no need to doubt it." Indeed, in this short XX years, disasters have brought us grief, but they have not depressed our will, but more united us and united us. With strength, faith and love, we have stepped on all disasters. This courageous force comes from a young country, a nation with 5000 years of splendid civilization, and even more from the 1.3 billion hardworking and brave Chinese people.

  Time can't wash away the history of lead China. He has witnessed the ups and downs in the past XX years and is unforgettable in the past XX years. History has long become the past, but we need to look back and understand. The poverty and backwardness of the past and the "sick man of East Asia" in the past no longer belong to us. Now we have used the Oriental arrow to fly GDP and make it rise at the fastest speed on the horizon. In the United Nations, in the OECD, in the Boao Forum and at the financial summit, the world has never been so silent as today to listen to our voice.

  Walking proudly in 20XX and looking forward to the future, the Chinese nation will be prosperous and strong, and the Chinese people will be happy and healthy. In the future, China will show its colorful figure in front of the world, stand tall in the world with brilliant achievements, and leave our own story in the long river of history.

  Summarize the experience of XX years, aftertaste the wind and rain of XX years, praise the glory of XX years, and remember the history of XX years. We are happy to feel that we are a Chinese and the descendants of a dragon. Aftertaste the XX years of the Republic. We feel too much, move too much, and have too much to thank. Standing at the crossroads of history, looking back and looking forward, I wish my motherland better and stronger with a 17-year-old heart!

  thank you!


  Dear teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  Dream is ideal, ideal is desire. I think dreams are the purest, most beautiful, most lovely and most appreciated thing in people's hearts. In this way, my dream also has unlimited value, so my task is to pursue and realize the purest thing in my heart.

  My dream is to help others and make them happy. This dream is really small. Compared with other people's police and doctors, it is just a small sand submerged in the desert. But I am willing to be a volunteer. As the saying goes: help others and be happy yourself. After all, through my unremitting efforts, my sand will slowly converge and become a desert larger than the Sahara desert.

  Of course, dreams are like this. Let people strive to pursue them, whether they are big or small. My dream is so small, small and insignificant, but it makes me full of blood, pursue it all the time, and make me eager to realize it. Maybe that's the dream.

  I am keen to pursue my dreams. Although I have encountered many difficulties on the way to pursue my dreams, as long as I actively deal with them, what can't be resolved?

  Let's sing the poem of He Qifang: I am full of ideals and desires for life. With this attitude to meet the future, success may be waving to you.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  The title of my speech is "happy to see life, smile to welcome life".

  In the journey of life, we often encounter setbacks and failures and fall into all kinds of unexpected difficulties. At this time, please don't feel inferior and don't easily say: I can't do it. We should treat life with a positive and optimistic attitude, have the courage to cheer ourselves up and say to ourselves: great.

  There is such a story that the father's son's grades were mediocre and the family was "in constant war" all day. In the sound of scolding, his son's grades fell again and again, and finally became the penultimate first. My father thought, it's no use beating and scolding anyway. Just try a different attitude. So he looked at his son's test paper and said with a smile, "great, really great!" The son was surprised. The father said, "you think, a person who runs last doesn't have to worry that others will surpass him, but as long as you work hard, you will surpass others." After hearing this, his son suddenly realized that he worked very hard in his future study. After several exams, his son's grades rose to the top. From this story to see our study, we should be inspired: the exam is not ideal, depressed, we might as well say "great!" Because the exam points out our weakness in study and tells us the direction of our efforts.

  It's better to find problems now than to stumble and wake up in the middle school entrance examination. Failure put an end to yesterday, a new life begins here, and success takes off from here. Let's say "great" to ourselves in the face of setbacks. For us growing up, ups and downs are nutrition, and setbacks are the best university in life. Let's say "great" to ourselves in the face of difficulties. In overcoming difficulties, we continue to mature.

  As long as we are worthy of ourselves and our parents, let us treat our study and life with an optimistic attitude, constantly strive to forge ahead and write a brilliant movement of life!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  Today, I am very honored to stand under the solemn national flag and speak for you. As the young generation in the new century, we are the hope of our motherland.

  The future of our motherland will surely belong to us. As students, the first thing we should do is to love our school. How can a student who doesn't even love his own school love his own country? Loving school is a very specific and close action. The school provides us with a good learning environment. Teachers work hard to cultivate us. This is the cradle of our growth. As students, we have no reason not to love our school.

  Every student should protect the image and honor of the school like loving his own eyes; We should sincerely respect our teachers. We should consciously protect every plant of the school, beautify the natural environment, create an elegant cultural environment, and make the school a real garden and paradise; We should also love each other like our brothers and sisters. Let's love and learn from each other and grow up happily together!

  We should cherish our time, study hard, work hard, win the excellent results of each school section, and contribute our part to the motherland in the future, so as to repay the school that raised us and our beloved teachers!

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders, teachers and students:

  Good evening,everyone!

  Falling leaves and returning to their roots, that is to be grateful for the cultivation of soil; The suckling sheep kneels down to the mother, which is to be grateful for the feeding of the ewe. The grace of parents' upbringing, teachers' education, the cultivation of the country and the care of friends all need us to cherish with our lives, thank with our sincere hearts and repay with practical actions. This is what I call gratitude, gratitude to others.

  Gratitude is a basic conjecture of life, an embodiment of the quality of life and the basis for the beauty of all life. Gratitude is a great wisdom in life, which can make us feel the beauty of nature and life, maintain our positive, healthy and sunny state of mind, and have gratitude. We will be less picky about others and more appreciative and grateful to the environment.

  If you are not grateful, happiness is far away;

  If you will be grateful, happiness will be full.

  Students, let's always be grateful; Cherish every gift of life, report to others with our true and beloved hearts, love the collective, contribute to the society, appreciate life and explore life!

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders, teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  There is a fable that a man caught a young eagle in an eagle's nest on the top of a high mountain. He took the young eagle home and kept it in a chicken cage. The young eagle pecks, plays and rests with the chicken every day. He thinks he is also a chicken. When the chicken grows up, its wings are plump. The master wanted to train it into a falcon, but because it was mixed with chickens all day, it had become a chicken and had no desire to fly at all. The master tried all kinds of methods, but they didn't work. Finally, he took it to the top of the mountain and threw it out. The eagle fell like a stone. In a hurry, he flapped his wings desperately. In this way, he finally flew up!

  This fable tells us that if we don't know how to fight, struggle and explore the potential deep in our hearts, we can never fly, but just a chicken in a cage. I think this may be the true meaning of autonomous learning!

  Here, we would like to thank the teacher for providing me with a shortcut to the end of learning, and let us rekindle the courage to climb the peak of learning. He is like a spring slowly surging in our hearts, he is like a flower of success thriving in the soil of knowledge, and he is like a mountain eagle flying in the broad blue sky again in the fable! Finally, I wish our self-management and cooperative learning will blossom better and better!

  Thank you!








热门标签: 演讲稿 简单 英语









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