
更新时间:2023-04-26 19:31:32 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

Name: Gender: Male

  Wedlock: Married Nation: Han

  Residence: Guangdong-Huizhou Age: 35

  Location: Guangdong-Huizhou Height: 174cm

  Target Locations: Guangdong-Guangzhou、 Guangdong-Huizhou

  Target Positions: Quality/Safety Management-QA/QC Manager/Supervisor

  Quality/Safety Management-Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor

  Target Jobs: Quality manager、 SrQuality supervisor


  1995-09 ~ 20_-07 Zhengzhou University Design of machine Bachelor Degree


  20_-06 ~ 20_-11 Honeywell six sigma center Honeywell six sigma GB core course

  20_-07 ~ 20_-07 Yujie Management Consulting Guangzhou ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001 internal auditor YUJ09-EMS-5511

  20_-04 ~ 20_-04 First Priority Think on your feet -

  20_-09 ~ 20_-09 Bureau Veritas Guangzhou ISO 9001 internal auditor GZ/QMC***

  20_-05 ~ 20_-06 Sony Group China Sony Six Sigma Black belt training

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (20_-08 ~ Present)

  Company Type: Joint Venture Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics

  Job Title: QA/QC Supervisor Positions: QA/QC Manager/Supervisor

  Job Description: -IQC/OQC/IPQC management,

  -Supporting Sourcing group to choose good suppliers

  -Monthly Report for suppliers’ quality status

  -Management of OEM/Cooperative factories

  -Supporting on QMS building

  -Quality Team management

  -Make quality control flow improved

  -Support NPI in quality function

  -Started to manage the Speaker workshop department from the middle of May, 20_

  -Push six sigma fundamentals training for whole company, completed in end of 20_

  -Improved main construction & processes of quality department

  -Support QMS built ISO 9001 quality management system

  -Lead Honeywell six sigma GB training & projects in May(planned to complete in end of 20_)

  -Six Sigma GB project: (Reduce metal materials DPPM) metal parts’ IQC reject ppm reduced- from 440,000 to 170,000

  -Use six sigma tools, reduce the wastes & re-layout the lines in speaker workshop, made the productivity increased from 83% to 87.5% at the end of 20_

  -Enhance quality level in speaker department, no customer complaints happened in the second half of 20_

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (20_-07 ~ Present)

  Company Type: Joint Venture Company Category: Other Production,Manufacturing,Processing

  Job Title: Positions: QA/QC Manager/Supervisor

  Job Description: *Team Leader of ISO 9001 project, building the ISO 9001 system of this company

  *As the EHS Supervisor, take charge the EHS(Environment/Healthy/Safety) management job of whole company

  *Tea Leader of ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001, building the two system of this company

  *In charge of the Quality Department in High Voltage Disconnector. Also manage the calibration job.

  *Support the sourcing department to audit our suppliers

  *Built the ISO 9001 system of GHD, make all the staff attend the ISO project.Passed the ISO 9001 certification audit in Jan, 20_

  *Take charge the EHS job- no FR accident happened till now.

  *Built the OHSAS 18001/ISO 14001 system of GHD, make the system run good.Passed the OHSAS 18001/ISO 14001 system certification audit in Sep, 20_ and got the certificates of***in Oct 20_

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (20_-12 ~ 20_-07)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics

  Job Title: Positions: QA/QC Manager/Supervisor

  Job Description: * To reach the quality targets by six sigma skills

  * To keep the quality system right and improving.

  * To solve all the line quality problems, reach the line quality targets and improve the managing skills with QM skills.

  * Underlings' managing

  * Supporting on customer's requirements

  - FY04 1H/2H, PIC of Quality management on CD-R model/portable model/PSP model.Quality targets reached (No serious quality problems, no serious customer complaints).

  - FY05 1H/2H, PIC of QA/safety/calibration management. No calibration problems happened and safety audits passed successfully (UL audits*3 /CCC audit*1)

  - FY06 2H PIC of quality management on sony PS3 model. Customer ASUS requirements reached.(Target: 500ppm on return goods, actually 286ppm)

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (20_-08 ~ 20_-12)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics

  Job Title: Positions: Technical Support Engineer

  Job Description: * On-site in Customer‘s production lines & support on customer’s quality targets

  * Analysis of customer's defective samples

  * Customer complaint solving & CS system improvement

  - In FY03 1H, Main protable customers' quality targets reached.(Philips,1000ppm /Ngailik, 5000ppm)

  Reason for Leaving: Promotion

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (20_-07 ~ 20_-06)

  Company Type: State Owned Enterprise Company Category: Other Production,Manufacturing,Processing

  Job Title: Positions: Machine Design and Manufacture Engineer

  Job Description: Electric connectors designing

  Special Skills

  Professional Title: No

  Computer Level: junior

  Computer Skills: Be familiar with any office software.

  Be familiar with two mail system: Microsoft Outlook & IBM lotus notes

  Have good PC hardware knowledge

  Strengths: * More than ten years experiences in product quality control. Be familiar with many quality management skills

  * Be familiar with familiar Quality system/Environment system/Safety system. Good at system building,spreading,certificate & maintaining.

  * Good manpower & team management experience.

  * A good team player.

  * Very skilled with six sigma tools

  Language Skills

  Chinese: Good Cantonese: Very Bad

  English Level: CET-t

  English: Good

  Career Objective

  Career Direction: I have good experience in quality control/EHS control/QMS/EHS, I want to work as those kinds of positions.


  Self Info.

  Self Assessment: I am a seasoned quality Manager. I have totally 11 years working experience. Nearly 7 years working experience in quality department of Sony and 2 years in EHS & QMS department of Areva T&D.

  Now working in Honeywell Tenggao (Guangzhou) A/V.

  I have more than 10 years experience in quality control (8 years in management). Familiar in normal control tools, I am also own a Sony Six Sigma Black Belt certificate & a Honeywell Six Sigma GB core certificate.

  I am able to work under great pressure & manage a quality team well



  Honeywell Six Sigma GB core certificate 20_-12-06

  ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001 Internal Audito 20_-07-01

  ISO Internal Auditor/Registed Auditor 20_-09-18

  Sony Six Sigma Black Belt certificate 20_-05-20








热门标签: 简历模板 英文 质量






意识形态工作是党的一项极端重要的工作,不断深化对意识形态工作的规律性认识是新时代的一项重大课题。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了对意识形态工作的监督执纪报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  对意识形态工作的监督执纪报告  县直工委:  根据省、市和《中共__县委办公室关于印发党委(党组)意识形态工作责任制实施细则的通知》(办【__】)112号)精神,按照《中共__县委宣传部关于报送意识形态工作情况的通知》



党支部:是党组织开展工作的基本单元,是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,是团结群众的核心、教育党员的学校、攻坚克难的堡垒,在社会基层单位中发挥核心作用。本站今天为大家精心准备了2023年度基层党支部书记党建工作述职报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年度基层党支部书记党建工作述职报告   今年以来,在市委、市政府的正确领导下,我始终把深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神作为推进基层党建工作的源动力,认真思考、谋



回访教育是纪检监察机关对受党政纪处分人员所进行的后期教育,是纪检监察机关发挥教育职能的直接体现。本站今天为大家精心准备了回访教育情况报告3篇,希望对大家有所帮助!  回访教育情况报告1篇  今年以来,xx区纪委把对受处分人员的回访教育作为提升执纪实效的重要抓手,紧盯回访教育全过程,采取精准有力的措施,加强对受处分人员的教育管理和关心激励,进一步巩固和强化执纪审查效果。  回访前仔细“把脉”,做到“



纪检监察是党的纪律检查机关和政府的监察部门行使的两种职能。 i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了派驻纪检监察组组长2023年个人述职报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  派驻纪检监察组组长2023年个人述职报告  各位领导、同志们:  我是市环保局纪检组长,按照组织分工,协助分管纪检监察、机关事务等工作。现将今年的工作简要述职如下。  一、加强学习,提高素质。  一年来,我始终把政治理论加强学习,提高素质。和



自查报告是一个单位或部门在一定的时间段内对执行某项工作中存在的问题的一种自我检查方式的报告文体。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了关于加强单位互联网工作邮箱管理自查报告范文,希望对大家有所帮助!  关于加强单位互联网工作邮箱管理自查报告范文  根据《关于加强互联网工作邮箱管理的通知》的文件精神,结合我中心实际,对互联网工作邮箱管理工作进行了专项检查,现汇报如下:  一、加强组织领导  明确领导保密职



党建一般指党的建设。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了新时代高校党建“双创”工作申报书,希望对大家有所帮助!  新时代高校党建“双创”工作申报书  一. 成绩清单  (一)组织发展情况  艺术学院学生第一党支部现36名学生党员,负责学生第一党支部工作的教师共有2人,学生入党积极分子770人。在2023年6月30日转出学生党员25人。  (二)组织开展的各项活动  为了提高广大学生党员的党性修养,增强
