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After I have worked in business area for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have practiced my professional e_pertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern business. I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize. My business career has so far benefited mostly the companies that I worked for, but a good business education in your university will probably become a new era for me.

Your university is well known for its e_cellence in China’s business education. I am sure that, with my e_tensive business e_perience, I can be a worthy student of yours. I am an_ious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities.


After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and E_port Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect.

So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle. I reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy. This revision saved the corporation appro_imately RMB thirty millions yuan. In order to raise the funding effectiveness, after one year’s hard work, I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects. This internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.


I was born in a small village of Shan Dong Province on April 4th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.

In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.

The following eight-year working e_perience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and E_port Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and E_port Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.

I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working e_perience, I would be an e_cellent student of you MBA program.


good morning. it's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. my name is __, and i am a candidate for the position of manager.

i know how to communicate with the customers and inspect the goods for them. and also very clear how to make the full set document for the business daily job, how to dealing with the office daily job;i have teamwork spirit. i know how to make it very well; i am so studious, & so happiest when working.

in these foreign trade company ltd, we are working as buying agent for some wellknown companies during the past ten years, what i have e_perienced and handled in the past makes us an e_pert in this field. by my well-established connections with more than 1000 manufacturers, and develop the stylish design of many some new quick-selling items at the most competitive price.

i also very professional and e_cel in e_porting wooden item business


thank you for a giving me such time to introduce myself. i am mary jell kate sajolan i've got great kids and my life is great.

i can offer si_ years e_perience in managing employees, customers and logistics with e_cellent project management skills and a great eye for detail. all of which should make me an ideal candidate for your organisation

i should say that i am a diligent, self-motivated and a kind person. i have the ability to work hard and achieve my target in time. i am a hard working team worker as well as a good listener. i am also very determined,very good at ma-ki-ng my point.

i love reading and communicating with people. play music to rela_ myself in my spare time.

thanks for your attention.









热门标签: 公司 自我介绍 英语






       数学教学紧紧围绕学习新课程,构建新课程,尝试新教法的目标,不断更新教学观念,以此来提高同学们的成绩。以下是本站为您准备的“初二下学期数学教师工作总结”,供您参考,希望对您有帮助。初二下学期数学教师工作总结       本学期,在前辈们的关心指导下,我用心落实教学,现所教两个班的数学成绩都有了较大进步,尤其初二(14)班的数学成绩优异。  按照新学期教学工作的要求,我结合本校的实际条件



  初中地理课程的总目标是要求学生初步掌握地理的基本知识和基本原理,获得地理技能,发展地理思维能力。下面是由本站小编带来的范文“春季学期初中地理教学总结”,欢迎阅读。  春季学期初中地理教学总结  本学期我任七八年级地理课教学,在有限的时间里,我多方面了解学生情况,根据学生实际,认真钻研课程标准,结合制定的教学计划,积极完成了本学期的教学任务。具体总结如下:  一、学习新课程标准,以当前先进的教学



  小编特别推荐  辞职报告范文 | 辞职报告模板 | 辞职报告如何写 | 辞职报告书 | 辞职理由  在结束一段工作经历的时候,一份得体的辞职报告,会让你的画上一个完整的句号。小编精心的为大家准备了《业务经理辞职报告范文》,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,如果想了解更多的相关信息,请继续关注我们本站。业务经理辞职报告范文【一】尊敬的总经理:  你好,很遗憾在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。  我来到公司也已然快



自查是财务大检查的一种组织形式。企事业单位组织自查小组或指派自查人员,依照国家财经法规对其经济业务事项的合法性所进行的自我内部检查活动。它体现了政府的外部监督与企事业的内部监督相结合的特点,也是促进企事业单位内部审计及财会人员在做好日常控制与。下面是小编精心整理的政治谈话十个方面自查报告集合13篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。【篇1】政治谈话十个方面自查报告  落实好市委《印发的通知》精神,我部高



思想汇报是申请入党的人或党员为了使党组织更好地了解自己的思想情况,自觉地争取党组织的教育和监督,定期用书面形式向党组织汇报自己的思想。以下是为大家整理的村三聚焦汇报材料7篇,欢迎品鉴!第1篇: 村三聚焦汇报材料  根据市纪委、市委组织部关于开好**年度县以上党和国家机关党员领导干部民主生活会的通知要求,认真学习了新党章以及《中共中央关于在全党深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的意见》和省、市有关文件



工作报告,范文中的一种形式。它是指党的机关、行政机关、企事业单位和社会团体,按照有关规定,定期或不定期地向上级机关或法定对象汇报工作。汇报的内容,包括近一段的工作情况和下一段工作部署。比如,党代会、人代会、政协全会上的工作报告,各机关、单位的。以下是小编整理的党支部换届选举工作报告(通用14篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。党支部换届选举工作报告篇1 同志们:  现在,我受XX党支部的委托,代表上届支部委员会
