
更新时间:2023-05-15 11:37:08 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



  I’m writing to tell you about a recent discussion our class have had on whether or not university students should be financially independent.
  60% of the students think that university students don’t have to be financially independent, because trying to make money will affect their studies. They also think that they can repay their parents in the future.
  25% of my classmates hold the view that doing part-time jobs will help one gain work experience and learn more of society. Besides, when students find it hard to make money, they won’t waste their money any longer.
  15% of the students, including myself, partly agree with the opinions above. Personally I think that as grownups, we should not depend on our parents any more. However, if our parents can afford to pay the tuition for us, we should put our studies in the first place. Thank you for reading my letter Yours,


  I began to practice English writing a year ago. Though I’m very glad to say that I have made some progress, I still have a long way to go. Some pen friends and my classmates asked me how I improved my writing. Here I’d like to tell my story.
  When I began to learn writing last term, I made many mistakes in grammar and also in idioms. I often thought in Chinese and just translated what I had in mind into English. My English teacher, Mr. Sun, helped me. He pointed out my mistakes and told me that I should try to think in English, not in Chinese, pay attention to English grammar and idioms, and use simple sentences whenever I can. I did as he said. When I finished writing, I read it very carefully and checked it up. As soon as I found out mistakes, I corrected them at once. I have kept on doing this and found I am making fewer mistakes than before. My teacher says I have improved a lot and he encourages me to continue practicing. No pains, no gains. Through nearly a year of practice, my writing has improved. I’m very lucky that two of my short English articles have been carried in the newspapers. I have become even more interested in writing. I’m an ordinary girl and I’m not very clever. But I know it is very important to keep on practicing. Practice makes perfect. So I think three things are important in learning writing: first, we must be sure of ourselves; second, we sh ould pay attention to English grammar and idioms; third, we must keep on practicing and be more careful in writing. Do you think so?


  The Huang Mountain is a place of interest. here are lots of tourists seeing sights every day. Years ago, some of them paid no attention to environment protection. They threw about waste paper, plastic bags and tins. Besides, they killed animals, caught birds, destroyed trees and flowers. Worse still,
  they often made a fire to cook in the forest. That was dangerous. Changes have taken place now. When tourists leave, they take away rubbish with them. They no longer hunt animals. Plants are also protected. All the tourists carry their lunch in order not to start forest fire. We must sing high praise of the good deeds.














是否在为写寒假日记而烦恼呢?i乐德范文网为大家提供《四年级寒假日记300字15篇》,欢迎阅读。1.四年级寒假日记300字  家家户户洋溢着节日的气氛,商店里的商品竞相打折降价,这家“让利”,那家“亏本”,搞得每个商店里都挤满了人,连气都透不过来。你瞧,乐购

300字作文2023-05-03 20:05:21



400字作文2023-05-03 20:05:47


海洋世界就是以海洋文化,海洋动植物为主题而开发的公园。i乐德范文网为大家提供《小学生作文海洋馆游记》,欢迎阅读。1.小学生作文海洋馆游记  放暑假了,我们就可以出去玩,爸爸说:“完成暑假作业,就可以出去大玩特玩。”  终于写完暑假作业了,真开心,我问爸爸可

小学作文2023-05-03 20:05:46


公园是个美丽的地方,那有山有水,花花草草真漂亮。i乐德范文网为大家提供《公园游记四年级作文5篇》,欢迎阅读。1.公园游记四年级作文  今天妈妈带我和弟弟去公园里玩。  我们在去公园的路上看到了许多各种各样的车辆。在县委门口和部队门口看到了许多黄花和红花,拼

小学作文2023-05-03 20:05:45


时间飞逝,暑假终于来临了。i乐德范文网为大家提供《五年级暑假日记500字大全》,欢迎阅读。1.五年级暑假日记500字大全  暑假到了,我绷紧的神经也终于得到了放松。虽然如此,但过于放松自己也不是什么好事。今天是暑假的第一天,妈妈给我布置了不到2个小时的作业

500字作文2023-05-03 20:05:25


我盼望已久的国庆节终于到了。i乐德范文网为大家提供《小学生三年级国庆游记作文300字》,欢迎阅读。1.小学生三年级国庆游记作文300字  十月一日天气晴朗阳光明媚,我和爸爸妈妈一起重庆旅游。  我们乘坐飞机到达重庆后,万里晴空,特别炎热,路上的车辆特别拥挤

小学作文2023-05-03 20:05:24