高二年级英语作文:Christmas Eve_1200字

更新时间:2023-05-15 13:42:56 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

The night before Christmas, people are bringing a sleeping quietly under the moonlight, the earth, on a quiet, they are waiting, waiting for the arrival of the new year.
  See, that's who, a boy. He quietly sat in the window, watching the moon, seemed to be waiting for someone, but he was waiting for whom? Now, who else would come? I was somewhat puzzled by his behavior. But he is still sitting in the window waiting for, but sometimes look back at the clock
  Bell rang, which means that the upcoming new year, the boy's face appeared in a trace of a smile, suddenly, two reindeer pulling a car from the Moon Ben Lai, the car away from the boys, getting closer, boys excited : "Santa came! birth to old Laila!" he instinctively ran outside, loudly calling Santa Claus, Santa Claus with a smile, said: "My child, what gift you want?" "My lame foot, and students often do not, and I play, I am very sad. "" I know you want anything. "Santa Claus finished and walked out.
  Early morning sun is so bright, the boy blinked his eyes, and found himself in the foot, and no good, he began to not believe in Santa Claus, then, the boy walking out of bed, watching the students the freedom to playing, watching watching, he smiled , laughed so naive, bright, he had never had such a laugh. He gradually realized that Santa Claus gave him the best in the world is a gift - Happy



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高二年级英语作文:Christmas Eve_1200字.docx







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