
更新时间:2023-05-15 15:19:51 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.   The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already serious air pollution.   In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited. We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.
  Today's weather is really strange, morning or cloudy day.At about six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky began to float to the surf-ace of a thin layer of fog, enveloped the mountains in the distance.I thought it was night hazy horizon.After five minutes, when I once again fell on the window overlooking the distance, accidentally discovered the windows on the more granular beads, thin look, each a small drop of water contains a mass of black dust and small particles, my strange.Then we go the distance, tall buildings as if on a soft white yarn, neon decorative ribbons and more ethereal; parking cars also opened the fog lights, the lights like a beam of light, very beautiful.   Gradually dark days down, the window drops more more, slowly, small water sucking more.All the window is so quiet and beautiful, I can not help but also deeply attracted by the....... while I am engaged when, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it is raining cats and dogs.The rain beat against the glass, the dust can also be washed clean.Just the fog, was also blown no shadow.Hey, this is not to say natural book haze phenomenon?I brought home a thick "one hundred thousand why", ha ha, finally found -- to, this is the haze!It is cloudy phenomenon because the air suspension with a lot of smoke, dust particles encountered water formed, make the line of sight fuzzy and lead to decreased visibility.No wonder there are tiny spots of the particles of glass, originally is the dust in the air is in trouble!Because air pollution is more serious, so the haze weather more, harm is greater.Sometimes the car can not be opened, the plane could not be landed.To reduce haze weather, we have to protect environment, more trees, a variety of grass, improve air quality, for the benefit of mankind.


  高二年级英语作文:Environmental protection_2000字

  高二年级英语作文 :American TV Dramas_2000字

  高中英语作文:网络的利弊 The Internet

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  高一年级英语作文 :An Unforgettable Day_800字

  高中元旦英语作文模板:New Year Plan 新年计划







以下是i乐德范文网为大家整理的《六年级周记50字:动物故事》的文章,供大家参考 今天是星期日,吃完午饭爷爷给我讲了两个故事,名叫金鸟 和晚奴南北。从前有一个国家的国王非常喜欢越国的一只金鸟, 千方百计都要把这只金鸟买回家,可那个卖主就是不卖,还说: “这只

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我们都知道要保护我们的眼睛,所以要多看看绿色,多看看远方,所以在我的书桌上有一盆绿色植物,已经陪我挺久的了。大家猜一下是什么?  我书桌上的植物是绿色的,叶子很有光泽,尤其是刚长出来的叶子,嫩绿的颜色,如果放在阳光下,肯定都能反射出光来。叶子的形状是有点像

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母爱,如大海,容纳百川  母爱,如露珠,滋润心田  母爱,如明灯,点亮前方  母爱,如港湾,温暖舒适  ······  当我们呱呱坠地时,睁开双眼,第一个看到的人,是母亲;当我们咿呀学语时,叫:“妈妈。”第一个,会心笑的人,是母亲,当我们第一次学会走路摔倒

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本文《五年级周记50字【三篇】》由i乐德范文网小学生作文频道整理,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享~感谢你的阅读与支持!【篇一】做汽车  我最喜欢的是汽车,我真想自己有一辆汽车,于是我就开始做汽车了。  首先我用一个长方体的盒子做车身,接着拿一个正

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