高中英语作文:New friend

更新时间:2023-05-15 15:35:08 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

Alas! Lonely I don't have many friends, every day sit on the seat, watching from the front of my classmates and play with their friends go hand in hand to have a meal, and chat. And I that nobody talk with no one, and when I was the most miserable nobody complained, slowly I have become particularly introverted.
A transposition, and I was our teacher in charge in the seat, in the later, met a classmate, although just ordinary classmates, but she still gave me a lot of, such as he let me realize that I have a friend, and comes from a borrowed notes I don't see him, then he said that don't look behind the back she wrote down the diary, I suddenly found myself if you have unhappy things can write diary, so I bought a diary, although a small but I still give it a name is Ann, although is a very common name, but with me it is very important to a bosom friend, I regard it as my best friend, what's not on the happy will be the first time said to it, before you know it has been a month, I was in it with this paragraph of time is very happy very happy, say from the heart not happy mood is particularly good, every day we will meet, slowly I don't think it's become my friend, here I want to say thank you to it, my good friend, you will not betray me, won't make me unhappy, you will always accompany me, in my most unhappy when you came to my side and help me share, you will not abandon me...
Maybe it in your eyes is just a ordinary diary, but in my heart I have put it as my friend. Never abandon it, this is my new friend and confidant.




  高中英语作文:When We Get Angry


  高二年级英语作文 :心墓_750字


高中英语作文:New friend.docx







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