
更新时间:2023-05-17 19:15:57 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

Choosing friends that are either similar or different from one self can be a difficult task. Friends that share many similarities can offer a common purpose and way of life that is reassuring. Friends who are vastly different, on the other hand, may challenge and expand one's mind, opening new vistas of thought where there were none before.
  Despite powerful arguments for both sides, I prefer friends who are different from me. First of all, choosing friends who are different from me allows me to learn from others. For example, I have a dear friend, who although not academically inclined like myself, is a master with technology. He works with television news stations preparing their broadcasts for dissemination to the public. I,
  On the other hand, am technologically challenged. Despite my technological weakness, my friend has taken me under his wing and showed me some ‘trick of the trade' in sound and video editing that I would have mastering technological innovations, without becoming friends with someone who has a disparate skill set than my own, I would have never learned about the work that goes into producing a television broadcast.
  Secondly, choosing friends that are different has challenged me to reassess my own world-view. My best friend growing up in the United States was a recent immigrant from South Korea. His family was a traditional Korean family, espousing communal values over individualistic ones, and promoting tradition and respect before innovation. Being American, however, I was raised with an individualistic attitude toward most aspect of life. Rather than ask for help, I would often struggle to overcome the challenge myself. Spending time in my Korean friend's home made me ponder the opposing world views of ‘communalism' and ‘individualism'. I eventually came to the conclusion that incorporating a bit of each perspective in my life would provide me with the greatest balance.
  In conclusion, I prefer choosing friends that are dissimilar from me. Having such friends has allowed me to learn from the skills that they have that I do not share.
  In addition, choosing friends who are different from me has helped me realize that opposing approaches to viewing and interacting in the world can be blended into a harmonious, personal world-view. Friends are vital to life. Having friends that are diverse is both a challenge and a joy, two factors that help provide a rich and rewarding life.





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  “4月1日!愚人节!愚人节的愚人事可真好玩,而这一天也是我盼望已久的。  愚人的事情可多了,不信我就给你举几个例子。比如今天早上下课时,邵李约兴高采烈地说:“大家静一下,我告诉大家一个好消息!我今天带了火龙果,数量有限,大家抓紧时间,快来吃啊!过时不候

满分作文2023-05-17 10:05:33


每年的四月一日,是西方的民间传统节日——愚人节(April Fool's Day),也称万愚节。随着网络的普及,愚人节也不仅只是单一的现实中的玩笑整蛊,早已延伸到网络上,每年愚人节都会有各式各样的愚人节整人页面在网络上广泛流传。下面是i乐德范文网为大家准备

满分作文2023-05-17 10:05:32


每年的四月一日,是西方的民间传统节日——愚人节(April Fool's Day),也称万愚节。随着网络的普及,愚人节也不仅只是单一的现实中的玩笑整蛊,早已延伸到网络上,每年愚人节都会有各式各样的愚人节整人页面在网络上广泛流传。下面是i乐德范文网为大家准备

满分作文2023-05-17 10:05:52


愚人节整人方法一:请别人吃饭  大部分餐馆都是先吃饭后结账,请你的同学吃饭,等你吃饱了就去上厕所,上完厕所就溜之大吉,在餐馆的门口发短信给他说:突然有事,我先走了。接着就在门口等着看他恼怒的表情。  愚人节整人方法二:点歌  准备好一个饭盆或搪瓷脸盆(其他

满分作文2023-05-17 10:05:51


今天是愚人节,上学之前一再提醒自己:要小心,小心,千万不要被整到。  结果,唉,被整得好惨好惨...我怎么这么容易上当...  1  和同学走着走着,同学很随意的说:你的鞋带散了。  我低下头,很认真地看了半天,抬起头,很疑惑的说:没有啊?  2  有个同

满分作文2023-05-17 10:05:50


愚人节作文:Happy愚人节  太阳初升,我与同学们一同踏着阳光,伴着鸟鸣,来到了学校开始了自己崭新的一天学习生活。  我与小谢,一边谈笑一边往教室走去。到教室门口,小谢伸手推开门,脚刚要迈进去。说时迟那时快,一块黑板擦从天而降,差点就砸在小谢头上。班里传

满分作文2023-05-17 10:05:58