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A song "At the foot of Baiyun Mountain" sang my current mood. Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be your tour guide today. Let me introduce myself first. I am very special. I am a wheat growing in the south. Today I want to introduce my hometown, Guangzhou, Yangcheng. Please forgive me if there are any shortcomings in the explanation!

Let me introduce Guangzhou briefly first. Guangzhou is a famous cultural city with a long history of more than 2200 years. However, Guangzhou was not called Guangzhou before, it was called Renxiao City until 220 AD_ The name of Guangzhou came into being in and has been used ever since. After so many years of development, Guangzhou has become a major city in southern China and is affectionately known as the southern gate of China!

Now let's take a look at the map of Guangdong Province. Guangzhou is located in the south central part of Guangdong, the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta, neighbors Hong Kong and Macao, and the Pearl River, China's third largest river, flows through it. As you can clearly see, Guangzhou is the most dense point of the railway network. With such a good geographical location and favorable climate, Guangzhou has a beautiful name "Flower City", although it is not as spring like as Kunming all the year round!

Let's go into Guangzhou again and look at the map of Guangzhou. Guangzhou is composed of ten districts and two cities. In recent years, Guangzhou has been carrying out the development strategy of "moving east and expanding south".

A brief introduction to Guangzhou, I wonder if your understanding of Guangzhou will deepen? Little gossip, let's start our journey today!

At the first stop, we will go to Taotaoju for "morning tea", then go to Baiyun Mountain for a breath of fresh air, and then we will go to the antique Xiguan Grand House for sightseeing. In the afternoon, we will take the subway to the "Animation Star City" to feel the animation culture. Finally, we will end our journey today in the beautiful night scene of the Pearl River.

Fellow friends, now we are here at Taotao Residence. Speaking of Taotao Residence, it is a time-honored restaurant in Guangzhou. When we come to Taotao Residence, how can we not talk about the tea drinking culture in Guangzhou? Drinking morning tea has become an indispensable part of life for most people in Guangzhou. The greeting we meet in the morning is usually "Have you had tea yet?" It can be seen from this that people in Guangzhou love drinking tea. However, people should not think that drinking morning tea is simply going to the teahouse to drink two pots of tea. In fact, people in Guangzhou drink tea late and early and chat over tea. It can be said that the process of drinking morning tea is a process of exchanging information and feelings! In Cantonese, drinking morning tea is also called "sighing tea", and "sighing" means enjoying in Cantonese!

After talking about tea culture, let's try the usual breakfast in Guangzhou. If you see the familiar steamed buns with rice noodles, such as' fried dough sticks', your mouth is watering.

How can we not take everyone to feast our eyes when wheat has taken everyone to eat? Now we are going to Baiyun Mountain, which is called the "City Lung" of Guangzhou.

"There are clouds everywhere in the famous mountains, where white clouds monopolize spring", which is the most true portrayal of Baiyun Mountain. There is a saying that "if you don't get to Baiyun Mountain, you can't count yourself as Guangzhou". In fact, because Guangzhou has a relatively large urban area, and Baiyun Mountain is located in the northeast of Guangzhou, Baiyun Mountain has become an oasis in Guangzhou, creating fresh air for Guangzhou. Stop gossiping. Let's go inside and have a look.

Baiyun Mountain covers a large area. It is divided into six scenic spots, including "Luhu Lake Scenic Area", "Moxing Mountain Scenic Area" and "Mingchun Valley Scenic Area". Now we first come to the "Luhu Scenic Area". The water area of Luhu Lake is 21 hectares, which is called "Jinye Pool". You will find that except for luxuriant trees, there are tall buildings around Luhu Lake. That's because Luhu Lake is an artificial lake, which was dug and built by Guangzhou citizens during voluntary labor. Now it is one of the four artificial lakes in Guangzhou. If we go further, we can see the scenery around Luhu Lake. In addition to something to see, of course, there is something to play with! Here is another fun Luhu Children's Paradise, where you can find many children's interests! In addition, if you go further, you will come to the barbecue here. This is really a good place for friends and relatives to visit. You can exchange your barbecue experience by the way!

All tourists are following closely. Now we come to the Magic Star Ridge Tourist Area. This Magic Star Ridge is awesome! Originally, it was called the first peak, 382 meters above sea level. Later, Kangxi named the first peak Magic Star Ridge when he painted the Baiyun Mountain Roll! It is said that "if you don't get to Baiyun Mountain, you will not have been to Guangzhou". In fact, "if you don't get to the Magic Star Ridge, you will not have been to Baiyun Mountain"! It can be imagined how important the location of Magic Star Ridge is!

Now we have come to the top of the Magic Star Ridge. What you can see is the sign of the top of the Magic Star Ridge. Come here, you can not only breathe fresh air, but also feel the majesty of the small mountains and the urban landscape of Guangzhou City. Do you want to go down when you come up?

Then we came to the Forest of Steles in Guangzhou. The original name of the Forest of Steles in Guangzhou was "Baiyun Temple", which is one of the ancient temples with a long history in Guangzhou. Unfortunately, as early as the Anti Japanese War, the Baiyun Temple was destroyed. Now you can see that Guangzhou was rebuilt by the government in 1992. Come here, you can enjoy many poems and songs that praise Baiyun Mountain!

Now we are walking forward. What you are seeing is the famous landscape of Baiyun Mountain, named "Baiyun Songtao". When you see this scene, I don't know what you will think of. Wheat will think of the spring tide of Qiantang River. The people in Guangzhou have a saying: why watch the tides in Qiantang, and listen to the waves on the Yunshan Mountain! I wonder if it resonates with you? Besides, our old revolutionary predecessor Dong Biwu also came here and wrote the words "white clouds and pines" in his own handwriting!

Now we come to Nengrengu Temple, which is located in the Mingchun Valley tourist area. This Nengrengu Temple has always been famous for its magnificent momentum. Many people come here to admire it. It's said that it is very effective! However, one of the characteristics of this ancient temple is that there is no incense in it. In fact, this is what the government did to purify the air in Guangzhou and prevent mountain fires! Go inside, you are now at the architectural center of Nengren Ancient Temple, the Mahavira Hall! Every year, major religious ceremonies are held here!

Please follow me closely. Now we really come to Mingchun Valley. The reason why Mingchun Valley has such a name is that it is home to many birds. The total area here is 56,000 square meters. There are more than 150 kinds of birds and more than 5000 birds. So it is also affectionately called the Bird Paradise! Birds flying freely like this can be seen everywhere!

Besides being beautiful, Mingchun Valley is also interesting. There is a village called Maori Culture and Sports Village. Do you know what kind of village it is? In fact, it is a combination of Maori culture and Maori sports in New Zealand, so that people can enjoy the beautiful scenery while doing sports and experiencing Maori culture! What you see is grass skiing and slide sports, as well as the exciting "bungee jumping", which is also called "bungee jumping" in Guangzhou dialect, but it is not a stupid pig that will jump. If you have the courage to challenge the limits and feel the excitement, such a sport must be suitable for you!

We have finished the tour of Baiyun Mountain, are we still reluctant to part? Don't worry, we have more surprises in the next stop! The next stop is Xiguan Grand House with unique Guangzhou characteristics! The Foreign Daughter in Law and the Local Man, have you seen it? The Kang family lives in the Xiguan Grand House. Don't underestimate the Xiguan Grand House. It is a treasure of Guangzhou residential buildings! However, such distinctive Xiguan big houses are rare. Now there are only about 10 houses with preservation value left. Let's see it first!

Now we are standing in front of the door of Xiguan Mansion. Have you noticed how special these are? Yes, this kind of door is really unique. It is composed of three parts. The outside is a stilt door, the middle is a long door, and the inside is the door. Because this door is made of hardwood, it can both ventilate and have a good anti-theft function!

Now please follow me into the room to have a look! Have you seen the furniture in this room? Don't think they are very old. In fact, besides antiques, there are precious mahogany furniture here! Because in the past, living in Xiguan Mansion was not rich but expensive, so they were very particular about the furnishings in the house!

You can take a closer look at some other furnishings in the room. The room is about 400 square meters long and narrow, which is convenient for ventilation, so it is warm in winter and cool in summer!

Out of the door, there is a patio, which is another feature of Xiguan Grand House! The patio can not only enjoy the cool, but also ventilate and drain water. If you like, you can plant some small plants. It's really worth doing more at one stroke!

And see that window over there? This beautiful window is called Manzhou Window, and it is also a kind of window with good characteristics, which embodies the wisdom of Lingnan people!

Now please follow me up the wooden stairs to the attic! See this attic? Isn't it beautiful? There are green trees around. It really makes people want to live in seclusion here!

After visiting such a quaint Xiguan House? We are going to take Metro Line 1 to Gongyuanqian Station, where you can see our other protagonist today! Don't gossip, let's go!

Now while the subway is still moving forward, let me briefly introduce the Animation Star City to you first! As for Guangzhou Animation Star City, it is reputed to be a gathering place of trendy people from the whole city to the tide. It is also the largest underground theme mall in Guangzhou and the first animation online game experience base in China! Animation is known as an industry sitting on a gold mine. In recent years, Guangzhou is vigorously developing it, and the animation star city is the one that the government has devoted great efforts to!

With these words, we arrived at the station. Now we see the entrance of Animation Star. The big billboard is absolutely not afraid of you getting lost! And this entrance is very special, right! Let's take a look at the night view of the entrance. Isn't it very dreamy and a little bit like the Water Cube?

All right, let's look inside now! The furnishings here are mostly anime characters. Many characters can only be seen on the screen at ordinary times, which can be said to be everywhere. Please enjoy it carefully!

There are also these shops, which are often used by anime lovers. If you are also an anime lover, you should act quickly to see if there is anything you need!

Look, there are lovely Q version clone dolls here! In fact, as long as you give him photos and enough money, he can help you clone a Q version of you in seven days! Very funny, very interesting! Would you like to try it?

In addition to dolls, there are certainly anime costumes here! Those who like to play cosplay should pay attention!

The happy time passed quickly, but it's not time for us to say goodbye! Finally, I will take you to visit the Pearl River. Let's end our journey today in the beautiful night view of the Pearl River!

It's night now. There are many interesting places in Guangzhou! Thank you for your cooperation today. Let's have a pleasant journey. I hope wheat can bring you good memories, and welcome to Yangcheng again next time! If you have any comments or suggestions on my explanation, please feel free to tell me! It's my honor to serve you. Finally, good night!


Yuntai Garden is located at the entrance of the beautiful Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou, in the Santai Mountain Scenic Area to the south of the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area. It faces Guangyuan Road in the south and Baiyun Cableway in the east. It was completed and opened in September 1995. It gets its name from the Yuntai Ridge, which is backed by Baiyun Mountain, and the garden is full of famous and precious flowers and plants at home and abroad all the year round. It is one of the new scenic spots of Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, and also a large garden style garden in China, which is mainly made of various ornamental flowers and trees. It enjoys the reputation of "Pearl of Flower City".

Yuntai Garden is the largest garden style garden in China with a high style, which mainly focuses on appreciating the precious flowers and trees in the four seasons. It is located in Santai Ridge of Baiyun Mountain, covering an area of 120_0 square meters. It is based on the world famous garden - Buchet Garden in Canada. It was designed by Guangzhou Landscape Architecture Design Institute. The Guangzhou Municipal Government invested more than 50 million yuan to build it in 1993. It is the largest garden of Chinese and Western style in China. It gathers the essence of eastern and western garden buildings, gathers the four seasonal flowers at home and abroad in one garden, and integrates international friendship in one garden, becoming one of the tourist windows in Guangzhou.

The structure of Yuntai Garden is quite artistic, integrating the eastern and western architectural art, ancient and modern culture, and showing a unique garden style. There are more than 10 new and elegant scenic spots with different characteristics in the park, including Friendship Garden, Glass Greenhouse, Zuihua Garden, Rock Garden, Sun Square, Waterfall Flowing Colours, Rose Garden, Outdoor Ballroom, etc. The European customs blend with the oriental garden landscaping.

The overall layout of the garden is centered on the wide steps facing the gate. The steps are divided into three parts, with symmetrical marble steps on the left and right sides and special glass paving in the middle. Colorful lamps are installed under the glass. At the top of the glass steps is a small lake, named Yan Lake. At the bottom of the lake, there are annular lights. At night, the colorful water in Yanhu Lake is slowly flowing down the glass steps and replaced by lights into a colorful river.

The water of Yanhu Lake flows down along the central axis, making it the source of the central axis. In order to highlight this source, garden designers and builders built a Roman colonnade on the bank of Yanhu Lake, which not only highlights the role of the attractions on the axis in the Yuntai Garden, but also corresponds to the garden gate with East West characteristics. More interestingly, the builders borrowed the effect of the flower wall in Suzhou gardens and placed a group of totem stone columns behind the Roman colonnade. On both sides of the axis line, different functional areas are arranged in the Yuntai Grand Garden, and more than 200 kinds of rare Chinese and foreign seasonal flowers are skillfully planted in different functional areas. While planting all kinds of flowers on the east side, a large area of lawn is also cultivated according to the ups and downs of the terrain, which looks like a green waterfall from a distance. The west side is the Yiyuan Garden and the teahouse. The center of Yiyuan Garden is a huge earth stone carving. With the earth stone carving as the center, the city flower that has become a sister city with Guangzhou and the national flower of the country where the sister city is located are distributed in a huge circle.


It is located in the Haizhuang Park between Nanhua Middle Road and Tongfu Middle Road. It used to be one of the four major Buddhist jungles in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty (the other three temples were Guangxiao Temple, Hualin Temple and Liurong Temple).

The temple is said to be the location of Qianqiu Temple in the Southern Han Dynasty. The founding monarch of the Southern Han Dynasty built a lot in this area. In addition to temples, there are also dressing houses, Liu Palace and suburban altars nearby. However, since the Song and Yuan Dynasties, most of them have been abandoned as folk houses. Guo Yuelong, a wealthy businessman in the Ming Dynasty, built a mansion at the original Qianqiu Temple, covering an extremely wide area. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the monk Guangmou raised a piece of land from the Guojia Garden to build a monastery, and hung the "Haizhuang" plaque on the old house after a little repair. In the early Qing Dynasty, Liu, the governor, donated money to build the gate. The mountain gate is located at the middle Nanhua Road today. At that time, it was still the "seaside" (the Pearl River was called "Zhuhai" in ancient times). Buddhist temples have scripture blocks (stone columns with scriptures). The name of the temple takes the meaning of Binhai Buddhist Temple.

After Guangmou, two monks, Chi Yue and Wu Wu, built the Buddha Hall and the Abbot Sutra Pavilion successively. In the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1666), Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan, and Liu, the governor, donated money to build it. In the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the Great Hall was built, which was seven columns wide (about 35 meters) and three fathoms high (more than twenty feet and four feet, about seven or five meters). In the second year, a more magnificent Sutra Pavilion and a series of halls and supporting facilities such as the Heavenly King Hall, Weituo Hall and Jialan Hall were built. The Heavenly King Hall is in the middle, with Weituo Hall and Jialan Hall on both sides. The stone platform is built behind it, and the Sutra Pavilion is built on it. The newly built Sutra Pavilion is more magnificent than the Mahavira Hall, with nine columns (about 45 meters) high, which is one third higher than the main hall. In the Qing Dynasty's "Kangxi Ding Building Stele", the pavilion was said to be "green tiles, red roofs (beams), invading the sky and shining the Han Dynasty", which is not spectacular. Since then, Congguan Temple, Western Zen, Jingkong Temple, Songxue Temple, Wuxian Temple, Huachan Temple and other halls have been built one after another. Pavilions such as Dicang Temple, Zhutian Temple and Wenqingzhong Temple have been built. Pavilions such as Xiyin Temple and Jiushu Temple have been built. Buildings such as Yinlu Temple and Kongyuan Temple have also been built. Monk cemeteries such as Putong Tower and Yilu Tomb have also been built. Behind the temple, there are Pine Garden, Ningfu Village, Yilu Pavilion, etc. It is the largest temple in Guangzhou. In the 18th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1679), the Ding Building Stele written by the order of the Emperor Hanlin recorded eight scenes of the sea building, which were: Huatian Spring Dawn, the ancient temple ginseng cloud, the Pearl River Moon Breaking, Feiquan Zhuoxi, Hairi blowing rosy clouds, the night rain in the river city, the stone steps and the orchids, and the bamboo rhyme and quiet bell.

The 18th century was the heyday of Haizhuang Temple, and the scale of the temple was more than three times that of the current site. The front is near the Pearl River and the back is near Wansong Ridge (today's Jinsu Garden to Longfu West Second Lane). The east boundary of the temple reaches today's Tongfu Shangjie Street. There are dozens of pavilions, pavilions and Buddhist halls in the temple. In the 11th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1806), the monastery was specially built as a tourist area for foreigners to receive foreign tourists. It became the first tourist attraction in Guangzhou specifically for foreigners. At the beginning of the Republic of China, Tongfu Road was opened and the temple garden was divided into two parts: north and south. In 1933, Haizhuang Park was established in the north, and the Mahavira Hall was included in the park. In the main hall, there were three ten foot high Buddhas, and in the Heavenly King Hall, there were four more than two feet high Vajra and sixteen statues of the worshippers. Now all of them have disappeared, and even the Heavenly King Hall has been demolished. There were two "ghost bells" in the temple in the past, but one of them exists today. There is an old tower hall behind the main hall. In the hall, there is a seven star rock white stone tower with a height of about ten feet. Under the tower, there are square seats, about five feet wide. The four corners fly up, which is quite spiritual, but also destroyed. Today, only the main hall and tower hall remain in the temple buildings.

During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795), Shen Fu said in his "Six Chapters of Floating Life" that "Haichuang Temple has a huge scale, and banyan trees can be planted in the mountain gate, which can be held more than ten times." Some of these hundreds of years old banyan trees still exist in the park. The old trees and new branches block the sun, which is admired by tourists. An ancient tree in the temple, which was planted in the Ming Dynasty, also has branches and leaves whirling today, becoming one of the wonders of the park. In the Wujia Garden (the former site is now south of the west end of Tongfu Middle Road) of Wu Bingyong, the former great aristocrat of the Thirteen Elements, there is a garden stone, the Tiger Turning Stone, which was moved into the park in 1951 and has become a precious historical relic and wonder in the park.


Huaisheng Temple is located from north to south, covering an area of 2966 square meters. It adopts the traditional Chinese symmetrical layout. On the main axis, there are three gates, the Moon Watching Tower, the Worship Hall and the Sutra Pavilion. The worship hall faces east and west. It faces Mecca, the holy land, during worship. The proportion, color and decoration of the building are all in Western Asian style.

The inscription under the beam of the main hall reads: "The Ding Hai Ding was built in the first year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, and the Xinwei was rebuilt in the fourth year of the Republic of China." "In the 34th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, on the 17th day of the twelfth lunar month of the second lunar month, it was rebuilt." In addition to the main hall, there are buildings such as the Moon Watching Tower, the East West Corridor, the Sutra Collection Room, the Stele Pavilion, and the Light Tower (minaret). The whole temple covers an area of 4.5 mu, with a total building area of 1553 square meters, including 400 square meters for the main hall. The lighthouse of Huaisheng Temple is famous both at home and abroad, and is a valuable architectural monument. The light tower is made of bricks and stones. The main brick walls are plastered inside and outside. The building plane is round. There are two doors at the front and back, each with a corridor. The two corridors spiral up to the exit on the open-air platform on the top of the first floor. In the middle of the platform, there is another round tower. At first, the top of the tower was a golden rooster flying to the phoenix. Golden pheasants or phoenixes are popular themes in Chinese classical architecture.

By the Ming Dynasty, the golden pheasant was blown down by hurricanes again and again. After restoration, in the eighth year of Kangxi's reign (1669), it was blown down by a hurricane again. Later, it was changed into a gourd shaped pagoda roof, and recently it was changed into an olive shaped one. The total height of the tower exposed to the ground is 35.7 meters. According to the investigation of experts, it is believed that there are still several meters of soil buried under the tower. According to ancient records, the tower is 16.5 zhang high. The tower has become increasingly inclined due to its age. In case of an earthquake, the upper tower will inevitably crash. This kind of ancient round brick tower is indeed prominent in China's ancient buildings, which is spiraled up with brick walkways. The most ancient brick pagodas in China, such as those in the Tang Dynasty, were mostly square and revolving cylinder shaped buildings, with wooden ladders and wooden floors going up and down. In the coming generation, octagonal and brick walkways were mostly used to build the tower, but the masonry was simple, which was far from the exquisite technology of the round double corridor of the light tower. Experts believe that the technology of the stair path of the mosque minaret in China has affected and improved the building technology of the brick pagoda in China, which is not a small matter in the history of engineering technology in China. As for the architectural age of the lighthouse, it has not yet been determined. Some say that it was built in the Tang Dynasty, some say that it will be built in the next generation, and some say that it was rebuilt in the Yuan Dynasty. In the 10th year of the Zhizheng era of the Yuan Dynasty (1350), Guo Jia believed that the temple was built in the Tang Dynasty from "Rebuilding the Monument of Huaisheng Temple", "One Hundred Songs of the South China Sea" by Fang Xinru from the south, and "History of Cheng" by Yue Ke from the south. There are about 20_0 religious households in the temple, more than 6000 people, most of whom are Hui people, who follow the religious rites of Gedi State. There are more than 40 square meters of Arabic tablets and plaques from the Yuan Dynasty to the Republic of China. Huaisheng Temple is often visited by domestic and foreign tourists. At the same time, it has received high-level delegations from many Muslim countries. In recent years, the temple itself has also organized a delegation to visit Iran, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

The official name of the Lighthouse, "Huaisheng Pagoda", is located in the southwest corner of the temple gate. Because believers often shout "Bangka (meaning of calling)" in Arabic at the top of the tower when chanting sutras, it is also called "Bangka Tower". In Cantonese, "state" is homophonic to "light". In addition, the tower is located near the Pearl River. In the Tang Dynasty, lights were hung on the top of the tower at night to guide ships coming and going, so it was called "light tower" or "fan tower".

This tower was built in the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty. It is in Arabic style, 36 meters high, built of blue bricks, with a round bottom, coated with lime sand, and has rectangular holes for lighting. In the tower, there are two spiral stairs around the tower core and straight to the tower top. The top of the tower is stacked with brick teeth to form the wire feet. The original golden rooster stands on it, which can rotate with the wind to show the wind direction. It was blown down by a hurricane in the early Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt into a spire in 1934.


Tianhe Park is a comprehensive park located in Yuancun, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. It is close to Tianfu Road in the west, Huangpu Avenue in the south, and Zhongshan Avenue in the north. The traffic is very convenient.

Tianhe Park is mainly characterized by natural ecological landscape. The park is planned to be five functional areas: Baihua Garden Scenic Area, Sports and Recreation Area, Elderly Activity Area, Forest Rest Area and Logistics Management Area.

The park environment is comfortable, the lawn is stretched, the hills are undulating, the trees are green, and the lake is sparkling, which is a natural and fresh wild style. The square in front of the north and south gate is 100 meters wide, with unique architectural style, beautiful plant color configuration, compact layout and modern park style. The most spectacular south gate central axis square is planted with scenic forests on both sides and equipped with various palm plants, which sets off the three-dimensional octagonal flower bed in the center and is more permeated with the flavor of Lingnan gardens. The White Pigeon Square, a symbol of peace and hope, is a place where pigeons fly freely in the blue sky.

In the park, there is also an exquisite garden with Lingnan characteristics, which is elegant and bright. "Yuehui Garden" is located by the beautiful Liuhu Lake surrounded by green willows. It is more interesting to see the merrily playing koi in the lake. The exquisite and beautiful "Yuexiu Garden" is built in the picturesque Cuihu Empire, which is known as the "Qi Lin in the Water", making the beautiful Cuihu Lake a good place for people to draw, photograph and relax. The Hundred Flowers Garden Scenic Area, covering an area of 80000 square meters, contains tea garden, azalea garden, crape myrtle garden and other gardens. It is dominated by plant landscaping, with clear layers and rich colors. There is also a pavilion in the middle of the lake and a circular pavilion with double eaves, which show the beauty of the lake and the mountains in the park. Deng Shichang's Tomb of Clothes of Xiao Mu has become a patriotic education base for young people, which has far-reaching educational significance.

There are supporting amusement projects in the park, which are popular with tourists. There are leisure yachts, happy bumper cars, happy bumper ships, exciting racing cars, pine forest squirrels, forest hunting, swimming pools, tennis courts, sea lions performance halls, children's parks, and science popularization projects such as magic forest and Harbin snow ice sculpture exhibition.








热门标签: 英文






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日常祝福语 2023-03-28


月儿高照耀吉祥,月满人圆日子甜。月圆家圆共团圆,月饼甜美齐乐融。齐围圆桌品秋果,挥杯敬酒庆中秋。欢声笑语家和美,如意安康幸福伴。祝你中秋家圆万事兴!i乐德范文网搜集的《中秋佳节团圆祝福贺词》,供大家参考阅读,更多内容 ,请访问祝福语频道。  【篇一】中秋佳

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漫步在人生道路上,任凭时光之泉水慢慢流淌,追溯着源头您慈祥的目光,依稀回味着过去的模样,您的教诲永生难忘,教师节,祝愿你快乐健康,幸福满堂。以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《欢度教师节赞扬老师的祝福语》,供大家赏阅。  【篇一】欢度教师节赞扬老师的祝福语  1

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秋风送爽佳节至,中秋月圆心舒畅;花香阵阵沁人心,欢声笑语杯不停;举头望月展笑颜,一家团圆乐开怀;借来月光送祝福,情谊满满暖你心。祝中秋节快乐,幸福安康!本篇文章是i乐德范文网为您整理的《中秋节同学给老师的祝福短信》,供大家阅读。  【篇一】中秋节同学给老师

祝福短信 2023-03-28


国庆佳节,短信祝福表真心,祝你:年年美满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气,月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《10.1国庆节给老师的祝福语》,供大家参考。  【篇一】  1、华丽的辞藻要字典去找,优美的词句

日常祝福语 2023-03-28



日常祝福语 2023-03-28