
更新时间:2023-07-21 15:34:06 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx




一、 教学内容


goat sheep horse donkey tomatoes potatoes

Are they? How many?

2、能够听懂并发出与农场相关的简单的指令,如,Shear a sheep.




1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词,如hen, cow, horse, goat, lamb.




2、难点在于A分的Let’s talk 和Let’s learn.



Lesson 31

1. Teaching aims

Let the students master the words and expressions:

family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother and dad.

2. Teaching aids

some word cards

Several photos,

a tape recorder,

3.Teaching steps

1) Greetings and sing a song

Say “Hello” to everybody, talk something about the weather and the date. Then sing a song named “ An apple a day makes a doctor away”.

2) New content

Hand out a photo of many members. Introduce the family members to them. And describe them in English. At the same time the teacher shows the new word cards to them and let them read one by one. Then the students read after the tape 3 times and ask the students to remember the new words at once. Then, the teacher show the picture and let them practice them.

Next let them take out their photos and practice in pairs to introduce and describe each other’s family members. At the same time the teacher write the sentence “ Come and meet my family” “This is my…” “He/She is…” “He/She has…”on the blackboard. After that , choose several students to introduce and

describe his/her family members by using the sentence

styles on the blackboard..


Master the new words.

Listen to the tape and try to imitate.

5.Teaching notes

Lesson 32

1. Teaching aids

A tape recorder, a projector, some pictures

2. Teaching aims

Let them master the sentences:

How many people r there in our family?

Who are they? My family has…members.

Let the students to master the new words and

Expressions: baby, people, member, puppy, only

Baby brother.

3. Teaching steps

1) Greetings

Say “Hello” to everybody and talk about the date.

Sing a song.

2) New content

Show a picture to the students and ask “How many people are there in the family?”

Then ask “How many members are there in your family?” “Who are they?”

Show them a picture of baby and a picture of puppy

And teacher them the new words. Let them read

it one. Ask some one to say the main idea of the text and let them to read. Next, the students read after the tape twice. Then let them practice in groups freely.

Then ask some groups to show the play.

4. Bingo

5. Homework

Listen to the tape and try to imitate.

Recite the dialogue.

The whole text and make up a new story.

5 .Teaching notes

Lesson 33

1. Teaching aims

Let the student master the words : sister, brother, mother, father Baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse

Let the students master the sentences

What’s ur father(mother…)?

My father(mother…)is a doctor(farmer…).

2. Teaching aids

A projector, some pictures a tape recorder

3. Teaching steps

1) Greetings and sing a song

After the greetings let them sing a song “ in my bedroom”.

2) New content

The teacher show them a photo of his family and say “ My father is An officer. My mother is a worker. I’m a teacher.” Then he asks them “What’s your father ? What’s your mother?” Then asks some ones to answer. Practice several times between teacher and students. Them in students. Hand out the pictures of the farmers and so on and let others to guess “What’s the man/woman?” Next, it’s same to the words of baseball player, doctor, driver, farmer, and nurse on the projector. And ask who can read the words. Ask some ones to read.

4. Homework

Let the students recite the new words and the dialogue.

Write the words: sister brother father and mother on the notebook.

6.Teaching notes

Lesson 34

1. Teaching aims

Let the students master the words: look, young.

Let them master the sentences:

Who’s this man? He looks strong.

Is this your…? Yes, he/she is. No,he/she isn’t.

Are they farmers? They look young.

Recite the whole text.

2. Teaching aids

A projector, a tape recorder, some pictures.

3. Teaching steps

3) Greetings

Say “Good morning”to all the students.

4) Warming up exercises

Review the exercise “Let’s do”.

5) New content

Show one picyure on the projector and ask “Who’s this man?”

Then say “He looks strong.” Let the students to guess who is he.

After that, tell them the Chinese meaning of looks and how to

Use it. Then tell the students the main idea of the story in Chinese. Let them read the text after the teacher sentence by sentence. Then read after the tape twice. Give them 3 minutes to

Practice in groups. Choose several groups to come to the front

To act out the story. Hold a compitation in 4 groups to see which

One is the best.

4. Game

Do the exercise “Let’s chant” on page 74. Read after the tape, and do

After the teacher.

5. Homework

Recite the whole text and make up a new play.

6. Teaching notes

Lesson 35

1. Teaching aims

Let the students master the new words:

Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.

2. Teaching aids

A tape recoder, a projector

3. Teaching steps

1) Greetings

Say “Hello” to all the students.

2) Revision

Ask several groups to come to the front to act out the text.

Ask several groups to come to the front to act the new story that

They’ve made up after class.

3) Read the words:

Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.

Let the students to fill in the blanks on page 75.

Read the sentence and ask them to make up a new paragraph about themselves. Ask several students to say sth about himself.

4) Review the chant they’ve learned last class.Choose several students to come to the front to act.


Choose 6 students to come to the front. Let them act as the Father, mother, sister, brother, uncle and aunt. Ask them to Introduce themselves first and then choose 3 students to introduce them .

Play a word game to review the words the students had learned.

6) Tell them sonething about the foreigners and the west countries.

7) Teach them a new song named “ She’ll be coming around the mountain”

4. Homework

Let the students master the new words and expressions. Ask them to make up a new dialogue after class.

5. Teaching notes



1.认识本书的主线人物:Lily、Bill、Angel、Andy、Joy and Lucky.

2.培养学生学习英语的兴趣和良好的学习习惯和课堂常规stand up, sit down ,sit up straight.

3.早上问好等语言good morning!

4.认识书籍 每页有两部分。A 部分和B部分


三、教学难点: 培养学生良好的学习习惯和课堂常规。

四、课前准备: 师备:录音机、教学录音磁带和六位主线人物图片。 生备:英语书


(一)导入: T: Hello ! boys and girls. I’m your english teacher. My name is wu lei .以后大家叫我miss wu . 写板书




(二)新授: T:今天我给你们带来了几位新朋友,让我们来认识一下:

1.教师出示小女孩Lily的图片 T:This is Lily。Her name is Lily。 教师领读“Lily” T:Who is she ?What is her name ?

以同样的方法教授:Bill、Joy、Andy、Angel and Lucky。

教师分别出示图片,要求学生跟学说出人物的名字。 巩固:用快速闪现的方法帮孩子进一步认识人物。

2.T:这两个小朋友非常有礼貌,听,他们在向你们 打招呼 T;Hello,__。



方法:1、师自问自答 2、师领读hello 3、师问生答 ( 对于说得好的学生可以摸一摸老师手里的小朋友图片以示奖励。) 4、生问生答


A 启发学生上课要认真听什么?



听录音讲话,为什么。 (因为孩子年龄小,所以,可以通过实例表演,根据刚才上课时的学生表现,教师要提前纪录,来说说为什么。)

同时,要教育孩子在英语课上,什么时候动,什么时候静。(听口令练习:stop, go )

随后老师教孩子听稍息,立正,起立,问好的语言。 stand up, sit down ,good morning!练习在老师问好后,学生一起说:stand up





1.能听说,认读单词toys, plane, ball, car, boat, doll,train,bus,teddy bear,pinwheel,box。


3. 通过说说画画的活动进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。


单词toys, plane, ball, car, boat, doll,train,bus,teddy bear,pinwheel,box.


学会单词:toys, plane,pinwheel的发音;Let’s chant部分的 说唱。



2. 教师准备B部分的彩色的图卡。

3. 教师准备 一首英语歌曲的磁带



2、全班分两大组来唱第上一单元的Let’s chant。


(1)请同学们说一说你的家里都有哪些玩具,看看谁能说到老师要讲的其中的一个。学生说到的玩具熊,教师就出示teddy bear的图片或实物教teddy bear,带读,并将图片和词卡贴在黑板上。用同样的方法教:ball,plane,boat,doll,car等等。


(3)让学生站起来,一边看动画,一边做动作。随后教师通过动作示范,让学生猜是哪个单词 。


(l)选词竞赛 将学生分为两大组,每组每次各派一个选手,教师说新词中的一个,选手快步到讲台上找到所说词的图片(注意活动的安全性),并举起图片大声读出单词,谁先完成即为胜利者,可为本组赢得一分。

(2)猜猜看 每次请一个同学在黑板上画一种刚学到的玩具,他每画一笔,就请班上的同学用英语猜他画的是什么。如猜得正确,就请下一位同学再重新开始画另一种物品。

(3)Let’s rhyme. 将所学的单词替换上一单元的Let’s chant中的生活物品。教师将全班分为两大组,教师举图片提示,如第一组说:I like a ball.第二组一起说:Me too. 拍手,举第二幅图时两组交换。以此类推。












热门标签: 优秀 小学一年级 格式






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