
更新时间:2023-07-21 20:12:50 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx





1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

T: My kids, yesterday we learnt Sam is going to go to middle school, and he is going to study physic chemistry, history . Today let talk about what are you going to study? (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

1、Review some words about subjects Chemistry ,Math ,history Chinese…

2、T: Look at here. She is lily and he is Peter. We'll watch a video about them. Before watching the video, let's see three tasks.

(1)Look at the pictures and read the text

(2)Listen to the tape and read each sentence.

(3)Students read the sentences and the new words. Then talk each other

3、Talk to a friend. What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.

4、Memory game: How are you going to go to school?

Step 3: Practice

Ask and answer

Where are you going to study?

What are you going to study?


Unit 2 What are you going to study?

A: what are you going to study?

B: I am going to study Chinese, Math History, and Chemistry



1.能听懂、会认、会读study ,History ,Physics等单词。

2.会用what are you going to study ?I’m going to …等语句来描述将要做的事情。

3.能口头会用Where are you going to go ? I’m going to go …/What are you going to do? I’m going to …等语句来描述自己的计划。


1.能听懂、会认、会读study ,History ,Physics等单词。

2.会用what are you going to study ?I’m going to …等语句来描述将要做的事情。

3.能口头会用Where are you going to go ? I’m going to go …/What are you going to do? I’m going to …等语句来描述自己的计划。


Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

T: Boys and girls, do you like games. Let’s play a game, ok? Now take out your books. I say and you show:

Chinese, maths, English, Science, Art, PE, Music.

Now, I show the books, and you say.

Show the words about books, let Ss say quickly.

T: My kids, today we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese. (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

1. . Learn the new lore: middle school, History, Chemistry, Physics

T: Boys and girls, we are in Grade six now. We’re learning these subjects. We’re going to go to middle school this September.

We’re going to be students. And we’re going to learn some new subjects. They are History, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geography…

Show the books and the cards of the words to learn.

2. Practice

Now, let’s practice. Show the card of the word: practice. I show and you say. Show the cards of the words: History, Chemistry, and Physics. Read one by one.

3、say the Chant

Middle school, middle school,

I’m going to go to middle school.

History, History/ Physics, Physics / Chemistry, Chemistry…

I’m going to study History/ Physics/ Chemistry …

Let Ss read the chants. And make a chant by oneself.

Step 3. Learn the text

You are going to go to middle school this September. And Daming is going to go to middle school, too. Let’s learn more about Daming will go to middle school.

1. Listen to the tape.

Listen and find, underline the sentences with “be going to”。

2. Listen again, and answer the questions:

when is Daming going to go to middle school?

What new subjects is Daming going to study?

Step 4: Practice

Remember new words by heart then have a dictation

Only have one minute to remember these words in their own way, then they’ll have a dictation.

Have a dictation: listen and write.


Read sentences , pay attention to the time and say “Yes “or “No”。

呈现句子:Are you going to go to middle school this September? 然后点击时间状语this September,时间状语可以变换:tonight, tomorrow, next year, this afternoon等等,使学生更加明确be going to句式的用法。

Read sentences and choose “am going to, is going to , are going to”。

呈现句子:He …go to middle school this September.点击人称代词He将进行变换:I,she, we, Daming, you, Sam and Amy等,让学生选择“am going to, is going to , are going to”填空,使学生能熟练掌握be动词在不同人称下的变换形式,达到灵活运用。


Unit 1 we are going to speak Chinese

Daming: Physics Chemistry History

Amy: Chinese

1. Where are you going to go this summer?

2. What are you going to do?

3. What are you going to study?



1.能识别词汇:raincoat, 会书写单词:coat

2.学会运用Why are we wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain .来询问和回答有关原因的语句。


1.能识别词汇:raincoat, 会书写单词:coat

2.学会运用Why are we wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain .来询问和回答有关原因的语句。


Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

1、Future tense with “be going to”

2、Vocabulary and phrases: wear raincoat theatre go into be afraid of throw…out of

3、T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 9 Unit 2Because it’s going to rain. (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

1、Look at the pictures and listen to the tape carefully for “because”。

2、Play the tape again and have the students to imitate.

The teacher read the original text slowly.

3、Look and say:Say the right, whole dialogues.

4、 let make silly sentences.

For example:

I’m wearing a dress ,because I’m going to go swimming.

Step 3: Explain the knowledge. (点拨)


2.Notice:“ why”and“ because”

Step 4. Finish a task


do_____ run_________ take________

look________ laugh________ make_________


1. Why are you ________ a hat?

Because it’s going to be ________.

2. Why are you wearing a __________?

Because I’m going to ________football.

3. It’s going to be cold. I am going to wearing a ________.

4. I’m going to ________. So I take my swimsuit.


Unit 1 Why are you laughing


Laugh大笑 smile 微笑

















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