
更新时间:2023-10-10 08:20:17 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


For the first time, my mother tongue at home accounted for the vast majoty of the world. In addition to becoming pficient in telephone communication with someone, it was or less wng to know that fm staying up late to getting the answer to the question was or less wng, which bught a lot of difficulties. If you don't know, let's call him farmers to struggle to get d of poverty for 50 years.

Since then, becse of the satiaction and care for life, they have become accustomed to no matter what they need Be willing to do anything, insist on doing, be prepared to do something.



标签: 新学期


As we all know, in the past few decades, China's economy has dloped rapidly, and the living standards of many people have greatly impved. Howr, in fact, there are still some people living a hard life in ral and ban areas. They need the of the government and society.

March 4 is the national day for ing the poor and the poor. It reminds people to care about a person in a difficult situation. Therefore, people donate their daily necessities, such as books and clothes, and n money to the poor, so that we can be ch together.




My name is Lu Jierui. I am a student of XX middle school in Shanghai. On behalf of my clasates, I wte this article and apply for fund in order to start a pject to those students in financial difficulties gw up in families without worrying about eating.

It does not mean that we will forget those unfortunate peers. If you can sponsor o cooperation, we will be very grateful.




As shown in the fige above, we can clearly see that the employment rate of college students has been declining year by year. The employment rate is beeen% and%. The reasons for the decrease are as follows: first, the employment is shnking, but the employment opportunities pvided by the society are limited.

Some students are easy to find a job. But in fact, some students think that the salary is too low. They don't want to do this job.

They just want to find a salary Water is higher for easy work. Third, as and students enter the University, there is no suitable / suitable staff, so graduates are facing fierce competition.




China's achievements in poverty alleviation

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the chart should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China's achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The graph above exhibits the tremendous change of poor population in rural China from the year of 20_ through 20_. It was about 80 million, approximately 10% of the total population in the beginning. But the number of the poor has been gradually reducing in the following years. Till 20_, it turned zero, symbolizing the success of China’s poverty alleviation.

The remarkable achievements attribute to the poverty elimination project by Chinese government. First of all, it had set up the platform to connect villages and cities, so that the poor people in rural places can work in cities to increase income. Secondly, the plan also worked hard to support the agriculture to raise peasants’ earning. For example, certain technicians were assigned to go there, providing free help to farmers. Their professional knowledge has greatly strengthened farmers’ skills in breeding and planting.

Thanks to the successful implementation of poverty alleviation project, our country has got rid of poverty. And we are sure to greater in the future.

【6月12日 19:00 四六级考后直播解析】

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Dear teachers and students: the voice of Recitation in the campus in early spng, when we are immersed in the colorful life, Li Yun is now facing a white ward, suffeng fm painful torte and choice of death. On Fday, after retning home fm school, Li Yun suddenly vomited and was sent to the hospital. He was diaosed with leukemia.

I hope you can lend a ing hand to this A lovely student.










热门标签: 中国 大学 英语






春天来了,大地回春,鸟语花香,一派生机勃勃的景象。以下是本站分享的作文春天来了,希望能帮助到大家!  作文春天来了  春天来了,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去公园找春天。  刚到公园门口,我就看见了一片绿色的海洋。柳树发芽了,嫩绿的柳枝一条一条的垂下来,随风摆动,从远处看就像维吾尔族小姑娘披散在肩头的小辫儿,走近看,翠绿的叶子上还有毛茸茸柳絮, 可爱极了。  我们走进公园,玉带似的小河映入我的眼帘,天是蓝的

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  暑假是一个汉语词语,是适用于全世界在校学生和教师的一个较长的夏季假期。北半球国家一般在6月下旬至9月1日。南半球国家一般在1月。本站站今天为大家精心准备了2023我的暑假生活作文3篇,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023我的暑假生活作文1篇  快乐的暑假生活还时时在我脑海里浮现,最令我恋恋不忘的是爸爸妈妈带我去水上乐园玩的那一天。  那一天,爸爸带我和妈妈去水上乐园游玩。一路上,我看到了无边无际的

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烈士就是指那些在革命斗争、保卫祖国、社会主义现代化建设事业中以及为争取大多数人的合法正当利益而壮烈牺牲的人员。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了清明烈士扫墓作文,希望对大家有所帮助!  清明烈士扫墓作文  伴着淅淅沥沥细雨,当我们踏入烈士陵园的台阶,才感到雨后的空气是如此清新。春天的气息,雨的味道促使小草拱破泥土,冒出星星点点的新绿,雨后的树林更加茂密,不时有顽皮的雨珠娃娃,摇着胖嘟嘟、圆溜溜的身子

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八一建军节(Army Day)是中国人民解放军建军纪念日,定为每年的八月一日,由中国人民革命军事委员会设立,为纪念中国工农红军成立的节日。本站为大家整理的相关的有关八一建军节的作文400字,供大家参考选择。  有关八一建军节的作文400字  八月一日,这是一个不同寻常的日子,它改变了我国的历史,改变了我们中国人以后的路,可以这么说,如果没有这一天,中华人民还是生活在水深火热的旧社会,它就是八一建军

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