
更新时间:2023-08-30 21:12:47 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



Dear teachers, dear students:

hello everyone!

The topic of my speech is "the hardness of life"

The vast desert, a tree stand, the show is a monument to the image.

Towering mountains, thousands of tree stand up, as is a magnificent the Great Wall.

The long river, all the trees stood up into a dragon of glory.

We are a symbol of too much, and too much. But I believe that my image is not "the gentlest hands, skin, such as Diorskin" Lin Daiyu, nor is the modern "unkempt and shabby", "Su Qier". We are a symbol of hope and vitality. So we show in front of others should be inserted without pleats, face without scale, modest and polite gestures exudes a stream of heroic spirit, the image of the vigor and vitality of the modern new youth, a into the embodiment of the spirit of nature.

Someone once said, life is a kind of hardness, integrity and dignity of life is propped up the hardness of bone. "Better life" and "the Kui back in the day, and not ashamed on the ground", which is always the traditional virtue of the China. Li Bai's "the eyebrow nengcui Zheyaoshan powerful thing, so that I may not be happy Yan" this awe inspiring atmosphere of the verse and whether it will make those no self-esteem people to shame? Loss of self-esteem is a worthless person, and we as the vanguard of the times, if drown in the darkness forever, or to do a dauntless hero, a flower in the wind and rain sonorous rose. The answer is self-evident.   Desert desolate also has the monument stands, Castle Peak again proud, but also have the great wall around, the river again quiet, also there is a dragon in the recumbent. But the time can be changed, our image, our glory remains the same. Because we pride, because we are confident, because we have a fresh life. And because of this, it is a vast desert riparian long, Qingshan was evergreen, the hardness of life is forever.


Good afternoon, teachers! First please allow me to introduce myself briefly。

My name is Xie Tianyuan。 I am 17 years old。 My birthday is Jan。 1st 。 It’s just New Year’s Day。 I e from Class 13, Grade 2 of Junan No。 1 Senior High School。

I am a cheerful teenager,so my hobbies is extensive。 In my spare time I like playing table tennis and soccer。After school, I like to surf the Internet or listen to music。 I also will put into the reading to enrich my knowledge, in order to understand the world。 I like reading and I often borrow books from the school library。 I enjoy reading books because the books can make me happy and sunny every day。

Then I will say sth。 about my family。 There are three people in my family,my mother,father and me。 My father is a strict but kind man。 He always puts his own heart on his business。 My mother is a teacher。 She does pretty well。 No matter what they do, or how busy they are, they always give me their deep love。 I love them, too。

As long as you work hard,there will be a harvest。 This is my motto。 I’ll follow this path and study hard。

That’s all。 Thank you。


Nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it。 Nothing is easy if you don’t try your best。

We often hear people say, “Never give up。” This can be encouraging words and words of determination。 A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails。 In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have。 Therefore, I believe that we should never give up。

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything。 It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again。 Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people。 Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort。 If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted。 Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives。

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln。 Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life。 He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown。

He could have quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country。

Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up。

In short, it is important that we don’t give up when working for our goals。 Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to bee better, more confident people。 Furthermore, if we give up, we have no chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day。Thank you very much!


As the saying goes, what wakes you up in the morning is not your alarm clock, but you dream. The future is unknowable, but dream give us the direction some moment maybe the reality is harsh and you are suffering much. If you have a dream, even a very small one, it will light your life in the darkness and keep you hiding from the reality, for dream will give you the energy to fight.

However, sometimes it seems that what is practical and sensible does not connect with your most treasured dreams. I am a freshman ,indeed my college life is not as colorful as imagined before,all plans and goals just be hung up。I’m very afraid that even if I graduated from college, I still couldn’t find a job and then had a better life. Faced with the cruel reality,we college students should really make good use of these facilities and learn as much useful knowledge as possible。Then after graduation, we would find it’s much easier to get a decent job.

When I am a little girl,my father gave me two cups filled with soil,he asked me to water one cup every day。Two weeks later,tender leaves appeared in the cup that I watered everyday。Father said to me:“The seed represents for your dream,without sweat and effort,it won’t come out no means will your dream turn into reality if you never pay for it.”

From this story I learn that If I intend to full my dreams ,I must work hard,make efforts ,and get prepared ,otherwise I will get no possibility to succeed.


Let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today.

"Mum, I'm sorry, but I need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year."

"Mum, it is my friend's birthday tomorrow, I must buy her a present."

"Mum, this jacket was out of fashion long ago, would you do me a favor? "

Take. Take. Take. The relationship between a mother and a child always seems to follow such a pattern. I know my mother is always there for me, providing me with everything I need; from food to clothing, from tuition to pocket money. I never thought twice about all she did until one day she said, "Will there be a time that you'll say you have taken enough from me? "

Like a child endlessly asking, we humans, throughout history, have been continually demanding what we desire from nature. We enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation. We take it for granted that we must warm ourselves in winter times, yet we seldom realize the burning away of precious natural resources. We appreciate all the prosperity from the development of modern industry, yet few would give the slightest consideration to the global air and water pollution caused by industrial wastes. Our ruthless exploitation has permanently impaired our mother earth. As we tragically learned from last summer's floods. we cannot continue our carelessness.

Finally, standing here at the threshold of the 21st century, we cannot help thinking of our posterity. Nature is not only the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to come.

How severely our descendents will criticize us if we leave them a barren and lifeless mother? How much more they will appreciate us if we give them a world of harmony to inherit? Let us start respecting and caring for nature from now on. Let us start the campaign of creating a mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature right from this moment. With this new start, I firmly believe, that our children, and our children's children will live in a brand new age of green trees, clean air, crystal water, blue sky and an even more promising world!








热门标签: 英文 范文






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