
更新时间:2023-11-05 15:31:00 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


There is no dou that we have only one blue planet that we have to ptect, and the blue planet pvides us with food, water and life. But today, o planet is very bad. The atmosphere is getting and trees are being cut down.

We are in danger. We have to contl the rate of population gwth. More importantly, we'd better not cut down trees.

We can't be se whether o dream will come true Now, but at least we can hope for o efforts to make the planet clearer, and it is clear that o lives will also be happy.





As the annual tree planting day is appaching, than half of us begin to ptect forests and trees. We think that only on Arbor Day is the opposite of ptecting forests and trees. We can not only ptect forests, but also keep the ptection of forests and trees on arbor day.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, when there were animals on the earth, plants were floishing, full of vitality and vigor Green, but IQ is far higher than other animals. The reason why human beings appear is regarded as a sharp decline by magical plants. That is becse human beings cut down trees for building houses and sometimes for commercial needs.

A large number of trees are cut down, leaving a lot of for building construction. Becse many people cut down trees and trees without permission, nate is destyed There are many disadvantages of cutting trees. We all know that trees can recover carbon dioxide.

If a large number of trees are cut down, it will greatly reduce the number of trees. Can we stop the sandstorm if the carbon dioxide is not exhaled. The sandstorm hit Beijing o years ago, and the city was shuded in sand and dust.

This is csed by the lack of ptection of trees. We all know that the Central Plains Before, there was a hole in the tiles of the dilapidated bungalows there. The door was made of a piece of wood.

The streets were full of garbage. The dirty Central Plains are now playing with Liangwan apartment buildings. The crystal clear water gently sways the willows along the ver in the breeze.

This is the respect for nate and the importance of ptecting the envinment. I hope ryone Can ptect the forest, ptect the trees, so as to increase the city green life.




Why are trees so important to nate? First of all, trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut down trees, we not only desty the habitat of animals, but also gradually desty the relationship beeen nate. As a result, many spices of animals and plants are disappeang.

Second, cutting down trees leads to global warming. To some extent, natalists compare forests to human beings The lungs. Forests absorb carbon dioxide and other gases that cse global warming, and then release oxygen that is good for humans and other oris.

It makes the air fresh and reduces the noise. If the air quality is poor, people may die fm cancer, or forests also play an important le in prnting natal disasters. Rising temperates can cse water to expand, and it can also pduce water by melting polar ice caps.

Countes near the ocean may have been flooded, but forests can prnt soil esion. Loweng global temperate is the key to maintaining natal balance. Sometimes people are only concerned about money, not about the cost of pollution in the nt of a disaster.

We may be afraid And frustration - o economy has always been based on the earth, and suddenly threatens o svival - we just want this overpopulated, over industalized planet to last longer, and perhaps it's time for us to realize that we should ptect the planet and stop blind and crazy deforestation.











热门标签: 英语






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