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汕头英语一模作文范文 第一篇

Located in the south of Shantou Bay, Jinshi scenic spot is composed of coastal platform and 43 mountain peaks. It has comprehensive characteristics of sea, mountain, stone, cave and human landscape. It is listed as a provincial scenic spot.

There are six scenic spots in the scenic area, namely Xiaoshi scenic area, Tashan scenic area, Yanfeng scenic area, Xianglu mountain scenic area, Bijia mountain scenic area and su'an scenic area. The scenic spots are concentrated in Tashan scenic area.

You can have a bird's-eye view of Shantou Bay from the floating Pavilion on the top of the mountain, but you can see a flock of gulls flying and a hundred geese fighting for the best, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. On the right side is a clear pool. On the left side is an old building in South China. There are old sites of foreign consulates, churches, customs and the famous Jinshan middle school. There are three connected caves at the foot of the mountain. A stream of spring water flows out of the cave. The cave is called Longquan cave. From Longquan cave up, through Taoyuan villa, along the Xinkai highway, you can reach the top of the mountain. The scenery suddenly brightens up. On the front is the Bay Bridge, on the left is the beautiful inland sea, and on the right is the vast open sea.

At the east end of the scenic spot is the temple of Heaven Park, in which there is a natural stone forest carved by hundreds of millions of years of sea water. There is Lishan Notre Dame temple near the temple of Heaven Park. It is a seven storey tower, which is similar to the Drum Tower of Dong nationality. Next to it is Jiutian Niangniang Temple. These two temples are collectively referred to as _baiyunjian Temple_.

汕头英语一模作文范文 第二篇

My hometown is a seashore city—— Shantou.

Shantou lands place motherland southeast coastal have unique natural and humanity environment.

It is a bridge town swim the silk feelings of son Su is fish for sea love.

Shantou is also a culture city literature origin flows out length has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people its culture is immortal.

Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi it has the varied snack of delicious food tide Shan congou is more famous world.

Again besides Shan the environment with graceful head since attracting countless visitor this travel.

After entering the program of _ 115 _ Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain with great efforts.

汕头英语一模作文范文 第三篇

Nan'ao Island is the only island county in Guangdong Province. It is composed of 37 large and small islands, with a land area of square kilometers (including the main island area of square kilometers), a sea area of 4600 square kilometers, and a permanent population of more than 70000.

Nan'ao Island is located in the sea of eastern Guangdong, the center of the three major ports of Kaohsiung, Xiamen and Hong Kong, and is close to the main international route of the Western Pacific Ocean. The coastline of Nan'ao Island is 77 km, and there are 66 harbors, including Yandun Bay, Changshan Bay and zhuqidu. It has the advantages of building deep-water ports and 10000 ton wharves to develop ocean transportation. Qingao Bay on Nan'ao Island is a soft sandy beach with gentle slope, clear water and moderate salinity. It is one of the two grade a bathing beaches in Guangdong Province. There are more than 50 cultural relics and more than 30 temples on Nan'ao Island.

Nan'ao Island is located in the subtropical zone, which is crossed by Tropic of cancer. Warm in winter and cool in summer, the marine climate is very pleasant. The annual average temperature is only ℃, and the air is fresh without all kinds of polluting industries. The air contains 4000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, which is 10 to 20 times higher than that of ordinary cities. Midsummer season, the sea breeze, cool climate, is a good place to summer. Every summer, tourists from home and abroad come here one after another for summer, rest, sightseeing and summer.

Nan'ao Island is known as the _Pearl of the sea in East Guangdong_. It is rich in tourism resources and has the characteristics of _sea, mountain, history and temple_.

Blue sky, blue sea, green island, Jinsha and white waves are the main colors of Nan'ao's eco-tourism. Landing on the island, living on the seashore, bathing in the sea breeze, bathing in the sea and tasting seafood are the happy choices for friends from all walks of life to travel on the island. There are qingaowan provincial tourist resort known as _Oriental Hawaii_, Huanghuashan National Forest Park known as _South China Sea natural botanical garden_, Wuyu nature reserve known as _migratory bird paradise_, the largest island wind farm in Asia, the headquarters with a long history of 158 years, and legendary Gujing and Taizi of Southern Song Dynasty As well as many influential cultural and historical sites, historic sites, temples and so on, all of which are like clusters of exotic flowers competing for water, constitute a beautiful island landscape.

Through the efforts in recent years, Nan'ao County has gradually improved its infrastructure, built a number of tourist attractions and service supporting facilities, and initially formed a county wide tourism network centered on qing'ao Bay. There are 50 hotels, hotels and other reception places, and more than 3000 reception beds. It has a comprehensive reception capacity of _eating, living, traveling, playing, shopping and entertainment_. Nan'ao is establishing the development idea of _big tourism concept, big planning and big development idea_, and is committed to creating a national _4A_ tourist area. It is striving to do a good job in the implementation of the creation work in the past two years, so as to build the whole Nan'ao into a national _4A_ tourist area.

汕头英语一模作文范文 第四篇

Shantou is a coastal city in the east of Guangdong province with a total population of more than 5 million and an area of 2064 square became one of the original Special Economic Zones of China in the has many tourist attractionssuch as beautiful beaches and fresh is one of the most comfortable ciites for people to live in in China.

Welcome to Shantou!



汕头英语一模作文范文 第五篇

Superior Natural Environment Shantou is located in southeast of Guangdong China adjacent to the South China Sea. It is known as _the gateway of east Nanling Mountains and the communication hub of Southeast China_ because of its advantageous geographical location. The city covers an area of 2064 square kilometers and has a population of million people. It has jurisdiction over six districts——Longhu Jinping Haojiang Chenghai Chaoyang Chaonan and Nan'ao County. The SEZ itself takes up 2044 square kilometers of the area.








热门标签: 英语 范文






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