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写害怕的作文范文英语 第一篇

Dear everyone, I wrote this article to help Li Ping. She said that she had a lot of new words to learn, but it was hard to remember. She was very sad because she failed the English exam last week.

In my opinion, Li Ping doesn't need to worry any more. Many other English learners have the same experience at the beginning. It's very important to find a better learning method.

Li Ping can learn by remembering it Secondly, Li Ping can ask her friends for help, because it is better to do things with her friends than to do things alone. I think interest is the best teacher. Li Ping should be more interested in English learning.

It is interesting to use English. I really hope that Li Ping can make great progress. She will never be afraid of the present English Li Hua.




写害怕的作文范文英语 第二篇

My father likes watching horror movies very much. He always wants me to watch movies with him. But I'm so scared that I always cover my eyes with my hands.

I really want to watch horror scenes, but I'm just afraid of monsters. I try to conquer my fear. I tell myself that it's not true.

Ghosts only exist in my heart.



标签: 新学期

写害怕的作文范文英语 第三篇

When I was in the fourth grade of primary school, my father taught me how to use the computer. I was very interested in playing computer. I watched movies, played computer s, surf the Internet, and listened to computer music.

Because my father had to work in his computer, he bought me another one. I was very happy that I had my own computer, which was put in my study. I always used my computer carefully because I was worried that I would damage me Often chat with my netizens because of my computer, I made a lot of friends, of course, have a lot in common, I use my computer to learn online resources, after class I can learn more, which is of great help to me.


写害怕的作文范文英语 第四篇

As shown in the bar chart above, there are a variety of psychological problems among college students. Among them, mental depression, chores, and other psychological problems are at the top of the list. This is indeed a brief explanation of the implied meaning of the above table.

On the one hand, college students encounter more psychological problems than ever before. The reason is that most college students are young and ignorant, and their learning burden is heavy On the other hand, some students are in financial difficulties, so it is necessary to carry out necessary psychological work for college students. It is shocking that at least 40% of college students suffer from mental depression.

This fact can not be ignored, and effective countermeasures must be taken to reverse the current severe situation Psychological problems should be put on our agenda. In my opinion, we should first make great efforts to ensure the healthy growth of college students. Secondly, we should fully realize the necessity of psychological counseling among college students.

In addition, government departments and relevant departments at all levels should make joint efforts to create a more relaxed environment for college students In order to get good development.



写害怕的作文范文英语 第五篇

Mr. Blair, I'm going to the United States on business this weekend, but I'm afraid of flying when I think about airplanes. The last time I stepped on a plane, I was very cold.

I had to get off the plane before taking off. I know you and I have the same experience. How do you overcome it? Besides giving me some guidance and help, do you have any good suggestions? Dear Linda, it is safe to travel by air.

We are afraid to travel by air. Psychologically, I, like you, have a strong phobia. With the help of my friends, I overcame the phobia.

First, you have to overcome your psychological obstacles. Second, you should trust the ability of the flight crew. I hope this can help you.

I wish you all the best in your journey, blair3dear Linda, I'm glad that you can consult me. I'm afraid to fly like you. Recently, I've heard that the probability of air crash is very low.

The most important thing is to overcome the psychological obstacles on the plane. You can ask the stewardess any questions about them. They are very enthusiastic in solving the problems.

I wish you a safe journey and complete the mission of the company. Happy birthday, Blair.


先生,我这个周末要去出差,但是我一想到飞机就害怕坐飞机,上一次我踏上飞机的时候我很冷,我不得不在起飞前下飞机,我知道你和我有同样的经历,你是怎么克服的?除了给我一些指导和帮助之外,你还有什么好建议吗?亲爱的琳达,乘飞机旅行是安全的我们害怕乘飞机旅行心理上我,像你,有强烈的恐惧症我在朋友的帮助下克服了恐惧症,首先,你要克服你的心理障碍,其次,你应该相信空勤人员的能力我希望这能对你有所帮助我祝你在旅途中一切顺利,Blair3Dear Linda,我很高兴你能向我咨询我害怕像你一样坐飞机最近我听说发生的概率很低最重要的是克服飞机上的心理障碍,你可以随时问空姐相关的问题,他们很热心为你解决问题我祝你一路平安,圆满完成公司的使命祝你生日快乐,。

写害怕的作文范文英语 第六篇

When I was young, I was always afraid of the dark. No one was around at night. I would never dare to enter the dark places.

I always sleep with my parents so that they can protect me. I think I started to be afraid of the dark after watching a horror movie. Now that I'm growing up, I'm getting better and better.

I began to realize that darkness is not terrible at all. It's actually peaceful.




写害怕的作文范文英语 第七篇

How to overcome fear everyone has fear, and sometimes it's hard to overcome these fears are not inherited - they are acquired by connecting fear experiences with specific objects or situations, and they can be used to avoid happily facing the object or situation they are afraid of. There are some steps to overcome these fears. The first step is to make sure that you have a fear when you define it It's easier because you can solve the problem directly, gradually expose yourself to fear, and recognize that past events are possible causes of fear, which can help you understand that there is nothing to fear.

After that, you have to understand your fear. Clinical psychologists often use bifocal therapy to treat fear: first, solve the thoughts and attitudes about what makes you afraid; second, counter the body's response to fear; and the treatment tries to show that if you face what causes the panic, there will be no harm. The third step is crucial.

You have to face fear face to face Skills include observing and spending time with someone to deal with things we fear regularly. As long as yoealize that there is nothing to be afraid of, or something you can control, you can overcome your fear. Remember that you need to expose yourself and gradually face fear, but worst of all, don't spend too much time on your resume.

Fear is not inherited, it's one Students learn, but we always have the possibility to overcome it.



写害怕的作文范文英语 第八篇

Some people say that staying in one place all your life is good for your growth, while others don't agree. They prefer to write an article to express your views on this topic. A possible version is: you like to stay in one place all your life.

What people generally care about is whether it is a bad thing to live in one place all your life. But as we all know, a person's Meat is another person's poison. People think that staying in one place for a long time is a better choice.

This attitude has two reasons: first, people who stay in one place can establish a fifth friendship; second, such friends will not hesitate to lend a helping hand when they are in trouble. When people move to different places, they are usually under the pressure of strangeness. In a place with different streets, shops and schools, one may feel lost and nervous.

As the saying goes: fear always comes from ignorant people. However, they have different views on this matter. Some people think that people should not live in one aspect.

On the other hand, people who live in a place for a lifetime will be limited to a kind of limitation One of the real problems with our lifestyle is the lack of passion. On the other hand, people who move a lot have a variety of opinions. As far as I'm concerned, I have the opportunity to appreciate different lifestyles.

I finally agree that people should not stay in one place for a lifetime, not only because people can broaden their horizons in different places, but also because fear will disappear over time. There is no doubt that there is nothing brave without pets.




写害怕的作文范文英语 第九篇

Hope teachers often ask us what we want to do in the future. My good friend Tom wants to be a soldier. I'm different.

I hope I can be a teacher in the future. But my mother wants me to be a doctor and Hermann Ebbinghaus The main reason for any effort to achieve great success is to write down measurable goals, backed by written plans and strong wishes. Adversity is not to punish us, but to help us develop our wit and courage.

You should be responsible, no mistakes, only There is a lesson, no other quality can overcome everything more than perseverance. Even nature, the most powerful force in the universe is love. No matter what you do, you should keep a healthy attitude and pursue beauty.

If you don't do what you fear, fear will control your life.


希望老师经常问我们将来想做什么我的好朋友汤姆希望成为一名战士,我不同了,我希望我将来能成为一名教师,但我母亲希望我成为一名医生,希望我成为一名“智者”(Hermann Ebbinghaus “2世界为知道自己的方向的人让路”任何努力取得巨大成功的主要原因都是明确的、具体的,写下可衡量的目标,并以书面计划和强烈的愿望为后盾,逆境并不是为了惩罚我们,而是为了帮助我们发展我们的机智和勇气,你要负责任,没有错误,只有经验教训,没有其他品质比毅力更能战胜一切,即使是大自然,宇宙中最强大的力量也是爱,无论你做什么都要保持健康的态度和追求美好,如果你不去做你害怕的事情,恐惧会控制你的生活。

写害怕的作文范文英语 第十篇

What should I do? I don't know what I'm thinking, who can tell me why I don't know what I need, but I don't know what it is, who can help me, I'm afraid of loneliness, but when I miss him, I don't know whether I love him or not, but I'm tired, we're tired, I don't know how to continue, maybe it's just the end of the love story, you don't know English, so I use it Because I don't want you to know the best wishes for you for the last time.



标签: 新学期

写害怕的作文范文英语 第十一篇

I'm afraid I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid he's going to say what you said to your face, you're not afraid that you'll be hurt one day. I'm afraid that's not the right way to deal with this. I'm worried that his hope won't come true easily.

I'm afraid he lacks ruthless ability.


afraid afraid afraid afraid afraid afraid afraid afr[ˈfred]adj害怕我害怕,感到害怕非常害怕为什么害怕我害怕他会把你的话当面说了,你不害怕你有一天会受到伤害我担心这不是处理这件事的恰当方式我担心他的希望不会轻易实现我担心他缺乏无情的能力。

写害怕的作文范文英语 第十二篇

My father likes watching horror movies very much. He always wants me to watch movies with him. But I'm so scared that I always cover my eyes with my hands.

I really want to watch horror scenes, but I'm just afraid of monsters. I try to conquer my fear. I tell myself that it's not true.

Ghosts only exist in my heart.



写害怕的作文范文英语 第十三篇

A long time ago, the rich man's wife was ill, she felt that she was going to die, so she and her daughter said: my lovely daughter, don't be afraid, the supreme person is a blessing, the mother died, forever, the daughter cried sad reading these, I am very sad, I cry, to you thick, a daughter without a mother, that fear, the father asked a stepmother, a stepmother has two A daughter and two daughters are very beautiful, but they are hard to see. They say that the lovely daughter is Cinderella. It's hard to hear.

It's hateful,.



写害怕的作文范文英语 第十四篇

Why do you spend time in sadness knowing that you are the source of all happiness? Why do you spend all day in fear knowing that your glance will make the difficulties disappear? Why do you cry and ask for help? Know that you are the best person to help yourself? Why do you feel so weak and helpless? Know that you are in every way, why you feel so depressed, why do you know you are happy Do you feel so pressured to know that you can do anything you want, why don't you take the opportunity to know that you can go through all kinds of disasters, why don't you live a full life knowing that boredom doesn't make sense, you doubt your talents and skills, do you know you can do anything with your unbelievable will why you feel so miserable all your life now anyway, Your soul is indestructible.



写害怕的作文范文英语 第十五篇

Topic: Good morning everyone, boys and girls, sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes I feel depressed, sometimes I feel depressed, sometimes I feel angry, sometimes I feel confused, I have been looking for guidance, I believe you have the same feeling, I have been looking for guidance, the other day when I searched the Internet, I have been looking for life guide Now this article is written by an unknown author. It seems that this article is written for me. Now I want to share with you the life guide.

Considering great love and great achievements, when you fail, there will be great risks. Don't forget these three principles: respect for yourself, respect for others, and responsibility for your own behavior. Remember, not getting what you want is sometimes a good luck to learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

When yoealize you've made a mistake, don't let a little dispute hurt a great friendship. Take a moment every day to correct it, open your arms to change, but don't give up your values. Remember, silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live a good, glorious life, and then when you get old and think about it, you can enjoy it again. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation of your life. Don't talk about the past.

Share your knowledge. It's a way to live forever. Be gentle with the earth once a year.

Go to a place you've never been to. Remember, the best relationship is that you love each other more than you need each other. Your success is judged by what you have to give up in order to get it, close to love and cooking, reckless indulgence.

Find something positive in this message and pass it on to all your friends, children and girls. I hope you can find something valuable for your life. Good luck.




写害怕的作文范文英语 第十六篇

What I fear most is to forget a person. It is not to forget on purpose or to think of it occasionally, but not to ripple in my heart. In everyone's heart, there is a person you can't forget but don't want to put in your phone book.

There is a number you have not called, but you have not deleted from the list. This fear is based on my fear of facing myself. I still don't know what choice is right Or wrong, such a choice is not right or wrong.

Therefore, living in the moment, the only thing I don't regret.



写害怕的作文范文英语 第十七篇

I've heard of you for a long time. I'm a senior high school student from Guangdong, China. My name is Lu Zhiwei.

I know that the changes you have made to the old theory are revolutionary. The new theory is better than the Christian thought. I believe that your new theory will replace the Christian thought and you will live a happy life unless people publish their ideas.

Science can't develop 。 If you put forward your new ideas, science will be better. You know, under the control of a powerful Christian Church, our human science will not make great progress. I think only your new ideas can overturn the old ideas of the Christian Church.

You also have a brave and strong heart. If you go forward bravely, you will become a great scientist. Hemingway said, _for a real man, you will become a great scientist He should always try to do something he has never done or something that others have tried and failed, and then sometimes, if he is lucky, he will succeed, _he added,_ things may not happen right away.

_ _If you make a new point of view, you will lose the weight of a package. If you publish your new theory, your youth will be eternal, because yoeduce the waste of trouble. Think about it, yoemember being afraid of dancing people or monsters at night when you were a child, but now that you are an , you know not to be afraid of things that don't exist, right? You still have fears and worries about things that are not real.

As the person said, _worry doesn't help me, almost all the things that worry about won't happen to me._ the craziest thing is Worry and fear can lead you to avoid things that won't chase you at all. Besides, worry will only make you wrinkle. It's just a few things.












热门标签: 英语 范文







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