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辅导班作文英语范文 第一篇

A game is a kind of recreation after a hard study. We play games in the playground at half past four in the afternoon every day. When we play games we have a very good time.

The boys play more games than the girls. Most of the boys like to play football or basketball. The smaller boys like table-tennis.

Most of the girls like the swing and badminton. They also play other games but they seldom play football.

Games can build up our health. The famous proverb says.“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

So I think all of us should learn to play one or two games.

辅导班作文英语范文 第二篇

To schoolmates who like studying,they can acquire more to go to the supplementary class and broad their horizon; To schoolmates who do not like studying,it is a kind of restrict to go to the supplementary them have a good learning atmosphere,avoid non-understanding in class and situation where nobody teaches after class,which perhaps also can excavate the potential.

It is no doubt that this kind of life is extremely monotonous,arid and tasteless,which obviously disobey our nature of preferring there is no adjustment in the life,life will be insipid just as we have vegetables without schoolmates only can secretly play,or while they are studying,they are it also brings many puzzled new question to parents who are in anxiety:children tend to postpone studying the child blind leisure prospect,he was really eager to is children's instinct,and also is our eagerness.

辅导班作文英语范文 第三篇

According to the fact,cram school become more porpular in the modren has clearly benefits,but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored.

As the professer who specific analysis this module point out,after take full schedule of a day,to have some fitness club is the best choice to achive more both them physical and mental honestly,most of the children does have a positive attitude of their cram scholl,it is consider to take the freedom in their mind.

辅导班作文英语范文 第四篇












辅导班作文英语范文 第五篇

In fact, cram schools are becoming more and more popular in modern society. It has obvious benefits, but there are also management views that we can't ignore. The professor who yzes this module specifically points out that after arranging a day's class, there are some fitness clubs that are the best choice to realize their healthy growth in body and mind.

To be honest, most children have a positive attitude towards cram school and should consider keeping in mind.



辅导班作文英语范文 第六篇

It seems that many students go to take after-school classes, but it is just a waste of time and money. I used to go to different kinds of these classes, too. But later I realized I couldn't do that any more. I began to spend more time reading, doing sports and taking some social activities. Meanwhile, I didn't fall behind others in study.

I prefer to have time to enjoy the nature. It's a wise way to know about the world. So I often put my spare time to good use by watching animals, plants, rocks .around my city. I still remember that day I went to the Forest Park this spring! And I found a few plants appearing in my biology books. It offered me an opportunity to deepen my understanding of my textbooks.

Learning by using is a real practice. I have benefited a lot from it. Now I am becoming more creative and confident than those who are always involved in taking after-school classes.

辅导班作文英语范文 第七篇

I like listening to music and news reports on radio, but I hate listening to advertisements, because they are boring. I listen to news report at seven o’clock everyday, and I sometimes listen to music at ten o’clock. My parents also like listening to news reports. The newsreaders’ voices are very nice. I hope to become a newsreader when I grow up. It’s a good job. So I need to practice reading weekly. The radio sends enjoyment to us. I like listening to the programmes on radio.

辅导班作文英语范文 第八篇

As for parents sending their children to training classes, it is quite common that as long as their children have weekends or holidays, many parents will take their children to various classes. This situation has been hotly debated among the public. Some people think that children should play as much as possible, and children should learn as much as possible because they have a strong grasp of new knowledge.

From my point of view, I think children should be sent to training classes to learn as much as possible so that they can be more intelt. Training courses can broaden children's knowledge. For almost all children, they are very limited knowledge.

But if they are sent to the training class, they can learn various life knowledge. Secondly, the training class helps children improve their skills. There are many kinds of training institutions for children to train certain skills.

For example, many parents send their children to dance classes. Not only can children learn dance skills, but they can practice themselves at the same time. Third, children will be better than those who don't attend training classes.

Learning more skills will be more flexible and smarter than those who don't attend the training course. In general, those who have never attended the training course will benefit their children's future.





辅导班作文英语范文 第九篇

I feel that taking exercise is good for our health. I often felt tired when I was studying before. From this term I keep on running when I get up in the morning. After class I often go to play basketball with my friends. Now I feel much better than before and I never feel tired when I am studying And I improve a lot in my lessons. So please take exercise as often as possible

Last Monday when I stepped into my classroom, my monitor told us that our class teacher, Mr Sun, had passed away in a traffic accident. It seemed so unbelievable because he used to give us lessons on Monday morning. I couldn't accept the fact until the headmaster came to tell us the truth.

Mr Sun was a middle-aged teacher. He was full of sense of humour. We all liked him very much because of his excellent teaching. His lessons were usually very lively and all liked to attend his class. He was an experienced teacher.

Mr Sun will always live in our hearts!

辅导班作文英语范文 第十篇

Attending a opportunity class may be good but it also has a lot of disadvantages,firstly,lets talk about the advantages of opportunity these kinds of class helps you learn more and teaches you more about life,it also helps busy parents take care of their the main point that parents send their kids to opportunity classes are just because they want their kids to have a better score on tests.

And now its the time for the disadvantages of opportunity class,so you know how much pressure these classes adds to kids?All these home works and test makes people felt very tired and in a bad mood,it's vacation but they still had to go to 'schools' for the third semester.

As a conclusion,I don't think that attending opportunity classes is a good choice for kids,vacation is the time for them to relax,but what we are doing now is pushing them too much,no relaxing but only scores,that isn't really sensible,is it?










1、补习班的日子20xx年X月X日 晴暑假生活结束了,令我印象最深的就是上补习班的那段时间,那段时间有欢乐、忧伤、还有烦恼。那时候我和村里几个同学一起去郭家台子上课,要知道从张戈庄到郭家台子要走半个多小时所以每天早上到了老师家之...








热门标签: 英语 范文






1、亲爱的,经过一年的深思熟虑我终于决定,虎年初一我不贴对联而把属虎的你的玉照贴到门上,因为那一定会—避邪。  2、介绍一道祛痘又减肥的秘方:上班高峰期,选择本市某辆爆满的公交车,从起点挤到终点,再从终点挤到起点,如此数回,包您一天之内立竿见影。  3、每

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愚人节的作文:  20_年4月1日——是一个让人兴奋难忘的日子——愚人节!  虽说我已经历了好几个备受愚弄的“愚人节”,多多少少也积累了一些少“上当受骗”的经验,虽说我那天清晨起床时就反复告诫自己:“泽群啊泽群,今天可是愚人节,可千万别上当了啊!”可我还

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愚人节来到,愿你愚人有高招,被愚也欢笑,烦恼全忘掉,HAPPY心情妙。时常开玩笑,幽默人缘好,开朗过每天,幸福乐陶陶!愚人节快乐!《三年级有趣的愚人节作文400字》是i乐德范文网为大家准备的,希望对大家有帮助。【篇一】三年级有趣的愚人节作文400字  还记

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摘要:后来我看到你的左半身钻进士的,然后又跳出来,走到我的面前说,不要一起吗?我的心跳加速.我们没有太多的言语,只是在车急杀车的时候,我的指尖碰到了你的。  突然想写点东西来祭奠逝去的情人节。  青春,深深浅浅地烙在支离破碎的路上,带着些尘埃,揉着些甜美,

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摘要:今天一整天过得一点也不好,甚至可以说是糟透了,可我偏偏还要装出一幅自己很好,很高兴的样子,不然好朋友会以为是他今天没陪我,原因很多,当然也不排除他的原因。  情人节!今天是情人节,走到街上到处看到一对对的情侣,我并不嫉妒他们,可是我觉得好可笑,每个人

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