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  The cold is our most common disease. Millions of people suffer discomfort from one or more colds each year. The cause of this illness is a virus. But as yet no cure has been found. It is believed that rest and liquids help our bodies fight this virus.




  Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to

  1) Accept the invitation, and

  2) Introduce the key points of your presentation.

  You should write about 100 words on the ANWSER SHEET.

  Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use_Li Ming_instead.

  Do not write the address.(10 points)









  以上是中公考研为大家准备整理的“20_年考研英语二大作文参考范文及解析”的相关内容。了解更多相关资讯,敬请关注中公考研。另外,为了帮助考生更好地复习,中公考研为广大学子推出20_考研秋季集训营、一对一课程、推免课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了 解咨询。同时,中公考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!


Dear Professor Williams,

  I feel really delighted and honored to be invited to give a presentation to the foreign students, and I will certainly be careful to prepare for it.

  To let the overseas students know more about our Chinese culture, I think that my presentation is supposed to include at least two key points. On the one hand, I will put much stress on the history of China. You know that China is an ancient country with a pretty long history. On the other hand, I will stress on the main diet in China. The reason is that Chinese people in different regions have totally different inclination to choose food and Chinese food everywhere is quite delicious.

  Those two points are what I would like to emphasize, and I would like to know of your opinions on this and I wish you could give me some further suggestions on it. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  As is vividly in the picture(s),it is a contemporary social issue in China of common interests and permanent picture(s)does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon weighing in the mind,we find an apparent tendency underlying this sight:_______________.

  Simple as it is,what the picture conveys to us is the development of economy and society,competition is becoming increasingly is impossible for anyone to finish a task in mounting numbers put great emphasis fact,it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of_____________is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should examples can be given,but this will case in point is the successful host of Beijing 20_ Olympic Games and the deadly earthquake in Si Chuan cases effectively clarify that really counts in this competition society.

  Accordingly,it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of_____________in our should bear in mind that_____________is of great significance to both our society and should have the ability in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.


  As is subtly in the picture(s),it is a contemporary social issue in China of common interests and permanent picture(s)does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon in China weighing in the mind,we find an apparent tendency underlying this sight:_______________.

  It is apparent that cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of______________in our daily can anyone achieve success in his career competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce,we must defeat our rivals examples can be given,but this will case in point is the successful host of Beijing 20_ Olympic Games and the deadly earthquake in Si Chuan cases effectively clarify that really counts in this competition society.

  Hence,it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the thought-provoking picture(s).For one thing,we should frequently use it to enlighten the another,we should cultivate the awareness of people that every vital to by doing so can we help to make our country a harmonious society to live in and only by doing so can we become winner in the face of difficulties


  The black belt is the highest level in karate. The student must master hundreds of skills to reach this high standard. The beginner must practice constantly, aiming chops and jabs at an imaginary partner. Later the student hardens the side of the hand by chopping into piles of sand. Finally, the advanced student practices self-control. This last step is also the hardest.



  As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China): has attracted extensive attention of the more argumentations about it can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world.

  First of all,______________is crucial for every its seemingly magic power,it can not only accelerate better individuals’development,but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change the equipped with it are always admired and respected,because it may endow them with more competence,chances,self-confidence to overcome difficulties and handle people appear to possess a special charm,bringing to others hope,passion and surprise,and,thus winning others’favor and can directly promote the rapid progress of the organization with its energy and indirectly spurs continuous development with the good culture it continuously promoting the social productivity,unceasingly improving the productive relationship,and gradually enriching human material and spiritual wealth,______________eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony.

  In short,where there is better______________,there are more hopes,vitality and we are benefiting from it,we shall also do our utmost to maintain its vitality to ensure ourselves a brighter future.


  1) The need to train the employees,

  2) detailed information,

  3) ask him to write a plan.

  To:Percy Shelley,Vice President

  From:Li Ming,President

  Date:January 10th,20_

  Subject:Computer Training of the Staff

  As we discussed earlier this week,I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field.

  I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn.

  Write up a brief proposal,describing what you think the program should the class runs four hours a week for ten people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.(128)








热门标签: 英语







满分作文2023-05-21 11:05:26


这篇关于20_蛇年春节除夕夜作文大全,是i乐德范文网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!过年啦!鼠年过去了,牛年来到了。我已经听到了他越来越近的脚步声,闻到了他的气味,看到了他的身影,感觉到了他的来临。 每年除夕夜我们都在爷爷奶奶家过,爷爷奶奶住

满分作文2023-05-21 11:05:52


这篇关于蛇年元宵节作文:元宵节传说,是i乐德范文网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!点彩灯的来历  传说在很久以前,凶禽猛兽很多,四处伤害人和牲畜,人们就组织起来去打它们,有一只神鸟因为迷路而降落人间,却意外的被不知情的猎人给射死了。   天帝知道后十

满分作文2023-05-21 11:05:51


i乐德范文网为大家整理的《关于羊年春节的作文:回家过年1000字》,供大家学习参考!大概要追溯至二十年前,我大约五岁,那时提起过年,我们差不多同龄的伙伴们高兴得就像一只顽皮的猫儿,在家中蹦蹦跳跳的,那股兴奋劲儿——简直像当上皇帝一般。  像我们那时的孩子,

300字作文2023-05-26 20:05:23


i乐德范文网为大家整理的关于羊年迎春作文:喜度新春的文章,供广大家查阅!!更多最新信息请点击节日作文大全  一年一度地的春节又来到了,大街上热闹非凡,无论是男女老少脸上都洋溢着喜气洋洋神情,个个都大包小包地互相拜年,走亲戚,忙的不亦乐乎。  当然我家也从不

满分作文2023-05-21 11:05:50


【小编寄语】以下是i乐德范文网为大家整理的蛇年作文精选《畅谈新年礼品》,文章仅供大家参考:  新年的钟声已经敲响了,同学们开始互相赠礼了。你赠我,我赠你不停顿。礼品店里的老板们也忙的不可开交,一边哈腰点头的接待顾客,一边热情的向顾客推荐新商品,一大把的钞票

满分作文2023-05-21 11:05:58