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初中健康的英文作文范文 第一篇

What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die.

That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.

These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二篇

I have a beautiful hometown. It’s in Huzhou. There are many spaciality in my hometown: ginkgo and so on. My hometown’s economy is very good. There are many factory in my hometown and my hometown’s condition is nice. There are many garden in it and they are very beautiful and big. I am very pride of my hometown. I love my hometown. I will build hometown preferable.


初中健康的英文作文范文 第三篇

Here are some suggestions to keep healthy. Firstly, we should keep a good mood. Keeping a good mood can make us healthy and wealthy. Secondly, we should have enough sleep every day. Dont stay up late at night and get up early in the morning. Thirdly, we should develop a good eating habit, namely eating more fresh fruits and green vegetables, less meat and no junk food. Besides, make sure that eat at regular intervals. In addition, we should change our clothes as the season goes. What’s more, when we are at home, we should open the windows to keep the air clean. Last but not least, do the exercise every day to strengthen our health. Do please pay attention to these points, keeping a healthy body.


初中健康的英文作文范文 第四篇

There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don't hurt yourself trying to make money. Instead take care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more important.

很多人都认为财富比健康更重要。在读到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是这么认为的。Howard Hughes是美国的一个亿万富翁,能得到他想得到的'任何东西。但是在他生命最后的二十年中,他的身体变得很糟糕,他很悲惨。他有最好的医生和护士,但仍得不到解脱。我意识到在这个世界上,好的身体抵得上所有的金钱。因为即使你有百万美元但身体糟糕,也不能做你想做的事情。因此我想说的是关心你的身体,对你所拥有的一切感到高兴,不要为挣钱损害你的身体。健康更重要。

Which is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. I can hardly answer this question. I didn't realize that health is more imporant until I saw a businessman's real life.

A successful businessman, one of my father's friends, devoted himseff to his business. He works from morning to night every day. There is no weekends in his mind. He often says, “I must earn much money so that I can get what I want. ”Lately, he is ill. Though he has a lot of money, he can do nothing but lie in the hospital's bed.

So I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health.




初中健康的英文作文范文 第五篇

How Should People Keep Health Do you want a strong body?Let me tell you how to do.

You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables,and drink lots of boiled should do exercise .You should sleep at least eight in the evening, you shouldn’t drink coffee or tea before sleep,you shouldn’t eat too many shouln’t work or study too hart. The way can keep your health.

Many students do not have breakfast before they go to ’s a quite bad habit and it’s bad for your you don’t have time to have breakfast but you couldn’t learn well in your classes if you don’t eat any thing .Keeping in a good health which can help you study well is very important.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第六篇

My healthy lifestyle

I think I'm very I have a healthy often helps me keep in good eat fruit every love vegetables and eat them three times a I usually drink sometimes drink eat junk food about once a always get up I never smoke.


初中健康的英文作文范文 第七篇

Sports do us good in many goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical collective sports like basketball,volleyball,or football,we will learn the importance of taking part in sports game,we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive can also help us relax after a period of exhausting the saying goes,_there are two sides to everything_,and sports is without may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports 's more,excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between long as we are carefully enough,sports can do us nothing but good.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第八篇




参考词汇:not like, go out of school, be afraid, be back, more delicious, offer


We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn't delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I'm afraid it's bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn't healthy enough.

In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第九篇

Nowadays, more and more people are more concerned about their health than their income and the methods they take to keep fit vary from person to person. For my point of view, there are basic principles to keep fit—reasonable diet, regular work and rest, appropriate exercise and a good mood.


For one thing, I believe that no one will fail to notice the importance of reasonable diet, regular work and rest and appropriate exercise. Only we keep our life regular may we be in good the whole day and keep the disease away from us. And doing exercise has an additional effect for our bodies’ normal operation.


For another, keeping a good mood is also essential for us to keep healthy. Some people do not understand why they still feel not well even though their life is regular. That is because they have too much stress in their mind and cannot relieve it, especially when they are in busy, and even some of them do not have any awareness of the influence that their stress brings to them. Therefore, except for the regular life and exercise, we need to keep a good mood and relieve negative moods in time as much as possible. Although it is hard to achieve when we encounter some unpleased matters, we still need to try our best to do it, or try to shorten the time we are in negative moods.


In a word, no matter which kind of methods we take to keep fit, do not go far away from these basic principles. Only in this way can we get a better effect.


初中健康的英文作文范文 第十篇

As the saying goes, you don’t know what happiness is until you lose it’ you don’t know what health is until you are ill. “Health is of vital importance to life” sounds like a cliche to everyone, but it is absolutely true. The negligence of the delicate balance of your body and soul, the harmful habits such as smoking, excessive drinking and burning mid-night oil will catch up with you someday. How many big plans are interrupted by bad health! Even a normal life is unimaginable without the guarantee of health. How to keep fit is an eternal topic of diversity and controversy. Regardless of all the different suggestions poured from all kinds of sources, one should do at least two things for him/herself.

First, hold an active and optimistic attitude toward life and maintain a mental well-being. Second, live a regular life and keep a balanced diet. Anyway, a healthy life is within reach when you begin to adjust your mind and body.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十一篇

The ways to keep healthy Everyone wants to live long, however, that just depends on your bodys health. Do you know how to keep healthy? Id like to offer you two ways:

1) Proper Dinners: Generally speaking, one should eat 3 times every day. But some students who get up late will ignore the breakfast, which will do a very bad effect on their healty. Anyway, some girls who would prefer to be thin will avoid eating anything or only little during the meal time. Both of the two ways are bad habits of dining. We shouldnt feel hungry or full after dinners.

2) Students are usually very busy with their homework, so they cannot take time to do exercises or too lazy to do them. This is another killer to health. We should at least take time to have lessons or do morning exercises everyday to keep health. All in all, Being in fitness is our goal, its also the basic of all contributions and success.

保持健康的方法 每个人都希望长命,但是这取决于您的健康。你知道如何保持健康吗?我将向您介绍两种方法:


2)学生们通常忙于自己的功课,所以它们没有时间参加体育锻炼或者是因为太懒而不高兴做。这是健康的另一个杀手。我们至少应该参加体育课或者是每天多运动保持健康。 总而言之,保持健康是我们的目标。同样也是成功的基石。

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十二篇

You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me ‘s more, I think friends are an important part of one‘s health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don‘t. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. these things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly....

An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence . Just as the basic need of human beings for survival , like food to prevent starvation , and clothing to keep away from cold...

Despite the efforts made by the government, many college graduates failed to get a good job this year and felt depressed and ashamed. Whats worse, some of them committed suicide, just like Miss Liu in this report....

In recent years, psychologically healthy has become quite a serious problem. As for the reasons psychologically healthy, there are many factors contributing to it....

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十三篇

I like to eat junk food, such as chips, Fried chicken and instant noodles. Eating junk food often makes you fat, makes you ill, and you spend a lot of money. Though I understand these things, junk food is so delicious! For my own health, I must eat healthy food and have a healthy diet. I always eat fruit, vegetables, food, etc. Eat more healthy food, I will become healthier, my body will become stronger and less likely to get sick. While eating healthy, I also need to exercise more, early to bed and early to get up early, do not look at the cell phone often, care for their eyes, do not do dangerous things, this will become healthier!

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十四篇

Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十五篇

Dear editor, I'd like to tell you something about the changes of my hometown. My hometown used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass could be seen everywhere. However, in order to build houses and grow more crops, people cut down more and more trees. As time went on, the wholeforest was almost destroyed. Gradually, the green hills have changed into a wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us now and then, from which we suffered a lot. So, I do hope that all the people should realize the terrible result of not caring about our environment. What's more, we should take good care of the forests and plant more trees instead of cutting them down so as to improve our living conditions. Yours, Li Hua

Dear editor, I wrote to tell you about my worry. In the past my hometown was a beautiful place with green hills around our village. But in recent years,more and more trees have been cut down because people wanted to build more houses and grow more crops. As time went on, the green hills have turned into a wasteland. It is hard to grow things on it. Besides, sandstorms struck us now and then, which brought us a lot of hardships. So, I do hope that all the people should be aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Thinking of the terrible result, we shouldn't cut more trees without planting them any more. Without the forest we wouldn't live a better life.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十六篇

How to keep healthy

What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.

You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. these things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


As we all know, healthy is very important to do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips. First, we should do exercise if we have example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday. Or we can take a walk after exercise makes us healthy and strong. Second, we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies. Stop eating junk food and drinking beers. Last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. We should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. If we pay more attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body. I wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.

我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或者晚饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如果我们都能按照以上的建议注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我希望每个人都有个强壮和健康的身体。


What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.


In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.


What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.


By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


初中健康的英文作文范文 第十七篇

How to Practice Our Spoken English 怎样练习我们的英语口语

In class you need to answer your teacher’s questions. If you meet a foreigner, you’d better talk with him in English. And it is a good way to practice our spoken English. Secondly, you’d better buy a short wave radio to pick up the English programmes. There are a lot of good English language programmes broadcast on the radio. Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand. They are of great help to you in learning English. At last, you can find some pen-friends in English-speaking countries and write to them in English. If you have some questions, you can write them down and ask for some information you need. Thus, I’m sure every learner can learn English well.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第十八篇


Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keephealthy? Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, it is essential to do the following.


First, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. This strengthens the heart, reduces the chance of heart attack, and helps lower blood pressure. That's why more and more people are becoming active in various kinds of sports and exercises. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music. In the afternoon,there are also many people keen on sports. Some play basketball or volleyball or table tennis, others go in for gymnastics or track events. Through sports and exercise, people become healthier and stronger.


Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish. Fat can build up in the arteries, block the flow of blood, and cause a heart attack or stroke.


Getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure one's health a great deal, and therefore should be given up. Unfortunately few people follow this advice.


If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they greatly improve their health.


初中健康的英文作文范文 第十九篇

Modern People’s Health Problem

Nowadays, more and more people have problems with their health. Why do they have so many heath problems? There are 3 basic questions. First, many people have heavy workload or homework.

Second, some people have lots of bad habits. Such as smoking or hard-drinking.

Final, overload works make people have less rest so they have a little sleep time and almost all people have some health problems.

Now, “alleviate burdens on people” is a hot topic. Too much work make people unhealthy. But our health problem is not only heavy works but also no sports or Irregular diet. In order to change these bad habits, we should do sports at least twice a week, eat more vegetables and less meat. I like do sports very much. Basketball is my favorite sport. I always play basketball at school with my friends. It not only makes my health better but also makes me feel better. Eating healthy food is a good way to keep a healthy life because healthy food can make us relaxing.

You can take away anything but if our health is taken away we will lose anything. So let’s keep a healthy life!

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十篇

The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises.

Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for to keep fit.

The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up.

Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十一篇

In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and fish. They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors.

Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often go out for good meals with their families and friends. But they get easy to be ill, Why?

I think more meat and fish, less exercise are bad for health. Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health. So I exercise every day. My eating habits are pretty good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week. And I sleep nine hours every day.

The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十二篇

Today,I want to tell you how to keep is very important for if you dont healthy ,you will to keep healthy ?

First,we must have a healthy of the students like eating fried food such as fried chicken,French fries and so this kind of food isnt good for is unhealthy should eat less fried food.

Second,we must have a good have a good get up early and go to bed exercise regularly when it is six oclock in the I have a strong I go to bed very late,so I should go to bed earlier than before.

Next,We must do some housework at parents are very tired which they do the housework,so we can help them.

By these suggestion,you will be healthy.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十三篇

You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't.

I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十四篇

Food and water are important for us to keep healthy. We must have them every day. If you are hungry, you can eat some food, such as bread, sandwiches, hamburgers, cheese, cakes and so on. If you are thirsty, you can drink some water. After playing sports, you often feel thirsty. At that time, you should drink some water or some orange juice. But you mustn’t drink anything cold; it’s not good for your stomach. If you have a cold drink, you may be ill. Your parents will worry about you, and you can’t go to school. You cant see your friends, you can’t play outside, and you can’t do anything else except lying in bed. It’s terrible for you because it’s too boring. Sometimes you must take some medicines or have injection which is very painful.

So having a healthy life-style and diet is very important for everyone. There’s an old saying; “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” It’s true. Now, let’s remember the saying and pay more attention to our daily life. I think we will be healthier, at least I really hope so.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十五篇

Health is most important for any of us. ]n order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge.

First]y, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber and Iow in fat. As a proverb says, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So fruit is good for health. Don't have a lot of food that contains too much fat, such as butter. Meanwhile, sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, because too much sugar does harm to us. Don't drink too much coffee,either

Secondly, exercise is necessary. Regular exercise can help us keep from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than who don't.

Finally, form good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night,and never work too hard. Over work and little sleep will lead to illness. What's more, stay away from cigarettes.

These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.

健康对我们任何人来说都是最重要的。为了保持健康,我们需要一些共同的知识。 首先,要注意饮食。我们应该吃大量的水果和蔬菜,因为它们的纤维和低脂肪丰富。正如谚语所说,一天一个苹果,让医生远离。水果对健康有好处。没有太多的食物含有太多的脂肪,如黄油。同时,吃甜食也要吃适量,因为过多的糖对我们有害。不要喝太多咖啡 其次,锻炼是必要的。经常运动可以帮助我们保持脂肪。每天跑步的人通常都会有更坚强的心。 最后,养成良好的生活习惯。我们应该在晚上睡8个小时,从不工作太辛苦。过度工作和睡眠不足会导致疾病。更多了,远离香烟。 这是我们应该注意的事情,以保持健康。

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十六篇

The definition of “Healthy Life Style” include a positive living attitude towards life, eating a balanced diet, exercises regularly, which is three to five times a week with at least thirty to forty-five minutes per session. Regular social interactions and regular physical check-up. I would like to add on enrichment personal knowledge in the list.

All of us are very busy every day. Students are facing a piling up of home works and assignments. Blue collars and white collars rush to working places and offices. Traffic jammed, unsolved problems, frustrations, new challenges. Stress became the first thing in the morning. We have forgotten our own needs as human being, until the alarm of our biologic clocks been trigger off. We finally realize that we should have done a little more for ourselves earlier. Because we have ignored what our body tells us, so we paid a higher price.

初中健康的英文作文范文 第二十七篇

All the people want to stay in good health. Health is better than wealth. It is true that health is the first step to success. Imagine this, if you’re sick, all you can do is to stay in bed and do nothing at all, how can you chase after your dreams?But if you’re in good health, you can overcome the adversities you ever encounter and make your dreams come true. Since health is so important for everybody, how can we maintain and enhance our health? There are some useful suggestions:


First of all, we should lead to a regular life. Early to bed and early to rise makes a healthy man. Do not stay up late. Some people love to play cell phones games or reading electronic-books before sleep, this can be bad for the health. We should remember to turn off the phones before sleep. Second, don’t be too particular about food. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables and less sugars and soft drinks. If you want to eat a bar of chocolate, eat an apple instead. If you want to drink milk tea or coffee, drink water instead. Don’t eat too much meat in one week. Last but not least, we should do exercise everyday. There are many exercises for us to choose. Such as, swimming, jogging, square dancing, playing badminton and so on. Doing exercise can increase the circulation of blood and enhance our immune system. The one who in better immune system, the less disease he will have.









热门标签: 健康 初中 英文






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作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。下面是i乐德范文网收集整理的五年级满分作文范文【三篇】,希望对您有所帮助!【篇一】  夕阳、明月、繁星是美丽的,曾有多少位作家、诗人用丰富多彩的语言描写过它们

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