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用英文介绍商城作文范文 第一篇

Shopping malls are popular places for Americans. Some people spend too much time in shopping malls, so they are called shopping mall mouse shops until they come to hundreds of shops under the eaves. ① people like shopping malls for many reasons.

② they feel safe because there are police stations and private security personnel for shopping centers. ③ parking lots are usually free and the weather is very good There are always beautiful waterfalls and a nice rest area. The largest shopping center in the United States is the American shopping center in Minnesota.

It covers an area of one million square feet and has shops, nightclubs and a seven acre parking lot. There are parking spaces for people to shop there every week. The first indoor shopping center in the United States, people like to shop in one place.

There are many shopping centers all over the country. Shopping malls are like town centers. People come here to do a lot of things.

Of course, they also eat in the gourmet area, which has food from all over the world. They go to the theater to watch movies, they can even buy their daily exercise, do the new exercise of walking in the mall, and others go to the shopping mall to meet their friends. In some shopping malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist, or even go to church.

Other people can do almost everything in shopping malls. People can actually live in their favorite shopping malls. Help.

① work under one roof. We work under one roof every day. ② reasons.

Give me your reasons. ③ private security. ④ Minnesota.





用英文介绍商城作文范文 第二篇

My clothing store I have a clothing store. It is very big. There are many beautiful clothes in it.

There are green jacket, blue shorts, yellow skirt and black trousers. A lot of people like to buy clothes in my shop. They are very happy, and the clothes in my shop are very cheap.

Come and buy your own clothes.



用英文介绍商城作文范文 第三篇

Our garden behind our house is a small garden. It is beautiful all the year round. Spring is coming.

The garden is green. The earth is like a green blanket. Birds are singing on the trees.

The quiet garden becomes vigorous in summer. All kinds of trees are tall and strong. The golden sunflowers are open to the sun.

In the wind, some flowers are as red as fire The fragrance attracted many bees to dance around them. When autumn comes, apples, pears and other fruits grow from the leaves, just like the bells hanging on the trees on the ground. You can see oranges and big pumpkins here.

Then it snows in winter. The trees in the garden are covered with snow. The ground is all white.

Only a few green vegetable leaves stretch out from Bennet. It's a beautiful garden.



用英文介绍商城作文范文 第四篇

- male voice: xxxHello, thank you for calling American vision. This is the best optical store for you and your family. Our business hours are from Monday to Friday, morning to 6pm.

We are open on Saturdays and close at six on Sundays. Please come to our store on Saturday and make another discount on the basis that all our brand glasses are already very cheap. Remember: eye check is free.

xxxOK, high quality. Can I use your pen? Yes, of course. Additional adjectives: extra, buy now, and charge two dollars more on the normal price.


-男声:“您好,感谢您致电American Vision,这是您和您的家人眼镜店中最好的眼镜店。我们的营业时间是周一至周五,上午到下午六点我们周六营业,周日六点关门。请您周六来我们的店,在我们所有品牌眼镜已经很便宜的基础上再优惠一次,记住:眼睛检查是免费的“好的,高质量的我可以用你的钢笔吗是的,当然可以额外的形容词:额外的,现在就买,在正常的基础上再多收两美元。

用英文介绍商城作文范文 第五篇

Look, this is my friend. He is an American. He lives in Nanchong.

He is a middle school student in Nanchong. He is good at English. He likes playing guitar and can speak a little Chinese.

He is a good friend. I like him. He likes me.

His favorite food is hamburger. His favorite football is football. His father is a teacher.

He works in a middle school in Nanchong. He is a good old man Shi Nike's mother has a shop. She is very tired every day.

If you want to make friends with him, please call him.



用英文介绍商城作文范文 第六篇

In the first part of bebec writing, yoeceive a fax from a customer who complains that he received a green bicycle instead of a green and blue bicycle. In order to solve the problem and find out the facts, you wrote a short note to Randy, who is in charge of delivery Mr. Simon's warehouse told him about the claim, mentioned the delivery date, asked for a copy of the invoice, and wrote on your answer sheet the second part of your work for alla, a high-end clothing store that asked you to find ways to increase your store's profits.

Read the chart below to show the survey results of two high-end stores. Point a refers to your store and point B refers to your main compe, Betty fashion Dear Mr. Simon, a customer complained that he received green bicycles instead of green and blue bicycles.

The goods were shipped on May. Please send me Contract No. TXI immediately In the second part, Betty's fashion store and our store are both located in the city center.

Therefore, our customers are almost the same. However, after careful study, customers are more likely to spend in Betty's shop. We notice that although the price of Betty's is higher, they also have more fashions than Betty's.

our actual price is not high, but compared with fashion Higher than the price, so if our store decides to increase profits, we should buy clothes with high fashion, at least as fashionable as Betty's. Since customers don't like price increases and the price is lower than Betty's, it's better to do so gradually.


Bebec写作第一部分您收到一位客户的传真,该客户在传真中抱怨说他收到的是绿色自行车而不是绿色和蓝色自行车,为了解决问题并查明事实,您给仓库写了一封短便条给负责送货的Randy Simon先生仓库告诉他关于索赔的事,提到交货日期,索要副本,在你的答卷上写为Alla工作的第二部分,一家高档服装的商店要求你想办法增加你商店的利润阅读下图显示了对两个高档专卖店的调查结果a点是指你的店B点是指你的主要竞争对手贝蒂时装店,在你的商店附近用数字写一份报告(关于单词),推荐提高你商店质量和的方法写在你的答题纸上(样本供参考)第一部分亲爱的西蒙先生,一位顾客抱怨他收到的是绿色自行车而不是绿色和蓝色自行车,这批货已于xx月日装运,请你立即寄给我第TXI号合同下的一式两份,第二部分贝蒂时装店和我们的商店都在市中心,因此,我们的顾客几乎相同,但有一个事实是,经过仔细研究,顾客更可能在贝蒂商店消费,我们注意到虽然贝蒂店的更高,但他们的时装也比贝蒂店多,我们的实际不高,但与时尚的比较很高,因此,如果我们商店决定增加利润,我们应该高度时尚的衣服,至少和贝蒂商店一样时尚,由于顾客不喜欢涨价,比贝蒂商店低,所以最好是逐渐地这样做。


用英文介绍商城作文范文 第七篇

Not long ago, my family went shopping together. I had a good time. Both brothers bought what we needed most for school.

I still remember that the day my mother woke me up on Sunday morning was not an easy thing for me, because in the past, after I was dressed, I slept longer than that anyway. Someone told me that we went to the store, wanted to buy some school supplies, walked for a few minutes, and we got to the store. My brother and I rushed in.

I was very picky about what I wanted to buy, But in the end, I bought a beautiful blue book and a brand new schoolbag. We then visited several shops and we had my favorite food for lunch. It was a memorial day for me.











热门标签: 英文 范文







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