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小升初英语作文范文 第一篇

My mother takes care of me all the time, she is around me when I need help. Unlike my father, who is so severe and busy, my mother is very kind, when I make mistakes, she will not angry, she tells me to take care of these mistakes and should not make them next time. I am so thankful to my mother, she sacrifices so many things for me.

小升初英语作文范文 第二篇

My parents are the best people in the world, they treat me so well and they will never shout at me. I want to do something for them, so I study very hard to get the highest mark in my class. I just want my parents to be proud of me. This is my secret, I will not tell my parents, I want to surprise them.


小升初英语作文范文 第三篇

My School

My school is nice and clean. There are many classrooms in the school. In our classroom, you can see a TV, a shelf, some fans and lights. We can read story books in the library. It’s on the 4th floor. We can play computer games in the computer room. It’s on the 5th floor. We often play in the garden and do sports on the playground. I like my school very much!

小升初英语作文范文 第四篇

(一般现在时)My Weekend

I like my weekend. On the weekend, I’m always very happy. On Saturday, I often go to the library. It is quiet in the library. I can do homework and read books there. On Sunday, I usually visit my grandparents. Sometimes I have a picnic with best friends. I’m busy on the weekend, but I’m happy.

(一般将来时) My Weekend Plan

I’m going to have a happy weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to the library. I am going to do homework and read magazines there. Then I am going to go shopping with my sister after lunch. On Sunday, I’m going to have a picnic with my classmates. That will be fun. Then I am going to visit my grandparents with my mother. It will be a busy weekend. And a happy weekend, too.

(一般过去时) My Last Weekend

I had a happy weekend. On Saturday, I went to the library. I did my homework and read some magazines there. Then I went shopping with my sister after lunch. On Sunday, I went to the park with my classmates. We had a picnic together. Then I visited my grandparents with my mother. It was a busy weekend. And a happy weekend, too.

小升初英语作文范文 第五篇

My teacher surnamed Chen, is a warm more than 30 years old, she is very friendly, informal, such as after class we call her a xxxChen Laodaxxx, she was not a bit angry, also ask if you have questions to ask and jolly.

You don't think her amiable, we can casually in class. In her class, I dare say every classmate is very tense. Although she always slowly explain every question, but she always from time to time to ask questions, if you can't answer it when the one thousand questions, she will not let you sit down easily, but help you boot, bit by bit until you finally answer. In our class, even the most naughty students said: xxxChen teacher's lesson, don't want to steal the play, one not careful, let you answer a question, answer not to sweat!xxx

Other teacher is we are chasing the questions, the teacher Chen is chasing us to ask questions. Whose work has a problem, as long as found she was sure to find him in the past, let him to re-do it, and then to him again. On one occasion, I wrong a counting, she called me in the past, I know I was wrong, but some disagree, she told me: xxxdon't think it will take wrong is not important, the former Soviet union have a small workers, because it will take wrong, lead to air flight back to the ground, finally lost his life.xxx Once I listen to, hurriedly serious subjects, but psychological thought: you don't frighten me! Then I read this article when reading a magazine, just know the teacher didn't scare me, is true!

I admire our teacher Chen, she taught us carefully!





小升初英语作文范文 第六篇

i'm the only child in my family, the apple of my parents' eyes. my mother and father take good care of my and give me a lot of support throughout my life.

my father is the manager of a company and my mother is a teacher. they are both well educated and do well in their jobs. they know that knowledge is power. father often communicates with foreign friends and is good at english. i can learn a lot from him,

especially english. his oninion on education is as advanced as that of my mother's. they often give me advice on my studies but never interfere in them. they seldom force me to do what i don't like to. they permit me to have different opinions. if something is good for me, they will persuade me to do it as they want. many people of our age say that there is a generation gap between their parents and them. however, it doesn't exist between us.

my mother is a math teacher. she is very clever and good at teaching. she can work out a problem within 10 minutes which would cost me 2 hours. i envy and admire her. i want to be a math teacher like her.

i'm lucky to have such enlightened parents. i'm lucky to have been brought up in such a happy family.

小升初英语作文范文 第七篇

Last year, I visited Beijing. I always looked forward to visiting there. So I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep on the night before I started. I got up early and packed my backpack for the journey. In my pack, I put a camera, some clothes,a cell phone and so on. It took me 35 hours to go there by train. I visited some places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs and so on . They are very beautiful?I enjoyed myself. I felt tired but excited because I have learned a lot about the history of the city. As soon as I arrived home, I phoned my classmates and told them about I.


小升初英语作文范文 第八篇

Since the birth of little Prince George,he media watch his move all the time. Every time when little George shows up in the public.

He keeps the cold facial expression,which is favored by all. The little prince looks so cute and his innocent face always makes people laugh.

Little George is the most popular person in British royal family.

小升初英语作文范文 第九篇

Today is Saturday. It’s a sunny day. The sunshine is bright and the wind is gentle. What a nice day! And I have a good time too.

In the morning after I finished all of my homework I asked my mother: “Mom can I play computer”?. Mom said: “Of course!”So I turned on the computer and began to play computer games. but today I din’t like to play the games I have played before so I decided to download some new games. At last I downloaded Super mario xp game. It’s a wonderful game. I was very excited because it’s the first time I download games!

In the afternoon I went to Zhigao scool. Last week we had tests so I wanted to know what scores I could get. After some time the teachers came in and read the scores. I was very excited I got the first prize (I am the second one)!

I think it’s my lucky day. It’s a really lucky day!





小升初英语作文范文 第十篇

My Room

I have my own room. It is small,but it’s very nice. There is a bed,a desk and a closet. There are two end tables near the bed. I can see a computer and a blue lamp on the desk. Near the desk,there is a big closet. There are many clothes in the closet. My room is nice and clean. I like my room very much.

小升初英语作文范文 第十一篇

I have a small bedroom; it's on the third floor in my house. There is a small bed, a nice wardrobe and a small table in my room. The bed is on the left side of the table. The wardrobe is on the right, it is very beautiful. there is a lamp and a clock on the table, the lamp is green, the clock looks like an orange, it’s smart.

my bedroom is small, but it’s very comfortable.




小升初英语作文范文 第十二篇

My parents are the best people in the world, they treat me so well and they will never shout at me. I want to do something for them, so I study very hard to get the highest mark in my class. I just want my parents to be proud of me. This is my secret, I will not tell my parents, I want to surprise them.








热门标签: 小升初 英语 范文






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