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必修一英语海啸作文范文 第一篇

The cause of tsunami is a kind of catastrophic tsunami wave. Usually, the source is within several kilometers above the seabed. When the earthquake of Richter scale or coastal landslide or volcanic eruption occurs on the seabed, it can also cause impact in the tsunami, so that the shock wave can expand in the sea and spread to far places.

Because the pebbles fall into the shallow water wave, the wave length of the same pond is also the same It is larger than the maximum depth of sea water, and the orbit movement near the seabed is not affected too much. No matter how deep the ocean is, waves can propagate in the past tsunami, enering earthquakes and tsunamis. It is a huge disaster for human beings.

After deafening, the roaring waves cross the coastline, cross the fields and quickly attack the coastal towns with the trend of loose decay All the port facilities of the village, collapsed buildings collapsed, officials swept out gas after the looting, the beach was in a mess, there were residual boards and broken human bodies everywhere. At present, for human sudden disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, the prediction can only prevent or reduce the losses caused by them through observation, but can not control their occurrence.



必修一英语海啸作文范文 第二篇

The main impact of the earthquake is the vibration and ground rupture produced by the earthquake, which mainly leads to more or less serious damage to buildings and other rigid structures, landslides and avalanche earthquakes, coupled with severe storms, volcanic activities, coastal wave attacks and wildfires, will lead to slope instability. For landslides, major geological disasters, the risk of landslide may continue to exist, when emergency personnel try When fighting a fire, an earthquake can cause a fire by destroying power or natural gas pipelines. If the water pipeline breaks and loses pressure, it is difficult to prevent the fire from spreading once it causes a tsunami.

An earthquake or submarine landslide may sweep the nearby coastal areas within minutes. Tsunamis can also travel thousands of kilometers across the high seas within hours of an earthquake, causing damage to distant coasts. Today, there are many ways to protect and prepare potential earthquake sites from severe damage through the following processes: Earthquake Engineering, earthquake preparation, home earthquake safety, seismic modification (including special fasteners, materials and technologies, seismic hazards, and mitigation of seismic operations) Earthquake prediction earthquake reinforcement is to tranorm the existing structure to make it more resistant to earthquake activity, ground movement or soil damage caused by earthquake, and better understand the seismic demand of the structure.

Combined with our recent experience of large earthquake near the city center, the necessity of seismic reinforcement is recognized.



标签: 新学期

必修一英语海啸作文范文 第三篇

Tsunami warnings triggered by huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, Kathy, on the west coast, is not expected to cause major trouble. Radio kbnd news sources recorded a magnitude earthquake off the Kuril Islands in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Russia's Pacific Ocean Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii has warned northern Japan and other parts of the Pacific Basin.

However, officials said the devastating tsunami is not expected to hit the western coast of the United States or parts of Oregon, Washington and Alaska in Canada, and British Columbia may still experience non-destructive sea-level changes.




必修一英语海啸作文范文 第四篇

On December 12, when people were still addicted to the joy of Christmas, the strong earthquake in Indonesia suddenly caused a strong tsunami. Phuket, a famous tourist resort in Thailand, enjoys the reputation of paradise in the human world. The people rescued in this disaster have become hell on earth.

This essentially peaceful Christmas holiday has always been a pleasant shadow. When some of the tourists who had just passed by the God of death talked about the experience, they had not recovered from their fear.



必修一英语海啸作文范文 第五篇

Haiti earthquake: a natural disaster in history, there was an earthquake of magnitude in Haiti with an unknown death toll. This small and impoverished country is vulnerable to severe and fatal natural disasters, especially hurricanes, which have severely deforested, resulting in floods and landslides, which have resulted in thousands of deaths due to the lack of appropriate emergency services and infrastructure. According to reports, the losses are staggering, tens of thousands of people are estimated to be homeless, and the death toll is expected to climb to hundreds.

However, due to the lack of official data, most radio and television stations have stopped operation, and there are only a few rare radio calls for help on the radio. The presidential palace in Haiti is in ruins. The earthquake caused the collapse of buildings, including the presidential palace and hotels, causing widespread panic.

Within minutes after the earthquake, a hospital and the United Nations headquarters rescue team in the capital Port were blocked by communication interruption, but efforts to rescue people trapped in the ruins lasted all night.




标签: 新学期

必修一英语海啸作文范文 第六篇

Yesterday, Japan had a Richter scale earthquake, a strong earthquake, the earthquake let us, this earthquake is hideous, the entire Honshu Island has undergone great changes, the earthquake triggered a fire in the entire town, and because Honshu Island is mainly coastal areas, so the earthquake triggered a tsunami, the tsunami has been washed to Huangcheng County, it swept across the entire Japanese mainland, said to be Honshu The main body of the island, endless, was engulfed by the sea, today, because of the tsunami caused a vortex, then, take away all the contribution of Inca is really strong.



必修一英语海啸作文范文 第七篇

World Health Organization Tens of thousands of tsunami survivors are at risk of diseases spread by dirty water, mosquitoes and crowding, and the best medicine is plenty of clean water. An epidemic has not yet been confirmed in the vast coastal areas destroyed by the tsunami on Sunday, officials said. They are most worried about diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, Shigella and hepatitis A and E Inflammation and other liver diseases.

These diseases are caused by contaminated drinking water or food, bacteria or viruses in sewage. Among people who lack clean water to wash their hands, such as who and who, the United Nations Children's fund recommends that each person get about five gallons of clean water a day, who's director of crisis operations, Dr David Nabarro, said in a telephone interview from Geneva headquarters that Maldives and Sri Lanka already has a water shortage, and tank cars are needed to provide clean water. In addition, water purification tablets are being sent to affected countries, along with drugs to treat diarrhea and dehydration.

Another er to drinking water is contaminated wells caused by the tsunami. In Colombo, Sri Lanka, the United Nations Children's fund estimated in Colombo, Sri Lanka, that drinking wells in the hard hit areas of the eastern part of the country had been contaminated and xxxmust be drained at present.xxx he added that the United Nations Children's fund also purchased about one million gallons of drinking water, enough for people to drink. He also said that the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) also bought about one million gallons of drinking water (in gallon barrels), enough for people to drink.

He also expects the water to be delivered to the affected areas on Thursday, and who supplied it.


世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)官员昨日表示,数以万计的海啸幸存者面临着由脏水、蚊虫和拥挤传播的疾病的危险,而最好的良药是大量的清洁水,而周日在被海啸摧毁的广大沿海地区尚未确认有流行病,官员们说,他们最担心的是腹泻病霍乱、伤寒、志贺氏菌病以及甲型和戊型肝炎等肝脏疾病。这些疾病是由受污染的饮用水或食物、污水中的细菌或病毒引起的,在缺乏干净水洗手的人群中,如世卫组织和卫生组织儿童基金会建议每人每天获得大约5加仑的清洁水,世卫组织危机行动主任大卫·纳巴罗博士在日内瓦总部接受采访时说,马尔代夫和斯里兰卡已经出现水资源短缺,此外,还需要罐车来提供干净的水。此外,水净化药片正被送往受灾,同时还有治疗腹泻脱水的药物。


必修一英语海啸作文范文 第八篇

On December, when the sea suddenly disappeared and people were still indulging in the joy of Christmas, a strong earthquake in Indonesia immediately triggered a strong tsunami. Phuket Island, a famous tourist resort in Thailand, which is known as a paradise on earth, has been rescued from the disaster and turned into a hell on earth. This originally peaceful Christmas holiday, when some people just passed away from death When the tourists chatted, it became a shadow of no inflow.

As for the experience at that time, they had not recovered from the shock. Here is the terrible experience of a female journalist: on June, the sea suddenly disappeared. Yi Linyang, a female reporter of the Straits Times, and her husband were on holiday in Phuket Island before the tsunami.

However, they were diving in the monkey beach and were preparing to leave by boat. Strangely, they saw that the sea disappeared The sea suddenly disappeared. The boat ran aground in the reeds.

There was a diving fish here. No one had seen it before. Everyone was scared out of their wits.

Everyone didn't wake up. The sea water surged forward and came back. Huge waves came straight from a distant place.

Yi Linyang's heart was still fluttering in fear. She said, xxxwe run as fast as we can. No one knows how far the sea will chase.

You see, this is the Indonesian sea The first place to scream.



必修一英语海啸作文范文 第九篇

Tsunamis are usually caused by strong earthquakes that occur in Oceania. Huge waves will push toward the coast at a very fast speed. If people along the coast do not know that a tsunami is coming, they will suffer huge losses.

For example, the death toll caused by the tusnami incident in the Indian Ocean in December exceeded that in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries Millions of people are injured and homeless. Tsunami is a kind of natural disaster. We should build more advanced warning s on coasts, islands and man-made islands.

In addition, we should further protect our oceans, not destroy them.











热门标签: 英语 范文






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