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竞选市长范文英语作文高中 第一篇

The following week, as the began, bolt lost his star quarterback in the first half, tripping over the cheerleaders and spraining his big toe. The quarterback sat glumly on the bench to watch the rest of the . His team eventually lost the .

After the , the two mayors shook hands. Mayor awada said that when boulder left the stadium, I was really looking forward to the tomatoes. A week later, some unhappy fans hurled ripe tomatoes at them, and the mayor of awada received a packet of sliced tomatoes and sent them directly to his pig, which gobbled them up.

Mayor boulder asked his wife, mayor awadas, if he had called. No, she said why, because I mixed a pint of chili sauce into the tomatoes and I wanted to know how his pigs were made.




竞选市长范文英语作文高中 第二篇

Tom hawker noise and air pollution is very serious. Peddlers often go to and from school, do not go to school or do business. Mr.

Mayor, we strongly demand that the market near the school be removed. There are three reasons. First, some noise and air pollution make us unable to concentrate on our study.

Second, there are many hawkers in and out of our school freely. We can't hear our lessons clearly. This is very erous for us.

Finally, I would like to say that some students are beginning to give up their studies and are affected by the market. We are looking forward to your reply, Tom.



标签: 新学期

竞选市长范文英语作文高中 第三篇

If I can become the mayor of this city, I will do a lot of things beneficial to the people here. For example, I will put more dustbins so that everyone can put their garbage in different places more easily. I will ask people to divide their garbage into different bins, which are recyclable on the one hand and non recyclable on the other.

I will control the house price so that most people can provide it so that they don't have to rent this small room any more. I will create more jobs for the local people and those who don't like to live, so that everyone will feel happy in our city.




竞选市长范文英语作文高中 第四篇

After I became mayor of a small city in Kentucky, an unfortunate incident triggered some hateful phone calls. One night, I was hosting a city council meeting, and my wife answered the phone and said, xxxis this Bert May's home, mayor?xxx a woman's voice asked my wife that I was in a meeting, and if she left her name and phone number, she would call back, The caller said, xxxthis is confidential. This is his girlfriend.xxx my wife, knowing that it was all a trick, calmly replied, xxxmadam, if you don't leave your name and phone number, he doesn't know which one to call back: Inaugural secret adj sediment V ruse What happened after he took office? B earthquake C opening ceremony a company ceremony.

His wife was sick. 3. An unfortunate event made some hateful calls to my home.

The word xxxprecipitationxxx in xxxa miortune eventxxx received by B. initiated by C. why did D.

why The woman on the line does not leave her name and number a, because she does not have a name or number B, because she is not allowed to do so, her huand C because she is too nervous to remind himself of her name and phone number, because she is just playing a dirty trick. We can see from this paragraph that mayor a has a lot of girlfriends. The woman on the line dials the wrong number of C.

mayor's wife reacts Quickly, the mayor will call the woman back.


在我就任肯塔基州一个小城市的市长后,一个不幸的事件引发了一些可恶的,有一天晚上,我正在主持一个城市理事会会议,我妻子接说:“这是伯特·梅的家吗,市长”一个女人的声音问我妻子说我在开会,如果她留下姓名和号码,她会回的,打的人说“这是机密,这是他的女朋友”我妻子知道这都是个诡计,平静地回答说:“女士,如果你不留下你的姓名和号码,他不知道该给哪一个回:就职机密adj沉淀物v ruse n行为练:①丈夫担任大公司总裁什么事B大城市市长C小城市市长D肯塔基州市长②他上任后发生了什么A不幸事件B地震C开幕式一个公司的仪式他妻子生病了③“一个不幸的事件使一些可恨的打到我家”中的“沉淀”一词可能是指a返回B接收C发起D得到④为什么在线上的女人不留下她的名字和号码a,因为她没有名字或号码B,因为她不允许这样做她的丈夫C因为她太紧张而不去提醒自己她的名字和号码,因为她只是在玩一个卑鄙的把戏⑤从这段话中我们可以看出a市长有很多女朋友B在线上的女人拨错了C市长的妻子反应迅速,市长会回给那个女人① C②A③C④D⑤C。

竞选市长范文英语作文高中 第五篇

I'm writing this letter to persuade you to let us go online in the classroom. We know that you are afraid that we may come into contact with unhealthy websites. In fact, every coin has two sides.

We still think that surfing the Internet can bring us more benefits. First of all, I think it will be better if we can get online, because there is a wide range of online learning resources, we should make good use of it, and I We can broaden our horizons by reading all kinds of news on the Internet.









热门标签: 竞选 英语






评语是老师对学生的鼓励,包含了指出学生在学校学习过程中出现的一些漏洞和一些鼓励的话语。《初中生期末评语》是i乐德范文网为大家准备的,希望对大家有帮助。【篇一】初中生期末评语  1、你是位聪明又懂礼貌的好女孩,每次无论老师在哪儿碰到你,你总是亲切地向老师问好

初中作文2023-05-06 15:05:51



初中作文2023-05-06 15:05:50



初中作文2023-05-06 15:05:49


期末考试过后,成绩出来了,我和难过。因为真的不出我所料,幸运女神并没有降临在我身上,她只对我说:“一分耕耘,一分收获。所有的一切,都是你一手造成的,要不要亡羊补牢,由你自己决定。” 接着,把失望和后悔留给了我——比上学期总分下降了20多分……我久久伫立在原

初中作文2023-05-06 15:05:23



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初中作文2023-05-06 15:05:21