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如何成为大师英语作文范文 第一篇

Every time the tinkling spring water gurgling on the keyboard, my mind will be displayed with vitality, colorful natural pastures, full of vitality, application is a vibrant oasis, nourish the nature, at the same time, do not forget that the dirty water in the sewage has lost its vitality, choking makes nature lose its pleasant color, and bare trees also resent The acid rain is merciless, and the lovely mountain spring still complains that it can't treat the waste water. However, due to the anger of nature to the nature, love increases the clarity, hates the mother, and can't bear to see the gray green ocean. The touching mountain spring can't bear to lose to you.


如何成为大师英语作文范文 第二篇

When it comes to what a good student is, many people may have such a stereotype: a good student is one who always gets high marks in school examinations. Students who get high marks or full marks are regarded as model students. No matter whether they are healthy or not, as long as they get high scores after school, their parents will ask them to do more homework to get higher scores.



如何成为大师英语作文范文 第三篇

First of all, I should review all the subjects, especially English, mathematics, history and physics. Because the spring semester begins, there will be some competitions in my middle school. I can't lose any more.

Second, I decide to listen to English every morning. My English is not good. I must improve my English.

Third, I have to hand in my homework. In this semester, I didn't do my homework in time, even I didn't recognize it Because this is so bad for me, I want to correct this shortcoming finally. I should ask my teachers and classmates to help me make progress.

My goal is to get good grades and become the first villain.



如何成为大师英语作文范文 第四篇

Success,as is known,is the pursuit of many ambitious different people have different views on success. Some hold that making a great deal of money means success. Others argue that holding an important post in the government means success.

But in my view,success means making great contribution to society and brilliant achievement in our job.

To achieve success,there are several principles we should follow. first of all,we must be self-confidence. As confidence is the first step to success. second, we should have a long term goal and Perseverant . A long-term goal can make the way to success more clear. Perseverant is also very important,People who are lazy and want to succeed only by daydreaming can hardly we lose heart and give up halfway ,nothing can be ,keep on learning and hardworking can lead us to success. Nowadays, society develops fast,there are so many things we don't know about our work. Only we learn form our colleague and those who are successful,can we will be a capable man. Furthermore,we need to work hard to realize our dream just as the famous saying goes xxxhard work leads to successxxx.look these around us, hardworking people are alway the favor of our society.

Fourth, first things must be put urgent and important things must be finished in the first time.

Fifth,we must treat our friend and colleague honestly. We should care for each other and help each other ,because trust and team work is of great importance in the realization of our dream.

There is no shortcut to be successful in the world ,the only way is to it is follow these principles.

如何成为大师英语作文范文 第五篇

As the saying goes, nothing succeeds like success. People like to deal with a successful person.

Why? You see there must be a reason why the person has achieved success. And most obviously it is

because he .is expert at what he is doing.

When given a chance, people would deal with the , the best way to produce success is to do a lot of work. Your achievement and the fame it leads to will make it known to the public how good you really are. People will know this by your completed record or simply by recognizing it upon seeing you in action. Just as it becomes quite obvious that a man is a full-time tennis player when you see him play on the tennis court, it will become obvious that you are skilled in your work when people see you do your work.





如何成为大师英语作文范文 第六篇

Success comes with hard work. In order to succeed you must have the desire and the determination to succeed. Not many people will be successful in life but success can be achieved. Here are some tips to succeed.

First you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Work Hard and be very discipline. Success do not come overnight, you must work hard for it and be discipline.

Balance your life. It is important that we remember that even as we work hard we should take some time to have fun.

Take time to educate yourself and become qualified. Never assume that you learn as much and that your job is safe.

如何成为大师英语作文范文 第七篇

Nowadays, with China's , English has become an international standard language, and learning English is more and more important. However, according to my own learning experience, it is difficult for many people to learn English well. I think that determination, reading English materials and patience are the most important.

Determination is the prerequisite for doing something. When meeting difficulties, people with determination will stick to it On the contrary, people without determination are easy to give up. If people want to do a good job, the first thing to do is to make up their mind.

Second, reading English materials is very helpful to learning English. It can help people to improve their sense of English, interest and confidence in English. This will be of great help to people in the process of learning English.

Finally, patience is needed in English learning. Most people find it difficult to start learning English. Impatient people tend to get upset about learning English.

As a result, it makes learning English more difficult, and vice versa. Generally speaking, determination, reading English materials and patience are effective ways to learn English. If people realize this, they will learn it sooner or later.





标签: 新学期

如何成为大师英语作文范文 第八篇

As a student, how to become a good learner and develop a good learning habit is very important. First of all, he should find some good ways to become a good learner. He should be ready before class.

He should recite the words and listen carefully in class, so that he can understand the second thing the teacher said. After class, he should review his lessons, do homework in time, and learn to ask questions about some difficulties. Third, he should learn how to study in groups and discuss among the members of the group so that they can solve problems together, so that they can help each other and make great progress.

You will certainly become thinner.










热门标签: 英语 范文






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