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线上教学英语作文模板范文 第一篇

In the following class discussion, students can at least write down some discussion topics or contents in class: they can write some discussion words or discussions in class. On the contrary, some people think that discussion can stimulate students' self-learning ability. Those who hold the first opinion suggest that students should listen to more lectures they think, and that teachers can help students the knowledge they have learned and studied over the years.

Others believe that in discussions, teachers usually guide students rather than dominate them. They believe that to participate in the discussion, students must develop the ability to yze problems independently. I personally think that I first stand on the side of two views, either method has its disadvantages, and each student has his own preferences.

Third, in the teaching of science, lectures are better than discussions. On the contrary, in the study of humanities, discussion is better than lectures. Therefore, we should adopt different teaching methods according to different disciplines.




线上教学英语作文模板范文 第二篇

The biggest difference between online learning and classroom learning is that teachers do not face students, which may cause many problems. As we all know, computer is a kind of communication tool. Students can play s while learning, chat while they need, and even cheat in exams.

No one will realize what you are doing. You may lose control. When the monitoring disappears, think about the computer framework getting closer to our life.

The traditional test may be replaced by a new generation of technology, but so far, class Classroom learning is the best way to learn.



线上教学英语作文模板范文 第三篇

My dream I think different people have different dreams. You go to be a doctor or a singer or something. I just want to be happy.

I'm very sad because I didn't get high marks in this exam. I think it's too difficult for me, but no one can understand me. I didn't smell after the exam.

I really want to be happy. I can study hard. I believe my dream will come true.



线上教学英语作文模板范文 第四篇

Since we began to study in middle school, we have several English teachers. But in my opinion, the present English teacher is the best one we know. She is never tired of helping us with our study.

She answers our questions patiently. She has many years of teaching experience and teaches us how to write in a , clear and correct way. In order to let English speaking people understand us, she has many years of teaching experience She left a deep impression on us.

With her help, we have made rapid progress.



线上教学英语作文模板范文 第五篇

Online learning there may be things you don't know how to learn about the past. You may turn to friends or relatives, attend evening classes or go to the local library to find answers. But now many websites are emerging, offering free and practical advice on these topics, and actually anything else you can imagine.

Why is online learning so popular? The answer is obvious and easy See: online learning was very convenient in the past. Maybe you have to spend some time studying night classes or going to the library to find relevant materials. Now when you encounter problems, you just need to click the mouse, and many related websites will appear in front of you.

Not all the online materials are accurate and sometimes false. Therefore, if you want to learn something from the Internet, you should make sure that What you have to learn is absolutely right.


线上教学英语作文模板范文 第六篇

E-learning can provide benefits for participating organizations and individuals to improve performance: a one-year study by the . Department of education meta ysis found that higher education students generally perform better in online learning than those in facetoface courses. Increased access: the highest level teachers can share their knowledge across national boundaries, enabling students to participate in cross-border physics, cross-border learning Courses on political and economic boundaries, recognized experts have the opportunity to provide information to anyone interested at the lowest cost internationally.

For example, MIT's open courseware program makes most of the University's courses and lectures available online free of charge, providing convenience and flexibility for learners: in many cases, online learning is self regulating, and learning courses are Available x learners don't have to be limited to a specific date / time to actually attend classes, they can also pause at a convenient time without high technology all online courses basic Internet access, audio and video capabilities are common requirements/.


线上教学英语作文模板范文 第七篇

My school my school is very beautiful. It's in Guicheng near Qiandeng lake. You know what? This is Nanhai Experimental Primary School.

I like my school very much. There is a big playground here. We have physical education on the playground.

We often do sports on it. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor.

There is a big and clean computer room on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. I often have a lot of books on the second floor There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building.

The teachers in my school are very good. The students are very polite and smart. I am very happy in the school.

The school is in the central city. There are six grades, 30 classes and more than 20_ students. We have two teaching buildings, a large library and a playground.

There are many trees and beautiful flowers in the school. We often keep it clean, It looks beautiful. We love our school.



线上教学英语作文模板范文 第八篇

Online learning has become one of the fastest growing markets in the world. So far, people who want to learn can choose not only a wide range of courses, but also educational institutions. Although online learning can not replace traditional university education, online learning has attracted people's attention.

One of the main advantages of online learning is that students can make it according to their own schedule Make plans today people live in a fast-paced world, most people have to work, they don't have enough time to go to a school course, so they need a flexible time online learning provides them with such a learning way that they can learn after work, so that they will not delay their work and interrupt their normal life. Another major advantage of online learning is that it allows people from different places to learn. It has no geographical restrictions.

Not everyone lives near the school. Some people get married and have children, and they need to relocate themselves. In this way, every online learning convenient for them to study in school enables people to learn anytime and anywhere.

They can build a virtual lecture hall Conclusion: online learning provides a fast and convenient learning method for people. It enables students to choose their own learning methods according to their learning time. Online learning will become more and more popular.



线上教学英语作文模板范文 第九篇

Online education online education is a new way of education in the information age, which has been very popular in the past few years. Many people say that online education will be the main education method in the future, because online education is not limited by distance, time and place. There are also a large group of people who oppose online education.

They think that online education will reduce the relationship between people, for example, only taking online classes Cheng's students will lose the chance to learn interpersonal relationships in a real school.


线上教学英语作文模板范文 第十篇

My school is very beautiful. It's in Guicheng, near Qiandeng lake. You know, it's Nanhai Experimental Primary School.

I like my school very much. Here is a big playground. We have physical education on the playground.

We often do sports on it. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor.

It is very clean. There is a library on the third floor. There are many books in the library on the second floor There are music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building.

The teachers in my school are very good and the students are polite and smart. I am very happy in school.




线上教学英语作文模板范文 第十一篇

To some extent, online education is no longer a strange thing in our life. It has become a part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things on the Internet, such as searching information and communicating with friends far and near.

However, another useful online activity has become very _in_, that is, why online education can be so short In addition to other reasons, the rapid development of the Internet should be an essential reason. It makes our dream of distance learning possible. Another fundamental reason is the rapid development of society and technology.

Today, with the continuous development of modern science and technology, we all feel the urgency and intensity of learning With the great pace of modern society, many people are busy learning online education in full-time school, just to help them personally. I appreciate this new form of education. It is indeed a beneficial supplement to the traditional means of education.

It can provide more flexible and flexible learning methods for different learners. Most importantly, through online education, we can get tired of work and learn and absorb the latest knowledge at the same time.


线上教学英语作文模板范文 第十二篇

It was seven o'clock, but Jane still didn't show up, which made Mary feel very uneasy about their promise to meet this Saturday to see a film. Mary waited anxiously at the door because the film was about to start. She wants to know what happened to Jane.

Finally Mary went into the cinema to talk about the movie, and then she went home alone.




线上教学英语作文模板范文 第十三篇

With the rapid development of science and technology, people use computers every day. It has become a part of people's life. People can do many things, such as reading news, friends and so on.

Online learning is becoming more and more popular because it has many advantages. First of all, online learning is a flexible traditional way of learning, which is sitting in the classroom. But now, people can sit at home or in a coffee shop.

They can get knowledge, which is convenient and efficient. People can learn. If they want, there is no need to worry about the position.

Second, only online learning It can save a lot of money. When people want to take a course, they have to pay a lot of money, buy books, pay teachers, online learning can skip these unnecessary things, people can listen to the course immediately, just click the button, how fast, people can save money, also can get knowledge online. Online learning is a new way to acquire knowledge.

Online courses are flexible, cheap and time-saving. I believe that online learning will become more popular in the future.


标签: 新学期

线上教学英语作文模板范文 第十四篇

^^My competition plan the school sports meeting is coming soon. I will take part in the competition to represent my class to achieve good results and win the competition. I specially made a plan for the competition.

In terms of physical training, I will train several hours a day, and the training time will increase. I will strengthen the training and exercise. I will have enough sleep every day, and I will ensure that I have several hours of sleep every day I will improve my food when I eat.

I will eat beef, meat and fish every day. I will eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Then I will drink water and soft drinks every day.

I hope I can win the competition. I want to be the first in the competition. Please God bless me^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.










热门标签: 模板 线上 英语






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