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雅思建议类英语作文范文 第一篇

I'm not sure if yoealize that I can hear your music and your voice from your home. Your music is so loud that my children and I are not allowed to sleep or sleep soundly during class and school the next morning. Sometimes it wakes me up.

If you could turn down the music, I would appreciate it if you could give me a visit. When you have a cup of coffee, you may want to see if you can hear it The noise from the house. Thank you for your concern.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第二篇

This year's summer vacation is the happiest day. I spent 15 days helping my grandparents do farm work in the countryside. There, I saw the mountains covered with green plants.

Sometimes I go swimming in the river to the west of the village. The river is clear. Besides doing farm work, I also keep a diary every day.

The children in the neighborhood are very interested in English. They can read and write well. They can hardly understand simple English.

So I spend about two hours every morning to help them improve their listening and speaking. They have made great progress. Their parents think highly of me.

Now I realize that the knowledge of the countryside is It's very hot in the south of Taiwan in summer, where the temperature usually rises to centigrade or higher. Because of the heat, it's a kind of experimental experience to go to school or do anything else without air conditioning. That's why I stay at home most of the summer vacation, and occasionally go to the beach to soak in cool water to make my body less sticky.

Actually, I like swimming. I think nothing is more refreshing than swimming in summer vacation. During the summer vacation, I went swimming with my classmates many times.

However, we all had a good time this summer vacation. As a senior two student, I didn't spend all my time looking for fun. I had to prepare for the college entrance examination one year later.

In other words, I had to take time to study. Therefore, I divided my time between work and entertainment. From this arrangement, I got the benefits of this summer vacation.

I spent it in a completely different way I used to run around every day in the summer vacation.





雅思建议类英语作文范文 第三篇

Wednesday, September 10 is teachers' day every year. I think teachers are the greatest people in the world because they teach us how to write and read. Most importantly, they teach us how to be a real man.

They are good to everyone. They don't want anyone to lag behind others. They always get along well with their students.

They are our best friends When students have difficulties, they can help them in time 'I will become a teacher, I grow up.



标签: 新学期

雅思建议类英语作文范文 第四篇

Give you a bowl of noodles for someone or give someone something they agreed to give me the next day she gave it to me directly from the shoulder. He broke a nut carefully and made me a good exercise. Give it to me, please.

Can I have an egg cup.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第五篇

If you want to learn English well, I think I can give you some advice. First of all, you can read some English newspapers or listen to some English radio. You can remember five or seven words every day.

Then, I think you can improve your vocabulary quickly. You can speak more English in class or talk to your classmates in English. I think these can help you learn English Like learning other languages, it's hard work, so you'd better spend a lot of time on it every day.

It's very important to master English learning methods. Then listen to the teacher in class, take notes carefully, review what you have learned regularly, prepare lessons carefully before class, do homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them. If you can, we'd better listen to English programs.

When you make mistakes, read English magazines and books, you'd better correct them immediately. Don't do the same again next time Error. When you are in trouble, don't be shy to ask others for help.

I believe xxxpractice makes perfectxxx. I believe that if you study hard and have good English learning methods, you will learn English well. Suggestions vary according to different individuals and different needs.

Now I would like to share some suggestions. Concentrate on your work. Some students are not absorbed, which means they are learning Keep in mind that in the first minute you have to concentrate on your work, and then in the next few minutes your attention will be fixed and hard to slide; second, it is common to find a way that suits you, some students work harder than students, most of them do poorly, the only reason is if you lack practice If you are not familiar with the concepts in the textbook, look for more exercises to complete; with the help of textbooks, analyze your problems, find a suitable method, and then you can make progress.

From time to time, there is always room for improvement. The only important thing is that you should take some time, slow down, think about what you can improve, and then go on If you take my advice, I believe you can make a difference.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第六篇

In our highly competitive society, the desire for health is universal. On the one hand, it is important to keep healthy. Healthy people can work with confidence, and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness.

A sick person is usually not interested in everything around him, so he loses many chances of success. First, there are many ways to stay successful. Those who are busy from morning to night should find time to relax, because too much pressure will affect their health; secondly, they should set aside enough time to sleep, because in the end, regular physical exercise is good for people's health, so you should always remember that for me, a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time, I like playing tennis in the morning, and I attach great importance to it Enough sleep and relaxation I believe will ensure my health for the rest of my life.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第七篇

I heard that you have some problems in learning English. Don't worry. Let me give you some suggestions.

If you want to improve your listening skills, you'd better listen to English tapes and radio programs. You can also watch English TV programs, video tapes or movies. I think they are very helpful to your English language.

I think it's good to read aloud in the morning. I believe the more you practice listening and speaking, the more you can play a role in it. You can take part in some English activities, such as English corner and English club.

If you accept my suggestion, I believe you will make great progress in your English study.




雅思建议类英语作文范文 第八篇

Every September 9 is teachers' day. I think teachers are the greatest people in the world because they teach us how to write and read. The most important thing is that they teach us how to be a real person.

They are very good to everyone. They don't want anyone to fall behind others. They get along well with students.

When students encounter difficulties, they are our best friends, They can help them in time. I will be a teacher when I grow up. Every September is teachers' day.

We usually give teachers cards to express our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble. I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course, they are very friendly to everyone. They get along well with students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.

They love us very much, and we love them too.




雅思建议类英语作文范文 第九篇

We all know that it is important for each of us to keep healthy. If we are not strong enough, there will be no good jobs in the future. So, in my opinion, how can we keep healthy? We should try our best to do the following: first, I think you'd better exercise every day.

People who exercise every day are thought to have healthier hearts than those who don't. However, half an hour of regular exercise every day is enough, and spending too much or too little time is not a good idea.


我们都知道,保持健康对我们每个人都很重要。如果我们不够强壮,将来就不会有好的工作。所以,在我看来,我们怎样才能保持健康呢?我们应该尽力做到以下:第一, 我认为你最好每天锻炼。


雅思建议类英语作文范文 第十篇

The restoration of old buildings in major cities of the world costs a lot of government money, which should be spent on new housing and road construction. You agree or disagree. Dear officials, the huge amount of money that the government has injected into housing and public transport services should be inevitable.

The consequence of ization is the emergence of various platforms and employment opportunities in big cities, and people are pouring into cities and realizing self-improvement However, this has brought a huge burden to the existing accommodation and transportation , which is the government's obligation. In order to expand the residential areas people expect, provide more convenient and faster public transport, and alleviate the worsening traffic conditions, it is undeniable that the government investment in repairing ancient buildings is reasonable to a certain extent In spite of this, the government investment should be better used to solve the actual problems faced by people, provide more suitable living conditions for people, and let people enjoy the convenience brought by balanced improvement of public transportation. After considering the above factors, the government should take reasonable measures to protect the ancient buildings of Milan City and increase the investment To improve living conditions, adjust high housing prices, and provide more perfect and advanced transportation facilities.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第十一篇

We should get up early, eat more fruits and healthy food, so that we can go to bed early and exercise. Finally, we should be happy every day, because smile can make us younger. This is my advice.

I hope you are healthy and enjoy life.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第十二篇

Alice is depicted as a very curious person. She often daydreams, giving advice to herself rather than listening to other people's advice. Alice's closest friend is her cat Dina.

Even she doesn't understand Alice's dream of looking for xxxher own worldxxx. Alice is polite, polite, polite, mature and elegant. A young woman's gentleness, though once Entering fairyland, she will find it more and more difficult to keep calm, but her determination is often overwhelmed by her temper, because she does not give up looking for the white rabbit until she is depressed and rude.




雅思建议类英语作文范文 第十三篇

A hotel where you stayed recently asked guests to write to the manager and suggest ways for them to improve their service. Write a letter to the manager stating who you are, talking about your preferences for the hotel, and suggesting ways for them to improve. Dear manager, I am writing this letter in response to your recently invited guests.

I was a guest in your hotel last month, and I found your customer service The level of service is very good. From the manager to the room attendant, every employee of you, without exception, the standard of the room is far beyond my expectation. However, I found that the restaurant in the hotel stopped serving breakfast when I was on holiday.

I wanted to have breakfast nearby, so I couldn't do it. So I talked to several other guests and they all expressed the same disappointment. In addition, if you can provide Chinese newspapers, the quality of accommodation for Chinese speaking people has been steadily improving in the past few years.

I am glad to know whether my suggestions will help you to continuously improve your overall service. I look forward to your faithful reply, gokenny.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第十四篇

Teacher's Day is September every year. I think teachers are the greatest people in the world, because they teach us how to write and read, which is an important skill to acquire knowledge. They also teach us how to be a real person.

They are good to everyone. They don't want anyone to fall behind others. They always get along well with their students They are our best friends when we are in trouble.

They can help them in time. I will be a teacher when I grow up.



雅思建议类英语作文范文 第十五篇

I have read a lot of articles in the school magazine. I found that almost all the articles in the school magazine are about the daily affairs on campus, which is good for us to understand everything on campus. But I think that if there are articles and learning methods about current events, it must be better.

Current events can broaden the horizons of students and learn more about sharing the world Help some students find the best way to learn.



标签: 新学期








热门标签: 建议 英语





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