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1. Did you know that before 1950,hurricanes had no names?They were simply given numbers. The first names were simply Alpha,Bravo,Charlie,etc. But in 1953,female names were given because of the unpredictability(不可预知的)factor of the storms. In 1979,realizing the sexist(性别歧视的)nature of such names,the lists were expanded to include both men and women.

2. Hurricanes and typhoons(台风)are the same things. If they form in the Atlantic,we call these strong storms hurricanes,from the West Indian word hurricane,meaning “big wind.” And if they are Pacific storms,they are called typhoons from the Chinese taifun,meaning “great wind.” To be classified as a hurricane,the storm must have maximum winds of at least 75 mph. These storms are big,many hundreds of miles in diameter.

3. Hurricanes get their power from water vapor as it gives out its stored-up energy. All water vapor gives out heat as it condenses(凝结)from a gaseous state to a liquid state over fixed points on the equator(赤道).To make a hurricane,you must have extremely wet,warm air,the kind of air that can only be found in tropical regions.

4. Scientists have determined that the heat given out in the process of water condensation can be as high as 95 billion kilowatts per hour. In just one day alone,the storm can produce more energy than many industrialized nations need in an entire year! The problem is that we don't know how to make such great energy work for us.

5. Predicting the path of a hurricane is one of the most difficult tasks for forecasters. It moves at a typical speed of 15 mph. But not always. Some storms may race along at twice this speed,then suddenly stop and remain in the same location in the ocean for several days. It can be maddening(发疯的)if you live in a coastal area that may be hit.

6. The biggest advance in early detection is continuous watch from weather satellites. With these,we can see the storms form and track them fully,from birth to death. While they can still kill people and destroy property,hurricanes will never surprise any nation again.

Short History of Naming Hurricanes

the Hurricane Energy

in Forecasting the Course of a Hurricane

Energy Stored in a Hurricane

a Hurricane Through Satellite Watching

Names for the Same Things

male and female names are used for hurricanes in consideration of________.

weather satellites can ensure________of hurricanes.

specialists may be interested in________of hurricanes.

cannot accurately predict the course of a hurricane due to________.



connection with humans,

huge power



23. A 24. F 25. D 26. C

27. C 28. A 29. E 30. F






1. can't help doing sth. 禁不住做某事,不由得不做某事

She couldn't hep smiling.


(1) can't help but do 不得不……;不能不 When the streets are full of melting snow, you can't help but get your shoes wet.

(2) cannot but 不能不,只能He could not but feel disappointed.


(1) help (sb.) (to) do sth. Help me get him back to bed at once. / By helping them we are helping save ourselves.

(2) help...with sth. 帮助……做某事 In those days he used to help her mother with her gardening.

(3) help oneself / sb. to sth. 给自己 / 别人夹菜 / 拿烟

等;擅自拿用 May I help you to some more vegetables?

(4) help...in sth. 在……方面帮助某人 She offered to help Rose in the housekeeping when I am not here.

(5) help out 帮忙 (做事;克服困难等) I've often helped Bob out when he's been a bit short of money.

2. 含go的短语

① go around 到处走/跑.(疾病)流传,(谣言)传开;go after 追求;go ahead 说吧,请吧,做吧;go away 离开,出去

② go back 走网头路,翻悔改变;go bad 变坏;go boating 去划船

③ go fishing 去钓鱼;go for a walk去 散步

④ go hiking 去徒步旅行;go home 回家

⑤ go in for 喜爱,从事于;go into 进入,加入

⑥ go mad 发疯

⑦ go off 离去,去世;go on 继续,进展,依据;go on doing 继续做;go out 出去,发出去,熄灭,不时兴;go over 研究,检查,搜查

⑧ go shopping 去商店;go skating 去滑冰;go straight along 沿着;go swimming 去游泳

⑨ go through 通过,经受,仔细检查;go to bed _

⑩ go up 上升

[例句] We'll go through the items one by one. 我们要逐条研究。She has gone back to her old habits. 她又回到了已往的习惯。Come on Sunday by yourself - we can go over the house together. 星期天你要过来.我们一起检查一下房子。His speech went on for so long that people began to fall asleep. 他的演讲持续很长时间,结果人们开始想睡。That expression has gone out. Nobody Uses it today. 那个短语已经过时了,现在没有人在用它。The young fellow hasn't realized that he has gone wrong. 这个年轻人还没有意识到他已经误入歧途。Tired of going shopping with his wife,Mr. Liu pretended to have something important to do. 厌烦与妻子一起去购物,刘先生假装有重要的事情要做。

【考例2】(北京) I don't ____ rock' n' roll. It's much too noisy for my taste.

A. go after B. go away with

C. go into D. go in for

[考查目标] 此题主要考查四个动词短语的意思。

[答案与解析]D go after 追求;go away with 带走;go into进入,加入;go in for 喜爱,爱好。根据句子意思“摇滚音乐太嘈杂。不合乎我的口味.所以我不喜欢”。

【考例】(NMET ) Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ____.

A. be put up B. give in

C. be turned on D. go out


[答案与解析] D put up 挂起;give in 屈服;turn on 打开;go out 熄灭。本句话意思是“没有人注意到贼溜进了屋子,因为灯碰巧熄灭了”。

3. go wrong

(1) 走错路;弄错方向

(2) 失败;不顺利All our plans went wrong. / Everything went wrong in those days.

(3)发生故障 The clock went wrong.


(1) go 表示由积极向消极方面变化Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 又如:go mad / pale / blind / hungry

(2) become / get 表示由积极向消极或消极向积极方

面变化 The weather is getting quite warm. / Gradually he became silent.

(3) turn 多接表颜色的词 This ink turns black when it dries. / He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.

注意:become a writer

(4) grow 侧重变化过程 The sea is growing calm.

(5) fall 进入某种状态 All three children fell asleep.




1. 题型要求:该类题目是一小段文字,是原文或原文中的几个段落主要内容的缩写或改写,我们称之为摘要。摘要中有几个空白部分要求填空。





1. 原文原词

2. 从多个选项中选词

3. 自己写词。

原文原词的题目要求中常有from the Reading Passage  的字样。从多个选项中选词,选项的数目常常超过题目空格的数目。最近考试中,绝大部分是原文原词或从多个选项中选词,很少有自己写词的。


2. 解题步骤

(1) 仔细读摘要的第一句话,找出它在原文中的出处,通常是和原文某段话的第一句相对应。如果题目要求中已经指出了摘要的出处,则此步可以略去不做。

(2) 注意空格前后的词,到原文中去找这些词的对应词。


A. 原词

B. 词性变化;如空格前的词为threatening, 是形容词,原文中的词为threat, 是名词。

C. 语态变化;一个是主动语态,一个是被动语态。

D. 同义词;如空格前的词为throw away,原文中的词为discard(丢弃,抛弃,遗弃),它们是同义词。

(3) 仔细阅读对应所在的句子,确定正确答案。

(4) 注意语法,所填答案必须符合语法规定。

(5) 注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。


1. 注意题目要求中是否有字数限制。

若要求从原文选词或自己写词,会有字数要求,如Use ONE OR TWO WORDS等,答案必须满足这个要求。

2. 若从原文选词,只能选原文中连续的几个词,不能改变它们的顺序。

如原文为virgin fibre, 发生答案不可能是fibre virgin。原文为 advances in the  technology,答案不可能是technology advances。

3. 若要求从原文选词,越是生词,越可能是答案。


4. 从选项中选词,要注意看题目要求是写答案本身,还是写选项前的代表字母。


5. 从选项中选词,答案与原文的六大对应关系。

(1) 原文原词:与原文完全相同的词或短语。

(2) 词性变化:原文为necessary,是形容词,选项为necessity,是名词。

(3) 语态变化:原文为Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting  schemes,是主动语态。摘要中的句子为people have also been encouraged by government to collect  their waste on a regular basis,是被动语态。

(4) 图表:如果原文中有图表,一般会有一题答案来自图表。

(5) 同义词:原文为tight,选项为restricted,是同义词。

(6) 归纳:有时文中没有直接提及,须从几句话中归纳出答案。一般比较难,目前考试中,至少有一个空格是归纳出来的。



7. 如果要求自己写词,答案绝大部分是原文原词,少部分是对原文原词做的形式上的修改。


雅思阅读机经真题解析--How to Achieve Happiness

You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on  Reading Passage below.

Throughout the whole period of one’s lifetime, the achieving of happiness  can be seen as our ultimate and everlasting goal. Happiness is far more than a  strong body, a magnificent villa or an around-the-world tour; it is something we  need from our heart. However, we can investigate happiness through scientific  methods.

When we are asked the question “Where can we find happiness”, it is a  puzzle difficult to answer accurately. We can find happiness right in our own  home, in our workplace, in school, in the company of our friends, etc. It is up  to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and  long for. However, it is essential to recognize that there is no one absolute  way to achieve happiness. People may have different ideas with regard to the  ways of achieving happiness. The following five classifications are perceived by  many people as sources of happiness: family and friends, wealth, position,  educational achievement and fame.

To give it a comprehensive definition, happiness is a mental state of  well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from  contentment to intense joy. A variety of biological, psychological, religious,  and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its  sources. Various research groups, including Positive Psychology, endeavor to  apply the scientific method to answer questions about what “happiness” is, and  how we might attain it. While philosophers and religious thinkers often define  happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as  an emotion. Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia,  and is still used in virtue ethics.

While the level of physical healthiness is the biggest determinant of  happiness, comparison of financial success with others of the same age group is  the second largest source of happiness and unhappiness. Financially richer  people tend to be happier than poorer people, according to sociological  researcher Glenn Firebaugh of Pennsylvania State University. Their research is  focused on whether the income effect on happiness results largely from the  things money can buy (absolute income effect) or from comparing one's income to  the income of others (relative income effect). They present their research in a  session paper, tided “Relative Income and Happiness: Arc Americans on a Hedonk  Treadmill?” Firebaugh argues that, in evaluating their own incomes, individuals  compare themselves to their peers of the same age. Therefore, a persons reported  level of happiness depends on how his or her income compares to others in the  same age group. Using comparison groups on the basis of age, the researchers  find evidence of both relative and absolute effects, but relative income is more  important than absolute income in determining the happiness of individuals in  the United States. This may result in a self-indulgent treadmill, because  incomes in the United States rise over most of the adult lifespan. They always  dissatisfy with the salary. For example, the survey indicates that the students  studied in Harvard University expect to earn much more money than their  classmates rather than care about the exact amount of the salary.

We have long been aware that elements from various perspectives of We could  contribute to realizing happiness. The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart  (MISTRA) has recently conducted a research project, choosing 120 pairs of  reared-apart twins as subjects to test their perception of happiness. In an  early report of results it was found that, on most measurable psychological  traits, the level of welfare between the twins in a set felt is varied instead  of being the same or similar. Thus environmental factors may not be the only  factor that affects the feeling of happiness significantly. In another  investigation, among persons of European ancestry, for psychological features  that can be measured, heritability range from about 25 percent to 80 percent.  Or, to put it more concretely, from one-fourth to four-fifths of the variation  from person to person in such features as IQ, creativity and happiness, is  associated with genetic differences between those persons. That indicates that  genetic difference may also affect the happiness. Furthermore, neurobiological  evidence shows that left and right frontal lobes play different roles in the  emotion (MC) (M). Happiness is a type of emotion, a positive one. From the  experiments, happiness and the left prefrontal lobe are combined together. The  more active it is, the more positive emotion you sense.

At the outset of new millennium, a global research had a result that the  people living in the modern world were even unhappier. With crises being on the  rise these days, finding happiness can be a bit challenging. Despite of all the  stresses associated with life, we still do our best to be happy — because being  happy is the only way to keep us afloat. Happiness is considered a very  important therapy, both physically and mentally. With it, we are inspired to  accomplish whatever goals we want to achieve. It's a strong drive that keeps us  going and helps us live our life every single day.

There are many ways to be happy. Spend time with individuals who are dear  to you. There is nothing more joyful than to be with the people you love. During  the weekends, try to schedule a fun trip for you and your partner, or one for  your whole family. Just go somewhere else for a change and enjoy the change of  scenery. Do something nice for others. Helping others is a very honorable way to  find happiness. If your schedule is too tight for volunteer work, you can just  donate a small sum of money or some old clothes or toys to charity. When you eat  out, try to be a good tipper to the waiters or the valet who safely parked your  car. All these simple things will not only make you happy, but other people as  well. Start and end your day with a smile. Smiling is a very powerful gesture.  There's no need for words to describe how pleasant it is. If you have a lousy  day, smile your way out of the office. When people smile back at you, it will  uplift your mood and make you feel better. Spending some time with your friends.  A close circle of friends is one of the most important sources of happiness.




February 2,


The Agreement would eliminate barriers and increase access for . exports across a broad range of commodities. Commitments include:

Significant cuts in tariffs that will be completed by January . Overall average for agricultural products will be percent and for . priority products 14 percent (down from 31 percent).

Establishment of a tariff-rate quota system for imports of bulk commodities, ., wheat, corn, cotton, barley, and rice, that provides a share of the TRQ for private traders. Specific rules on how the TRQ will operate and increased transparency in the process will help ensure that imports occur. Significant and growing quota quantities subject to tariffs that average between 1-3 percent.

Immediate elimination of the tariff-rate quota system for barley, peanut oil, sunflower-seed oil, cottonseed oil, and a phase-out for soybean oil.

The right to import and distribute products without going through a state-trading enterprise or middleman.

Elimination of export subsidies on agricultural products.

China has also agreed to the elimination of SPS barriers that are not based on scientific evidence.


China would lower tariffs and eliminate broad systemic barriers to . exports, such as limits on who can import goods and distribute them in China, as well as barriers such as quotas and licenses on . products.


Tariffs cut from an average of percent to an average of percent overall and percent on . priority products.

China will participate in the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and eliminate all tariffs on products such as computers, telecommunications equipment, semiconductors, computer equipment, and other high-technology products.

In the auto sector, China will cut tariffs from the current 80-100% level to 25% by mid-, with the largest cuts in the first years after accession.

Auto parts tariffs will be cut to an average of 10% by mid-20_.

In the wood and paper sectors, tariffs will drop from present levels of 12?18% on wood and 15-25% on paper down to levels generally between 5% and .

China will also be implementing the vast majority of the chemical harmonization initiative. Under that initiative, tariffs will be at 0, and percent for products in each category.


WTO rules bar quotas and other quantitative restrictions. China has agreed to eliminate these restrictions with phase-ins limited to five years.

Quotas: China will eliminate existing quotas upon accession for the top . priorities (. optic fiber cable). It will phase out remaining quotas, generally by , but no later than .

Quotas will grow from current trade levels at a 15% annual rate in order to ensure that market access increases progressively.

Auto quotas will be phased out by 20_. In the interim, the base-level quota will be $6 billion (the level prior to China's auto industrial policy), and this will grow by 15% annually until elimination.


Trading rights and distribution are among the top concerns for . manufacturers and agricultural exporters. At present, China severely restricts trading rights (the right to import and export) and the ability to own and operate distribution networks. Under the Agreement, trading rights and distribution services will be progressively phased in over three years. China will also open up sectors related to distribution services, such as repair and maintenance, warehousing, trucking and air courier services.


China has made commitments to phase out most restrictions in a broad range of services sectors, including distribution, banking, insurance, telecommunications, professional services such as accountancy and legal consulting, business and computer related services, motion pictures and video and sound recording services. China will also participate in the Basic Telecommunications and Financial Services Agreements.


China will grandfather the existing level of market access already in effect at the time of China's accession for . services companies currently operating in China. This will protect existing American businesses operating under contractual or shareholder agreements or a license from new restrictions as China phases in their commitments.


China generally prohibits foreign firms from distributing products other than those they make in China, or from controlling their own distribution networks. Under the Agreement, China has agreed to liberalize wholesaling and retailing services for most products, including imported goods, throughout China in three years. In addition, China has agreed to open up the logistical chain of related services such as maintenance and repair, storage and warehousing , packaging, advertising, trucking and air express services, marketing, and customer support in three to four years.


China now prohibits foreign investment in telecommunications services. For the first time, China has agreed to permit direct investment in telecommunications businesses. China will also participate in the Basic Telecommunications Agreement. Specific commitments include:

Regulatory Principles ?- China has agreed to implement the pro?competitive regulatory principles embodied in the Basic Telecommunications Agreement (including interconnection rights and independent regulatory authority) and will allow foreign suppliers to use any technology they choose to provide telecommunications services.

China will gradually phase out all geographic restrictions for paging and value-added services in two years, mobile voice and data services in five years, and domestic and international services in six years.

China will permit 50 percent foreign equity share for value-added and paging services two years after accession, 49 percent foreign equity share for mobile voice and data services five years after accession, and for domestic and international services six years after accession.


Currently, only two . insurers have access to China's market. Under the agreement:

China agreed to award licenses solely on the basis of prudential criteria, with no economic-needs test or quantitative limits on the number of licenses issued.

China will progressively eliminate all geographic limitations within 3 years. Internal branching will be permitted consistent with the elimination of these restrictions.

China will expand the scope of activities for foreign insurers to include group, health and pension lines of insurance, phased in over 5 years. Foreign property and casualty firms will be able to insure large-scale commercial risks nationwide immediately upon accession.

China agreed to allow 50 percent ownership for life insurance. Life insurers may also choose their own joint venture partners. For non-life, China will allow branching or 51 percent ownership on accession and wholly owned subsidiaries in 2 years. Reinsurance is completely open upon accession (100 percent, no restrictions).


Currently foreign banks are not permitted to do local currency business with Chinese clients (a few can engage in local currency business with their foreign clients). China imposes severe geographic restrictions on the establishment of foreign banks.

China has committed to full market access in five years for . banks.

Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese enterprises starting 2 years after accession.

Foreign banks will be able to conduct local currency business with Chinese individuals from 5 years after accession.

Foreign banks will have the same rights (national treatment) as Chinese banks within designated geographic areas.

Both geographic and customer restrictions will be removed in five years.

Non-bank financial companies can offer auto financing upon accession.


China will permit minority foreign-owned joint ventures to engage in fund management on the same terms as Chinese firms. By three years after accession, foreign ownership of these joint ventures will be allowed to rise to 49 percent. As the scope of business expands for Chinese firms, foreign joint venture securities companies will enjoy the same expansion in scope of business. In addition, 33 percent foreign?owned joint ventures will be allowed to underwrite domestic equity issues and underwrite and trade in international equity and all corporate and government debt issues.


China has made strong commitments regarding professional services, including the areas of law, accounting, management consulting, tax consulting, architecture, engineering, urban planning, medical and dental services, and computer and related services. China's commitments will lead to greater market access opportunities and increased certainty for American companies doing business in China.



China will allow the 20 films to be imported on a revenue-sharing basis in each of the 3 years after accession. . firms can form joint ventures to distribute videos, software entertainment, and sound recordings and to own and operate cinemas.


Commitments in China's WTO Protocol and Working Party Report establish rights and obligations enforceable through WTO dispute settlement procedures. We have agreed on key provisions relating to antidumping and subsidies, protection against import surges, technology transfer requirements, and offsets, as well as practices of state?owned and state?invested enterprises. These rules are of special importance to . workers and business.

China has agreed to implement the TRIMs Agreement upon accession, eliminate and cease enforcing trade and foreign exchange balancing requirements, as well as local content requirements, refuse to enforce contracts imposing these requirements, and only impose or enforce laws or other provisions relating to the transfer of technology or other know-how, if they are in accordance with the WTO agreements on protection of intellectual property rights and trade?related investment measures.

These provisions will also help protect American firms against forced technology transfers. China has agreed that, upon accession, it will not condition investment approvals, import licenses, or any other import approval process on performance requirements of any kind, including: local content requirements, offsets, transfer of technology, or requirements to conduct research and development in China.


The agreed protocol provisions ensure that American firms and workers will have strong protection against unfair trade practices including dumping and subsidies. The . and China have agreed that we will be able to maintain our current antidumping methodology (treating China as a non-market economy) in future anti-dumping cases. This provision will remain in force for 15 years after China's accession to the WTO. Moreover, when we apply our countervailing duty law to China we will be able to take the special characteristics of China's economy into account when we identify and measure any subsidy benefit that may exist.


The agreed provisions for the protocol package also ensure that American domestic firms and workers will have strong protection against rapid increases of imports.

To do this, the Product-Specific Safeguard provision sets up a special mechanism to address increased imports that cause or threaten to cause market disruption to a . industry. This mechanism, which is in addition to other WTO Safeguards provisions, differs from traditional safeguard measures. It permits United States to address imports solely from China, rather than from the whole world, that are a significant cause of material injury through measures such as import restrictions. Moreover, the United States will be able to apply restraints unilaterally based on legal standards that differ from those in the WTO Safeguards Agreement. This could permit action in more cases. The Product-Specific Safeguard will remain in force for 12 years after China accedes to the WTO.


The Protocol addresses important issues related to the Chinese government's involvement in the economy. China has agreed that it will ensure that state-owned and state-invested enterprises will make purchases and sales based solely on commercial considerations, such as price, quality, availability and marketability, and that it will provide . firms with the opportunity to compete for sales and purchases on non-discriminatory terms and conditions.

China has also agreed that it will not influence these commercial decisions (either directly or indirectly) except in a WTO consistent manner. With respect to applying WTO rules to state-owned and state-invested enterprises, we have clarified in several ways that these firms are subject to WTO disciplines:

Purchases of goods or services by these state-owned and state-invested enterprises do not constitute “government procurement” and thus are subject to WTO rules.

We have clarified the status of state-owned and state-invested enterprises under the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. This will help ensure that we can effectively apply our trade law to these enterprises when it is appropriate to do so.


China's protocol package will include a provision drawn from our 1997 bilateral textiles agreement, which permits . companies and workers to respond to increased imports of textile and apparel products. This textile safeguard will remain in the effect until December 31, 20_, which is four years after the WTO agreement on Textile and Clothing expires.


An Afcan farmer heard stoes about other farmers millions of dollars by discoveng diamond mines. These stoes excited the farmer. He couldn't wait to sell his farm and go to explore diamonds himself.

So he sold his farm and spent the rest of his life wandeng the continent looking for diamonds, but failed. The glitteng gems bught such high pces in the world One day, the man who bought the farm was cssing a stream. He saw something shining at the bottom of the ver.

He picked it up. It was a shining stone. A stone of good size.

He enjoyed it. Later, he put it on the mantel. A few weeks later, he put it on the mantel, A toust was full of praise for the stone.

He looked at it carefully, held it in his hand, and nearly fainted. He asked the farmer if he knew what he had found. When the farmer said no, he thought it was just a crystal.

The visitor told him that he had found one of the largest diamonds r discovered. The farmer was spsed, and he told the man that his stream was full of these shining stones, and that his far was full of these stones, perhaps not as big as the one on the mantel, but they were geneusly scattered on his pperty. Needless to say, the farm that the first farmer sold in search of diamond mines tned out to be the most pductive in the whole continent Diamond mines the first farmer owns acres of free diamond mines, but in order to find diamonds elsewhere, they hardly sell anything.

The moral is obvious: if the first farmer just takes the time to study and prepare to understand what diamonds look like in a ugh state, and becse he already owns a piece of land, before looking elsewhere To thoughly explore his pperty, his wildest dream will come true.




Summary Ranges

Total Accepted:511Total Submissions:2271

Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges.

For example, given[0,1,2,4,5,7], return[“0->2”,“4->5”,“7”].


两个指针 start, end. 如果nums[end+1] = nums[end]+1, 就移动end指针, 否则, 插入字符串nums[start]->nums[end].


public class Solution { // [0,1,2,4,5,7], return [“0->2”,“4->5”,“7”]. public ListsummaryRanges(int[] nums) { Listres = new ArrayList(); if(nums==null || ;1) return res; int s=0, e=0; while(e


如何写总结(How to write a summary) -英语作文

1、the author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes.

2、this passage discusses the importance of self-learning for children. students should have the chance to correct their own mistakes, learn-by-doing and learn from each other, not just the teacher.

3、the article gives the view that teachers should let students correct their mistakes by themselves. students are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.

4、some people think students’ mistakes








热门标签: 文章 英语 范文







实用范文 2023-08-23



演讲稿 2023-08-23



心得体会 2023-08-23



演讲稿 2023-08-23



演讲稿 2023-08-23



心得体会 2023-08-23