
更新时间:2023-10-25 12:42:20 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


Li Longfei and I are neighbors upstairs and downstairs, and we are also good fends. Although he is one year older than me, we can have a chat together. There will be a good time and good fends will have conflicts.

This is not. Two days ago, becse of a very all matter, we actually disagreed. That day was very .

I just bought a deck of cards, just like in Li Longfei's show. Se enough, he was He was immediately attracted by my card, and immediately took out a piece of bread crust fm home to accompany me. I thought he was fed up with it, and I wanted to retn to my card.

But Li Longfei said with wide eyes, _if you don't change bread, how can you go?_ I was silly. I didn't expect to see a new and betiful card fall into other people's hands Li Longfei's mother saw it and cticized him for not bullying me. Li Longfei looked at me and ced, _I won't be his fend._ I got my business card, but I like the ball.

I be to feel lonely. I thought, but Li Longfei told me that it was a good and fun toy I'll share it with me. A good joke will be told to me immediately.

But now I'm wored. My mother heard this sentence and said with a ile: _it's not a thing. He may be as lonely as you are now._ my mother whispered.

I immediately saw the light. Suddenly I took out my favote card and his favote chips and flew down the stairs with a _bang, bang_ sound. Li Longfei opened the door When he saw me, he was very spsed.

I gave it to him immediately. Li Longfei looked down and lghed shyly. My mind immediately cssed a stream.

I thought, now, he will be as full of sweet fendship as I am.




On the 8th wtten training day, Mr. Wang was on his way to the airport. He was very happy that he could travel.

But when he arved at the airport, he found that he had lost his ID card when he was in a bad mood. A foreier gave him a business card. This is his ID card.

He is very happy. He is very satiied with the B area of forei country. I got my report card today.

OK, I am very happy to hear me this time My math teacher said I worked hard, and my Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. Howr, I still have some difficulties in learning history and science. My history teacher said I could do better, my science teacher said I was a lazy student.

In short, I think I need to be a dver next semester. If I become a dver, I will work with my talkative people, so I'm glad I can work outside sometimes, but I won't be famous. If I become a lawyer, I may become a lawyer.

I can't people, but I can't work outside, and I can't work with people I think should be dvers.






Some people tend to think that they point to another example, on the contrary, others think, as an example, they think, importantly, as an example, as far as I'm concerned, I think the reason is, and ry time we hear someone say it's a good thing or a bad thing, we can lead by example, and at the same time, we have to recoize these shortcomings, second, summaze I think the correct attitude to the above argument is that we must face such a pblem: at present, and people are concerned about this issue, which is very important to us. For example, people have come up with a lot of solutions / we should take a sees of effective meases to deal with this situation. First of all, secondly, I personally think that for me, I use o methods to solve the pblem, one of which is the other, and now it has worked perfectly and effectively.

A famous saying is that this example is another example, and I like this encoaging sentence word.










热门标签: 格式 英语






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