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Daily report在初中英语课堂中的有效实施

女埠初中 徐晓红

新制定的《英语课程标准》把“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神”放在了首位。Daily Report 犹如唱响在英语课堂的一首序曲,对激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的课堂参与热情,培养学生听说读写的技能大有裨益,深受老师和学生的喜爱。本文结合笔者的教学实践,针对daily report在具体实施过程中出现的问题,谈谈如何在初中英语课堂中将其有效实施。

一、Daily Report 在英语课堂中的作用


Daily Report是在英语课堂教学的前三至五分钟内,由一名(可几名)学生向全班所做的值日报告。它虽然只是英语课堂教学中一个小小的环节,但它对激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,培养学生的听、说、读、写能力从而提高教学效果起着很大的作用。Daily Report能激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。孔子说过:“知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者。”这里的“乐”就是兴趣。其实,“兴趣是最好的老师。”学生一旦对英语产生了兴趣,就会自觉主动地参与各种英语学习活动,并从中获得乐趣。学生只有对英语课程感兴趣,才能变“要我学”为“我要学”,从而取得好的成绩。


A report小学英语作文

Here is a report about my i think do chores is important for student to develop their independence ,so i do this report . In our class,have fourteen students are making the bed and taking out the rubbish,they are so happy when they over do ten students are doing the dishes and walk the dog,because i love animals,i think take the dog for a walk is so good,of course,they feel ,sevens students are cooking and washing clothes,so they think these so boring they think they should learn to took after never doing homework,i think they are so lazy ,and they feel .that do homework are so tring,but i don't think our future ,we will all have a lot of things to meet,so we must learn to do these,and develop our independence,because the eariler kids learn to be independence,the better for their future. So come on!we will be pround of ourselves.














Dear Ms Li,

I'm very happy to have you as our English teacher.


Thank you!

Li Hua

One Possible Version:

Dear Ms Li,

I'm very happy to have you as our English teacher.

As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important, so mastering English means we can see the world through a new window.

My English is just OK and the two main problem in my study are that I feel it difficult to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when speaking English. I really hope that you can give me good advice on how to memorize new words. Another suggestion is to give us more chances to practice speaking. I believe we can make much progress in English with your help.

Thank you!


Li Hua

By Lloyd Jordan

One day while piloting a bomber through the war skies of Europe, I came to believe in the immortality of man. There was not any melodrama attached to this awakening. Only through the thousand details of a mind absorbed in a bomb run came the discovery of a single fact: “Know ye the truth, and the truth shall make ye free.”

Below me were the Alps, and the vision of Hannibal crossing them in his time of war flashed through my mind, followed in rapid succession by the remembrance of all the histories of wars. I looked at the bomber machinery about me and at the battle signs of destruction below and realized this was only one of the thousands of wars man has been engaged in, and still he has flourished. So then, like the warm sun and friendly heaven and God’s other features about me, man, too, must be permanent.

The warmth that came into the subzero cockpit with this divine realization made me know that here, at least for me, was the key to a happiness which had been missing before. The feeling of a day-to-day existence without hope for the tomorrow, changed to a sense of security and the knowledge of having a future. With this truth in mind, one cannot help but try to make a better world to live in.

This awakening came late to me, but with my children it will not be left to happenstance, for I have long since begun to show them the tying in of man’s immortality with the ageless evidences which are everywhere about us: the great artist’s glorious paintings of the heavens at sunrise and sunset; the delicate fragrance of a rose; the simple miracle of a newly born lamb; the massive majesty of snowcapped, purple mountains; the mysterious, many-faced sea hiding a thousands other worlds beneath its cloak; the twinkling lights from stars a billion miles away. They have learned these things are of God and are immortal, just as the music and the paintings of the old masters are God-given and ageless.

“But Daddy,” they have asked me, “the papers say the Atom Bomb will kill off the human race someday, is that so?” How certainly I can assure them now, believing in the imperishability of man as I do. People said that when the spear came into existence, and the bow and arrow, and guns and bullets, and planes and bombs. But there has been someone more powerful than all these forces, and so we are here today, greater in number, healthier in body, and more advanced in science and learning than ever.

Have patience with all this hysteria, I tell them. After all, mankind is only a youngster, like one of you. The Earth is an unknown millions of years old, while man is a mere 6,000 years of age. Mankind is still growing up, comparatively, and his growth can be likened to your own. Its like you and the neighboring children who have words and fight. Someone gets a black eye, but you make up and then you work and play together again, and as you grow more mature you fight less often because you become more intelligent. So will it be with the world.

In giving these simple facts to my children, I continually add to my own faith in mankind. I believe man is basically good in heart, spiritually indestructible, and his place in the sun is assured because he is in God’s image. I believe all these things, sincerely; but more important, my children believe them, for it is they who hold the combination to man’s future peace and happiness.

英语范文:The Hidden World Around Us

By Harry Overstreet

Ever since Socrates was introduced to my adolescent mind he has been one chief master of my thinking. What he believed still seems to me to be indispensable for carrying on an intelligent and responsible life. He believed that he did not know. For myself, I have come to change his negative into a positive. I know that there is far more in this universe for me to know than I now know.

I recently had a dramatic illustration of this. My wife and I, driving through Arizona, stopped at a “collector’s shop” in Tucson, where stones and minerals of many kinds were on display. In the course of the visit, we were taken into a small room where rocks were laid out on shelves. They were quite ordinary-looking rocks. Had I seen them on some hillside, I would not have given them a second thought. Then the man closed the door so that the room was in total darkness and turned on an ultraviolet lamp.

Instantly the prosaic rocks leaped into a kind of glory. Brilliant colors of an indescribable beauty were there before our eyes.

A very simple thing—and yet a very tremendous thing—had happened. A certain power had been snapped on; and a hidden world leaped into life.

As I look at my universe and walk among my fellow humans, I have the deep belief that hidden realities are all around us. These hidden realities are there in the physical world; and they are there, also, in the human world. If I am foolish enough to think that I see all there is to be seen in front of my eyes, I simply miss the glory.

I believe, then, that my chief job in life—and my astonishing privilege—is to snap on an extra power so that I can see what my naked eyes—or my naked mind—cannot now see. I believe that I have to do this particularly with my human fellows. My ordinary eyes tend to stop short at those opaque envelopes we call human bodies. But we have learned that by turning on a certain power we can penetrate to the inside of these envelopes.

We call this extra power “imagination.” At its highest, we call it “empathy,” the power to see through and to feel through to the inner life of other human beings. It is a kind of ultraviolet lamp of our psychic life. When we turn on this lamp of imaginative sensitivity, we make the prosaic human beings around us come excitingly alive.

Zona Gale once set down as the first article of her creed: “I believe in expanding the areas of my awareness.” I’d do the same. If I expand the areas of my awareness, I move understandingly into realities beyond me. When I move into them understandingly, I know what I can do and what I should do. If I don’t move in understandingly, if I stay in ignorance on the outside, then, in all likelihood, I will do mistaken things.

The great principle of love depends on this. He who loves another tries truly to understand the other. We can reverse this: he who tries truly to understand another is not likely to hate that other.

Socrates gave no finished catalogue of the “truths” of the world. He gave, rather, the impulse to search. This is far better, I feel, than dogmatic certainty. When we are aware that there are glories of life still hidden from us, we walk humbly before the Great Unknown. But we do more than this: we try manfully to increase our powers of seeing and feeling so that we can turn what is still unknown into what is warmly and understandingly known…This, I believe, is our great human adventure.

Dear bob,亲爱的bob

I am glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to study English very good. 我很高兴能收到你的来信并让我给你提出一些怎样学好英语的建议。

Here are a few suggestions.这里有一些建议 First. I think it is important to recite English words ,第一, 我认为背诵英语单词很重要it is very important to study English .这对学习英语来说很重要 then ,it also helps to reading English newspa-pe-r and English magazine .他可以帮助你读英语报纸和英语杂志Oh. while you elect English newspa-pe-r and English magazine you must be able to yourself .哦当你选择英语报纸和英语杂志的时候,要选择适合你自己的besides, it should be a good idea to watching English movie .还有一个好的`想法就是去看英语电影 you can also private your English listing when you are relaxing .当你在放松的时候你同时也可以提升你的英语听力能力。

As to your situation,以你现在的情况I suggest you can taking more and more English exercises. 我建议你可以多做一些英语练习题In addition you can private your English grammar .此外,你也可以提高农的英语语法 if you can hard. 如果你会努力I am sure you can private your English in a short time.我可以确定你的英语在很短的时间内有提高

I am looking forward to your English level have a big change.我很期望你的英语水平有一个很大的变化。

Sincerely yours

Li Hua 你诚挚的李华

关于梦想的英语作文 once i thought there was nobody that i can not forget。

but i have known forgetting one person is not an easy since i met you。 our love is just akin to the sight you went through。

to you,i may be only one passing traveler,

but to me,you are my best love。

thanks to having loved,i can not detest you。

no matter what the result is,i will not detest you。

thank you for having me for those days。

it is a happy to be loved by you although i can not be together with you。 i will remember what you have given to me。

bless for you,my dear。

it is not an inte








热门标签: 英语 范文







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