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从更深层次讲,这种 Abstract 已经可以部分地取代阅读全文了。信息型 Abstract 一般长度适中,有的文献认为在 200-500 个单词比较适合,太短了说明不了问题,太长了就违背了 Abstract 简短的写作要求。因此,对比介绍型 Abstract ,信息型 Abstract 除了描述论文的主题外,还会全面但概括性地介绍论文的研究要点和各个研究要点的主要核心内容,将方法、结果和结论都要表述清楚。信息型 Abstract 实例如下:

上例的 Abstract 详细介绍了针对成年大鼠饮食中糖类最佳比例的测定方法、实验数据以最终的结论,是一篇发表在 Physiological research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemoslovaca 期刊上典型的信息型 Abstract 论文。通过该例可以看出,信息型 Abstract 主要将论文研究的主题、方法、结果/结论写得比较详细。


[摘 要]思辨能力或称批判性思维能力,是指能够对事物进行分析、辨别、质疑、反思和评价的能力,是一种能够提高学生创新能力

[2] Dewey, John. How We Think[M]. New York: D. C. Heath and Company, 1933.

[3] Facione O’,P. 1990. California Critical Thinking Skills Test [ M] .Millbrae: The California Academic Press.

[4] Geertsen, H. Reed, Rethinking thinking about higher-level thinking [J]. Teaching Sociology, 20_(1).

[5] Hughes,A. Testing for Language Teachers [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ^v^.

[6] 陈亚平,刘枫.英语学院20_级新生批判性思维能力调查 [J] .北外英文学刊,20_(1) .

[7] 高校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组.高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲(20_版)[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,20_.

[8] 何其莘,黄源深,秦秀白,陈建平.近三十年来我国高校英语专业教学回顾与展望[J].外语教学与研究,20_(6).

[9] 胡文仲,孙有中.突出学科特点,加强人文教育――试论当前英语专业教学改革[ J].外语教学与研究,20_(5).

[10] 胡文仲.英语专业“专”在哪里[J].外语界,20_(6).

[11] 黄源深.英语专业课程必须彻底改革――再谈“思辨缺席”[J].中国外语,20_(1).

[12] 李莉文.英语专业写作评测模式设计:以批判性思维能力培养为导向[J].外语与外语教学,20_(8).

[13] 林崇德.思维心理学研究的几点回顾[J].北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),20_(5).

[14] 罗仕国,秦艳,黄宗杰,梁叶丽,孙莉莉.关于本科生批判性思维能力的调查与讨论[J].广西教育,20_(3).

[15] 入世与外语专业教育课题组.关于高等外语专业教育体制与教学模式改革的几点思考(一)[J].外语界,20_(5).

[16] 孙有中.突出思辨能力培养,将英语专业教学改革引向深入[J].中国外语,20_(8).

[17] 文秋芳,周燕.评述外语专业学生思维能力的发展[J].外语学刊,20_(5).

[18] 文秋芳.论外语专业研究生高层次思维能力的培养[J].学位与研究生教育,20_(10).

[19] 文秋芳.构建我国外语类大学生思辨能力量具的理论框架[J].外语界,20_(1).


“巧妇难为无米之炊”,初中阶段学习的语法尚比较简单,学生的英语水平或者说考试成绩的高低更多的是决定于词汇量的大小。在日常的单词学习中,学生总是孤立地将单词的拼写和词义对应起来背诵,十分生硬,记忆难度大且容易遗忘。实践证明,通过记忆整个句子来记忆单词的作用及用法的策略效率更高,记忆也比较长久,而英语歌词不仅简短押韵朗朗上口,还配有悦耳的曲调,边听边记,心情也会变好。可见,听英文歌曲对于学生在短期内高效记忆英语单词具有重要作用。比如“Get”这一高频词,其作用很多(有“得到、变得、使得”等),用法也很灵活:,单纯通过讲解学生很难分清其在各个语境中的用法。但是放到句子中去理解就容易得多。如在Blue的《Get Down》这首歌中,就使用了“Get”的多种用法:“If you wanna get down with me”中应译为“变得”,整句意为“和我一起”;在“before you get the wrong impression on your mind”中为“得到”之意;在“We can get back what we had you cannot deny it”中意为“使得”。整句的记忆更给学生留下比较深刻的理解,而多个用法集中出现又有了比较的对象,这样的学一首歌就能记得3个意思,效率很高。而通常整首歌中都会出现个别生词,所以学生也渐渐加深了对这些单词的印象,增大了词汇量。


Abstract 通常放在整篇论文的前面,单独一个段落出现,自成体系。随着科技文献电子化存储的发展,Abstract 极大地方便了信息检索。它可以通过各种各样的 Abstract 进行检索服务,有时查询系统的Abstract 是逐词记录的,将各种 Abstract 分门别类,根据 Abstract 的类别进行分类科技文献的搜索,例如,生物学类 Abstract、计算机 Abstract、地理信息型 Abstract、语言学类 Abstract 等。一篇论文的 Abstract 将会比整篇本身更广泛地被阅读。它可以比论文本身传播得更广、更远,从而产生比全文更广泛、更深的学术影响。比如本人阅读论文的习惯就是,先看 Title,后通读 Abstract ,感觉 Abstract 里没有我所想要知道的内容,就不再继续阅读整篇论文了。

基于以上几点, 英文科技论文特别 SCI 论文的 Abstract 撰写通常应该在正文将近完稿后开始,尽量能包括将研究内容的要点,而没有遗漏。当然也可以在正文撰写前写作,用来梳理写作思路,然后在撰写过程中和结束后根据论文内容作适当修改,甚至可以重写,为了让 Abstract 与论文正文保持前后一致性。

一般来说,英文科技论文的 Abstract 分为三种类型


由于缺乏英语环境,大多数学生学的都是“哑巴英语”,听说的能力远远低于读写的能力,所以如何让学生开口说英语是初中英语教学的一大重点。大多数英语歌曲的发音和语调都比较的清晰纯正,学生在听的过程中不仅可以提高自己的听力,在学唱歌曲的时候也无形中练习了发言。所以教师要鼓励学生多听英语歌,并模仿演唱者的.发音和语调学习演唱,这样在放松心情的同时也学习了英语,一举两得。学习语音规则是每个英语学习者都必须经历的过程,音的同化、弱化、连读、失去爆破等语音技术在英语歌曲中都大量存在,所以英语教师在安排做英语语音训练时可以将英语歌曲作为听力材料,引导学生归纳这些规则,并反复长期练习,增强其英语语感。如《Take Me To Your Heart》中的一句歌词:“Hiding from the rain an(d) snow”,其中就包括了连读和失去爆破,在指导学生进行练习时,教师可用多媒体出示歌词,歌词随着歌曲的播放而滚动显示,先让学生整体欣赏一遍,然后再对歌词读法进行分析讲解。而后再让学生跟着原唱一起小声哼唱,体会发音规律,反复模仿练习至熟练,直至能流畅的唱出歌曲。



摘 要:文章的标题,就好比书的封面或电影的名字,提供给读者或观众的是至关重要的第一印象。因此,标题在论文写作中是非常重要的一个方面,读者甚至在阅读文章摘要之前就通过标题对整个文章有所了解。更重要的是,标题给读者留下的第一印象将是深刻与长久的。Swale(1990)指出,英语学术论文中标题字数虽然不多,但构思标题耗时不少,需字斟句酌。本文在分析大量具体的英语学术论文标题的基础上,总结其特点与常见模式,并提出几点标题写作方面的建议。

关键词:学术论文 标题 模式



1.不同于小说与报刊文章的标题,学术论文的标题通常要长一些。APA(The Publication manual of the American psychological association, 5th ed., 20_)建议学术论文的标题应包含10-12个单词。但有些学术论文的标题字数也可能超过这个范围。例如:

1) A comparison of the use of citation in Chinese and English academic discourse

2) Shaping written knowledge: The genre and activity of the experimental article in science

3)Coffee: New grounds for concern

4) The scoop on the best ice cream

3. 学术论文的标题是严肃、正式的,要尽可能清楚、具体地反映出文章的内容。使用率最高的一种标题就是罗列出文章中的关键词。例如:

5) Genre, intertextuality and social power

6) The power of reflexive language(s): Code displacement in reported speech




Abstract 作为对英文科技论文的最主要内容进行不加注释和评论的简短陈述那一部分。与整篇论文的其他部分相比,它起着至关重要的概括要点的作用。从本质上讲,Abstract 是把论文的内容浓缩成一篇简短、简洁、概括性强的一个段落的文本。Abstract 被看成是论文的缩略版或缩写,概括了主体的内容,例如背景、主题/问题、方法、结论和意义。精心撰写的Abstract是检索科技文献的有用工具(反之,如果 Abstract 写得不佳,对检索该篇论文是个误导),它能使读者能够更快、更方便地识别论文的基本内容,确定论文与其个人兴趣相关性,并最终决定是否需要继续阅读整篇论文


Abram, M. H.“English Romanticism: The Spirit of the Age.”

Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. New

York: Columbia UP,.


Articles in Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers

Otto, Mary L.“Child Abuse: Group Treatment for Parents.”

Personnel and Guidance Journal 62(1984): 336-48.


Arnold, Marilgn.“Willa Cather's Nostalgia: A Study in

Ambivalance.”Research Studies .


Gorney, Cynthia.“When the Gorilla Speaks.”Washington Post

31 July,1985:B1.


学习一门语言是最终目的是为了交流、交际,而要交际,只掌握这门语言的语法、词汇、语音、语调等是远远不够的,还应该了解这门语言所属国家的历史、文化、风俗习惯等。只有让学生更多地把思维方式、说话习惯等往英式上靠拢,他们才能真正提高使用英语进行交际的能力。由于文化背景的差异,很多词语都有着其特定的感情色彩,切忌望文生义。例如《Seasons in the Sun》中的歌词“Goodbye Papa,please pray for was the black sheep of the family.”词中 black sheep 是“害群之马”“捣蛋鬼”的意思,而不是“黑羊”。教师的任务是要让学生学“纯英语”,而不是“中式英语”。同时还应让学生学“实用的英语”,而不是“时过境迁的英语”。流行歌曲往往使紧跟时代潮流,其中的歌词也大多是平常生活中经常使用的词语和表达法,有的经典歌词甚至以其创新的搭配成为了时下的流行语,所以多听流行歌曲对于学生在“玩抓英语”是在是好处多多。另外,教师还可以在一些西方传统节日期间组织一些活动,为学生创造亲身体验西方文化的机会。如圣诞节时,教师像开Party一样和学生围坐在一起,给他们讲解圣诞节的由来,教他们如何祷告,一起讨论如何做家庭大扫除、如何装扮圣诞树、想要什么圣诞礼物,和学生一起唱《The snowman》《Jingle bells》《Silent night》等圣诞歌曲,在圣诞氛围中学到有关圣诞的文化知识,这样不仅能激发学生的英语学习兴趣,又加深了对英语文化的理解。



Study on College Tourism English Teaching Combining with Aba Local Tourism Culture

Abstract: Boasting of rich, outstanding natural and cultural tourism resources, marvelous landscape, specific humanistic environment, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture is well-known to the world, which has been attracting ever-increasing tourists home and abroad with its unique charm, such as the fairy-land like natural scenery, mysterious Tibetan Buddhist culture, ancient Qiang’s Shibi (necromancer) culture, the Red Army’s Long March culture and so on. These rich natural and cultural tourism resources raise the economic benefits of cultural tourism development emphasis. Aba is an ethnic minority area leading with the tourism industry; after years of development, tourism has become the main source of income for the local ethnic minorities. More and more foreign tourists have been attracted into this area, particularly, Europe, the United States and other English-speaking countries have become the major source countries; a large number of high-qualified tourism professionals are in urgent need, and tourism English teaching plays a very important role for cultivating High quality talents who are both proficient in English, grasping high level tourism skills, and quite familiar with Aba tourism resources. This paper analyzes and puts forward some constructive measures on how to combine Aba tourism resources, local culture with college tourism English teaching.

Key words: Aba tourism resources local culture college tourism English teaching


After joining WTO, China gets more and more intimacy communication opportunities with the world; has been attracting ever-increasing foreign tourists and foreign tourism industry is rapidly developing. However, the development of the tourism industry and excellent tourism practitioners can not be synchronized, particularly high quality foreign tourism practitioners are seriously lacking, which causing the deve lopment of China’s foreign tourism lag, especially the local tourism resources and cultural characteristics can not be good publicized. Most of the local colleges are in charge of cultivating qualified personnel for local economic development, many vocational colleges set up Tourism English major, but because of teaching conception, method and practice are old-fashioned and out of touch, it results in Tourism English graduates are unable to adapt to the development needs of the tourism industry, and not well for the local tourism economy.

Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture boasts abundant tourism resources and unique ethnic culture, which needs more high quality tourism practitioners who are skilled with foreign communicative ability and having comprehensive local culture knowledge to publicize the local culture and bring to a great height of development. Thus, the local college tourism English teaching should attach great importance to the needs of penetrating the local tourism and culture, and combining the introduction of local characteristics and cultural tourism with English teaching has very important significance.


英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。







其中,[ ]表示可选,{ }表示必选,<>表示有序对(ordered pair,集合中元素有先后顺序关系)。S0 描述背景,用一个陈述句文字说明;S1 描述目的/问题/对象等,一个主题句,可以再加一个或两个陈述研究主题的支持从句(展开)说明;S2 描述方法/实验过程等,两三个或多个陈述句文字说明,提供关于研究方法或实验的具体信息;S3 描述实验结果,一个或二个陈述句文字说明;S4 描述研究结果的展开、价值及意义,一个或二个陈述句文字说明。

无论选用以上哪种类型进行撰写,英文科技论文的 Abstract 都必须具备独立性(independent)和自含性(self-contained),即不阅读论文全文,就能使读者获得论文研究内容中最重要的信息。


Analyzing the Factors and Corresponding Measures for English Majors’ Writing

【Abstract】As we know, English writing is an important part of communicative competence. But for many English majors, it is hard to express their thoughts clearly. In order to find out the main problems and corresponding measures, the author analyzes many compositions written by English majors. With some academic opinions and the author’s own analysis, some problems existing in students’ writing are listed. According to the problems, the author summarizes some influencing factors. Finally, the author gives some relevant solutions. Through analyzing those samples, the author hopes it has some help for English majors’ writing.

【Key words】Writing;English major;Influencing factors;Effective measures

0 Introduction

“English writing is a re-creation process where students use the knowledge of the language through thinking. So writing skills can reflect students’ language competence” (Bai 20_:99)。 But for many English majors, English writing is a difficulty for them. So many reasons have led to this kind of phenomenon. The author summarizes several types of mistakes that English majors often make, such as vocabulary mistakes, grammar mistakes. According to these problems, the author analyzes the influencing factors and tries to find suitable ways to solve this problem.

1 Influencing Factors

Vocabulary Mistakes

Generally there are three kinds of vocabulary mistakes existing in English majors’ writing. They are spelling mistake, collocation mistake and part of speech problem. In the following part, they are discussed one by one.

First, the spelling mistakes are common in their compositions. “Vocabulary is the requisite element of English writing” (He 20_:141)。 If students want to write a good composition to express their thoughts, they should grasp enough vocabulary and understand words correctly. However, most English majors do not learn vocabulary like that. For example, the words “indepadent” is not correct in spelling; the words “indepondance” and “independent” are not correct; the words “dapt”, “nowdays” are not spelled correctly. This is because students neglect the spelling when they learn the word at the beginning. What’s more, many students recite the word in accordance with pronunciation.

Second, collocation mistakes occur frequently. Collocation is the key point of vocabulary learning. It plays a vital role in expressing the author’s intention. As we all know, the English collocation is very different from Chinese. Some students are used to thinking in Chinese and then directly translate Chinese into English literally. Such literal translations will definitely lead to mistakes. Generally speaking, the words do not appear isolated from others. That is to say, there are fixed about collocation between adjective and noun, verb and object noun etc. However, students often do not pay attention to this collocation and accumulate the words mechanically, leading to inappropriate expression in English. For example, “look dinner” and “leave earth” are not appropriate.








热门标签: 英文 范例






机械壳体设计论文范文 第一篇《机械工程材料教学实践 》【摘要】机械工程材料是机械类专业重要的专业基础课。对这门课的特点和教学现状进行了分析。根据“卓越工程师教育培养计划”的培养目标和要求,对教学内容、教学方法和实训环节进行了探索和改进,取得了一定成绩。【关



毕业论文的材料范文 第一篇大学四年的学习时光已经接近尾声,在此我想对我的母校、我的父母、我的老师和同学们表达我由衷的谢意。感谢武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院,给我提供这么好的学习生活环境,在这里学习和生活的四年是我一生中一段难忘的经历!感谢我的导师余黎老师



医学论著类论文范文 第一篇中医药论文写作存在的问题中医药论文系指中医药学术论文,有广义狭义之分,作为一篇真正高质量的中医药论文,最根本的一条应该是植根于中华传统文化这一土壤上的,这不仅仅是其特色而且也正是其生命力之所在。目前之所以出现中医药论文八股化这一严



团结友善教育论文范文 第一篇世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。友善是一缕阳光,照耀万物;友善是一阵春雨,滋润大地……我曾经读过这样一个故事,有个叫明月的小女孩,今年六岁,却患有先天性心脏病,更让人惊奇的是,陪明月来医院治



采煤职业安全论文范文 第一篇摘要:阐述行为安全理论的方法原理及其工作机制,规范其在煤矿生产中的具体流程,评价企业基本状况并设计行为安全目标,通过对工作人员的观察,纠正与规范其行为,根据反馈信息提出完善行为安全管理的策略。实践发现,企业将行为安全管理理论落实



汽车精密铸造论文范文 第一篇 附件B:毕业设计(论文)开题报告1、课题的目的及意义(含国内外的研究现状分析或设计方案比较、选型分析等)课题的目的及意义根据课题研究,学习相关理论知识及之前开发的钢质同步环成型工艺和模具,对该钢质同
