
更新时间:2023-11-30 20:40:12 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


When I was 12 years old, it was unforgettable to stay at home alone for the first time. Once my parents were on a business trip. I stayed alone for two days.

My parents left early on the first day. I got up very quickly. I was a little scared.

So I turned on all the lights in my bedroom all night. I was afraid that I would get up late the next morning. I put three alarm clocks by my bed and divided them In order to prove that I can take care of myself, I wash my clothes the next afternoon.

Although I can wait for my mother to do it, I am really proud of myself and feel like a big girl.




When I was 12 years old, it was unforgettable to stay at home alone for the first time. Once my parents were on a business tp. I stayed alone for o days.

My parents left early on the first day. I got up very quickly. I was a little scared.

So I tned on all the lights in my bedom all night. I was afraid that I would get up late the next morning. I put three alarm clocks by my bed and divided them In order to pve that I can take care of myself, I wash my clothes the next afternoon.

Although I can wait for my mother to do it, I am really pud of myself and feel like a big girl.



标签: 新学期


I'm glad to hear fm you. I know that many young people like to play comr s. As a result, they have little time to study.

I think you are wng. You make yo parents angry. You should have a good talk with them and tell them yo mistakes.

You should let them you spend time doing something useful for yo study. If you work hard, they will be very happy with you Of.




Dear Li Ping, fm yo letter, I know that you have some difficulties in English learning. I'm glad to give you some advice. You said in yo letter that you can't understand people who speak very fast.

I think you should impve yo listening skills first. You should listen to tapes for half an ho ry day. I think you'd better wte down yo things and listen to the recording.

Second, you can practice with English Third, I suggest that you should watch English movies. This is a secret to impve yo listening skills. You can practice it by reading aloud.

You can also listen to tapes ry day and read them one by one. You can make yo pnunciation better. You also say that you find English grammar difficult.

Why not listen to the teacher carefully and take notes on grammar in each class Make sentences with the grammar you are learning. This can you practice a lot and make you perfect. I hope you can pass yo hard work.




In many countries, it is common for young people to work part-time in high school, while in other societies it is almost unheard of. In the latter case, students are expected to spend all their time studying. In my opinion, schoolwork is their _job_, and students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include part-time work.

Therefore, I think it's a good idea for students to study and work at the same time.





A distress letter dear uncle, how are you next week? One of my clasates, I will take part in the English speech con on behalf of my school. I am very excited, but also very happy, becse this is a good opportunity to impve my English ll, but I have no expeence. Although I have been prepang for the competition, as an English expert, I still have no confidence.

What do you suggest I do for the competition? I plan to visit you this Satday morning. I want to know if you are free. If not, can you tell me yo convenient time I'd like to get yo guidance.

I'll be very grateful to yo niece, bayberry.




Dear (), I'm sorry to hear that you have problems in school, but you don't have to worry. You are very smart. I believe that if you follow my advice, you will do well.

I think you should talk to your friends more about your problems. Don't try to do anything yourself. You can also tell your parents or your teachers that you need something.

Finally, you should take part in some interesting activities after class to help yourself,.




First of all, to make fends, you must be fendly to others, ile at others, and you will certainly get a ile in retn. You should try to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he is, as long as he is for the sake of others, not yoself, nr judge people by their appearance. When you disagree with someone, fends should negotiate instead of quarrel.

Please discuss with him.




Dear Emily: long time no see. How are you? I want to tell you that I miss you very much. I will visit you this summer vacation, and then I will bng you a lot of betiful things.

Are you happy, Emily, there are many interesting things here, but I think you will be hr than me. OK, I have to do my homework now. Best wishes to see you in this summer vacation.











热门标签: 建议 英文






经验实际上是简单地写下你读过的书或文章的内容,然后写下你自己的观点或感受。换句话说,就是用你自己的话,把你读到的浓缩成简单的话,然后批评它。最重要的是提出自己的观点或意见。 以下是为大家整理的关于20_三个规定个人的心得体会的文章6篇 ,欢迎品鉴!【篇1

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经验是指在阅读和练习之后所写的一种接受性写作。语言的阅读体验与数学笔记相似体验是指将所学知识运用到实践中,通过实践和写作反思学习内容,类似于体验总结。 以下是为大家整理的关于教育整顿回头看心得体会的文章14篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第1篇: 教育整顿回头看心得体会 

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