更新时间:2023-12-02 14:14:12 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx
Dear, in order to better promote the sales of our new products, we have issued an announcement, which says that we have updated all the websites and provided a set of new products for customers to choose from. You are welcome to visit the upgraded website.
标签: 新学期
一、 选题的背景与意义:
艾米莉·勃朗特是英国维多利亚时期著名小说家和作家,是著名的勃朗特姐妹之一, 也是三姐妹中最具天赋的一个。她一生只写了一部小说《呼啸山庄》,但是这部伟大的作品却使她扬名于世。通过《呼啸山庄》,艾米莉·勃朗特以维多利亚时代为背景,通过写两个截然不同的家族,三代人之间的爱恨情仇,充分表现了维多利亚时期文明和自然之间的冲突以及怎样反映了艾米莉·勃朗特对自然的偏爱。小说中自然和文明冲突不断,艾米莉·勃朗特在小说中多次运用对比和象征来表现此冲突,例如,呼啸山庄和画眉山庄的冲突,凯瑟琳两种不同的`爱情观的冲突。这种冲突正是基于艾米莉·勃朗特对自然异于常人的热爱和当时现代文明盛行的背景。英国文学史上著名的三姐妹从小生活在荒原上,自然在她们心中是神圣之物,这点很像新英格兰超验主义的观点。并且英国浪漫主义时期沃兹沃斯和柯律利治等著名诗人影响,自然,情感和哥特式元素在艾米莉·勃朗特的作品中都发挥着举足轻重的作用。而且,艾米莉·勃朗特生活在物欲横流的维多利亚时代,当时的人们以自然之情为基础的生活受到现代文明的激烈冲击。作为维多利亚时代批判现实主义的代表人物,艾米莉·勃朗特看到了现代文明带来的种种罪恶,内心更加执着于对自然的喜爱。 因此,要想真正读懂这部伟大的著作,就必须要了解小说中艾米莉·勃朗特对自然和文明的观点。只有了解艾米莉·勃朗特对自然和文明的态度,才能真正明白在这爱恨情仇下有着更深刻的寓意-人类生活应该顺应自然和本性。通过《呼啸山庄》中自然和文明的从图矛盾,由此来叙述《呼啸山庄》中回归自然的观点。
二、 国内外研究现状:
2. 王宏洁则在《自然与文明的冲击》中认为,自然和文明的冲突矛盾也就是《呼啸山庄》中的其中一个重要主题。自然,要求人们生活需要顺从内心情感和自然本性,得到自然错给予的舒适和自得。而文明,则是不同于自然的一种新的生活方式,要求人们生活遵从道德和理智。文明由此带来了物欲横流的社会以及追逐自身利益的人类,因此纯净自然之人被文明所污染。而自然不会随着文明的出现和进步消失,自然会一直存在。所以自文明诞生开始,文明和自然的冲突就不断。
(二) 国外研究现状
1.英国著名女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在一九一六年就写过《〈简爱〉与〈呼啸山庄〉》一文。她写道:“当夏洛蒂写作时,她以雄辩、光彩和热情说我爱,我恨,我受苦.她的经验,虽然比较强烈,却是和我们自己的经验都在同一水平上。但是在《呼啸山庄》中没有 我,没有家庭女教师,没有东家。有爱,却不是男女之爱。艾米莉被某些比较普遍的观念所激励,促使她创作的冲动并不是她自己的受苦或她自身受损害。她朝着一个四分五裂的世界望去,而感到她本身有力量在一本书中把它拼凑起来。那种雄心壮志可以在全部小说中感觉得到--一种部分虽受到挫折,但却具有宏伟信念的挣扎,通过她的人物的口中说出的不仅仅是我爱或我恨,却是我们,全人类和你们,永存的势力……这句话没有说完。”
2.英国进步评论家阿诺·凯特尔(Arnold Kettle)在《英国小说引论》一书中第三部分论及十九世纪的小说时,他总结说:“《呼啸山庄》以艺术的想象形式表达了十九世纪资本主义社会中的人的精神上的压迫、紧张与矛盾冲突。这是一部毫无理想主义、毫无虚假的安慰,也没有任何暗示说操纵他们的命运的力量非人类本身的斗争和行动所能及。对自然,荒野与暴风雨,星辰与季节的有力召唤是启示生活本身真正的运动的一个重要部分。《呼啸山庄》中的男男女女不是大自然的囚徒,他们生活在这个世界里,而且努力去改变它,有时顺利,却总是痛苦的,几乎不断遇到困难,不断犯错误。”
三、 课题研究内容及创新
艾米莉·勃朗特在《呼啸山庄》中多次运用象征主义,例如,呼啸山庄和西斯科拉里夫与儿时的凯瑟琳代表自然,他们崇尚自由,顺应自然和暴风雨似的生活原则而与呼啸山庄对立存在的画眉山庄以及林顿家庭则代表文明,他们彬彬有礼,服从一切社会原则。自然和文明表面风平浪静一直到西斯克里夫和凯瑟琳偶然闯进画眉山庄,于是冲突不断。凯瑟琳的自然之情开始受到文明的真正挑战,她开始背叛自己的内心情感,越来越像淑女,最终她舍弃对西斯克里夫的真爱嫁给埃德加·林顿,表面上文明占取了绝对优势。但是婚后的凯瑟琳被内心的自然之情折磨致死。而西斯克里夫也因为凯瑟琳的背叛自然性扭曲到极端,他变成了复仇的恶魔。文明的侵犯使人性扭曲,约束人的真实自然之情,造成了悲剧。尽管文明带来了进步,但是文明却扼杀了人性。最终,艾米莉·勃朗特让西斯克里夫在死前打开阻碍之窗-文明,让两人的游魂在荒野间游荡。种种表明艾米莉·勃朗特对两人爱情的同情以及要求人顺应人性,重返自然的思想。 本选题拟从三个部分加以阐述:
1. 自然和文明的定义
2. 自然和文明的较量: a.自然和文明的象征:呼啸山庄和画眉山庄;西斯克里夫和林顿及其哈的顿 b.自然和文明的斗争:凯瑟琳的爱情选择和西斯克里夫的疯狂报复导致人性的扭曲
3. 结论 人应该顺从自然,归顺自然。文明的侵犯使人性扭曲以及给人带来毁灭性的灾害。
Fake goods, also known as Shanzhai products, are quite common in China. These products usually have the similar names with the real product, or just exactly the same out-looking with the products. In the remote area, this situation could be worse. The markets are swamped with these fake and poor quality goods. On Taobao, some bad sellers mix up the good and fake products, you can’t even tell the differences between them. Such behavior has harmed greatly to the people’s rights and health. For example, if a consumer buys the fake the cosmetics, she may get allergic. And this may lead to horrible result. What’s worse, the fake goods also exist in the medicine markets. If a patient buys the fake goods by accident, he may lose his life.
The cause of this situation is that some people only care about money making; they don’t know the aftermaths of such behaviors could bring. The local governments do not look into their illegal activities. The consumers’ right must be protected. Only in this way the market can develop healthy and steady. The justice must be done.
At present, more and more people are concerned about fake commodities, for they cause very serious social problems. Many things can be fake, such as fake food and drinks, fake clothes, fake iron and steel, and so on.
Fake commodities are harmful in many ways. For example, fake food and drinks will lead to cancers. Fake steel and iron used to build the houses, our houses will be no longer a safe place to live in. In addition, producing and buying fake commodities will cause a great loss to the nation's economy.
Consequently, the people who produce fake commodities must be punished severely, and their factories must be closed down. If fake commodities can be banned by law, our life will be better.
INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research.
The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal. Therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. The price is reasonable. It is a wise choice for English learners.
The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before. Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel. Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and xxx are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become , the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources become with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technol.。
Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us can’t live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them.(34 words)
I can’t agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People can’t resist the temptation to buy and them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly.
I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which is a video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it.
If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether it’s practical.(120 words)
Because you need to inform your marketing team of a broadcast advertising campaign for a new product of your company, write an email to your team: * remind you which new product it is * explain why you choose to advertise on the radio * say what effect you want the advertising campaign to achieve. Write an example: I believe everyone knows our upcoming new product te, because of our budget, we Radio advertising will be used. I hope this event will cover most of the customers we have now and bring new customers.
Dear everyone, the advertising camp for our new product automatic navigator is coming. You know, radio is the easiest to buy. For drivers, I believe we will make a high-profile advertisement for them to remind ^v^musical instruments, facilities and equipment to: marketing team fr: Coco date: 12 Monthly theme: Radio new product advertising campaign dear teammates, the new mobile phone will be the next new arrival, it will be advertised on the radio, because we are short of money.
I hope our marketing team can make an additional advertisement, sales will impact market share, thank you about the lack of money for new products of hand machines sales market share: everything start date: Manager date: December main Radio advertising of our new products I'd like to inform you of our advertising campaign for new drugs. Many elderly people often participate in the radio. They are the products we need most.
Moreover, advertising on the radio is much cheaper than on TV. We can make more profits or lower prices. Thank you for those who maximize profits: marketing team from: Alvin theme: contravariant Tranormer radio advertising campaign dear everyone, as a new product of our company, inverter tranormer needs to be advertised now.
Considering the habits of the target customers, we decided to advertise on the radio in the first two months to let people accept our new product and obtain sales of 10000 US dollars in the first month. Thank you to the target customer: Joe Lee, marketing manager topic: advertising on the radio. I want to inform you that I have decided to advertise our new product headphones on the radio, because students are one of the main audiences of the radio and they are also our main consumers.
We decided.
因为你需要通知你的营销团队你公司的一个新产品的广播广告活动给你的团队写一封电子邮件:*提醒你是哪个新产品*解释你为什么选择在收音机上做广告*说出你希望广告活动达到的效果写词示例:相信大家都知道我们即将推出的新产品TE,由于我们的预算,我们将使用无线电广告。我希望这项活动能覆盖我们现在拥有的大部分客户,并带来新的客户亲爱的大家,我们的新产品自动导航仪广告营地即将到来,你知道,收音机是最容易买到的对于车手,我相信我们会制作一个适合他们的高调广告提醒“乐器、设施设备到:市场团队Fr:coco日期:xx月主题:收音机新产品的广告宣传亲爱的队友,新手机将是下一个新的到达,它将在电台上做广告,因为我们缺钱我希望我们的营销团队能做一个附加的广告,会冲击市场份额,感谢关于手机新产品缺钱市场份额:所有东西起始日期:经理日期:xx月主题:收音机我们新产品的广告我想通知你我们对新药品的广告宣传许多老年人经常参加广播,他们是我们最需要的产品,而且在广播上做广告比在电视上便宜得多,我们可以获得更多的利润或降低谢谢那些将利润最大化的人:营销团队来自:阿尔文主题:逆变变压器的无线电广告活动亲爱的所有人,逆变变压器作为我公司的一个新产品,现在需要做一个广告,考虑到目标客户的习惯,我们决定在第一个两个月内在电台上做广告,让人们接受我们的新产品,并在第一个月内获得万美元的额。感谢目标客户:Joe Lee,营销经理主题:在电台上发布广告我想通知大家,我决定在电台上发布我们新产品耳机的广告,因为学生是收音机的主要受众之一,他们也是我们的主要消费者。
Do you know Harry Potter? If you don't, then you are out of date. Many people love Harry Potter, whether children or adults. I love Harry Potter, too. Last week, I went to Nantong to see the movie ^v^Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire^v^.
It was a wonderful movie. In the movie, Harry is the same age as us and he is more handsome than me. Harry's best friends are Hermione and Ron. The movie tells the story of Harry's Fourth Year at Hogwarts. The Goblet of Five selects him to compete as one of four champions in the Throwizard Tournament, despite the fact that he didn't submit his name. The Tournament is very dangerous so his friends are all worried about him. Hermione and Ron try their best to help Harry to prepare for each task. I think their friendship is unbreakable. Cho Chang, who Harry likes, is a Chinese pretty girl. I liked her but I liked Hermione better because she is very clever.
It's very magical! I love magic as much as Harry does. If I lived in a magic world, I could pick up gigantic things easily, I could go to wherever I liked and I could fly on a broom, I could change my hairstyle of any time, I could.
It's a perfect world and it's a perfect dream.
Computers: Are They Easier to Use ?
Here’s my simple test for a product of today’s technology:I go to the bookstore and check the shelves for remedial more books there are, the more my suspicions are computers and computer programs are getting easier to use,why are so many companies still making a nice living publishing books on how to use them?Computers manipulate information,but information is ’s nothing to see or programmer decides what you see on the don’t have knobs like old don’t have buttons, not real buttons.
Instead, more and more programs display pictures of buttons,moving even further into abstraction and like computers, but I hope they will disappear,that they will seem as stranger to our descendants as the technologies of our grandparents appear to ’s computers are indeed getting easier to us,but look where they started:so difficult that almost any improvement was have the power to allow people within a company,across a nation or even around the world to work together.
But this power will be wasted if tomorrow’s computers aren’t designed around the needs and capabilities of the human beings who must use them —a people-centered philosophy, in other means retooling computers to cope with human strengths,observing, communicating and innovating instead of asking people to conform to the unnatural behavior computers just leads to error. Many of today’s machines try to do too a complicated work processor attempts to double as a desktop pulsing program or a kitchen appliance come with half a dozen attachments,the product is bound to be awkward and burdensome.
My favorite example of a technological product on just the right scale is an electronic can be made smaller,lighter and far easier to use than a print version,not only giving meanings but even pronouncing the ’s electronic dictionaries,with their tiny keys and barely legible displays,are primitive but they are on the right track.
It's Sunday today. I've finished all my homework. I don't have any spare time. I must read a book.
Looking through the crowded bookshelves, I finally found a good book, ^v^Harry Potter and the magic stone^v^. The author of the book is the British woman writer Rowling. This book is the one year old Harry lost parents, foster uncle aunt. Harry in the home of Uncle suffered bullying, as well as their ^v^Dudley -- a fiend in human shape a fat,^v^ spoiled, bullying big man, but also on the cuff and kick Harry. Harry's room is in a dark narrow cupboard, since ten years, Harry spent all day in there. No one has ever had a birthday for Harry for ten years. However, in Harry's eleven birthday that day, everything changed, the owl messenger brought a mysterious letter, invited him to a meeting he felt forever unforgettable and unbelievable place: Hogwarts School of magic. At Hogwarts, Harry not only found friends, learned to fly in the air, riding a model for the nimbus 2000 broom hit Earth Quebec and win the game, but also get a cloak. He found everything there, from class to meal to sleep, full of magic. But a magic stone appeared, and he was closely related to the fate of Harry...
Read this book, I want to make an extraordinary life, eager to dream round outstanding figures. The strength of friendship, the battle between justice and evil, and the courage to fight against fate are all thrilling in the book. Do you want to know what's going on? Turn over the book and see it carefully.
product piracy in china is a serious problem. in our daily life,we will find ourselves surrounded by a vast range of piracy, like vcds and books.
pirated products perform most strongly in lover price and spend of publication, as far a customer, we shuold have a sharp and further eye on looking on the event .for one thing,pirated vcds effect our feeling to admire the music with poor quality pirated books lead us a faulse understanding with the misprints. moreover, the pirated products have great worse influence on our countrys ecomonic. its estimated that each year we get a lot of loss in ecomonic because of piracy. they block the development of legal companies and cause the loss lf foreign investment.
consequently, the appeal to clean up the pirated products maraket and better protect intellectual property right are necessary. customers should improve poublic awareness to refuse to buy pirates products. companies should take all necessary measures to fight against pircy, such as prociding more products in lower prices. the government should get rid of pirated products by taking srick laws.
on the whole, to crack down the piracy is a hard or job than we have epected to. and everyone of us should make a big effort and keep a close eye on these markets to ensure that they dont come back again. in this way, it is convinced that we are on our way to create a more promising and healthier market in the future.
Your friends might think you’ve gone totally gonzo for green, but learning to put household items to surprising recycled uses saves you money and helps the environment.
STEP 1 Save newspapers
Don’t automatically discard your morning newspaper. Use it in place of paper towels to clean glass and mirrors (it doesn’t leave streaks!), shred it to make packing material, use it as a fire starter, and wrap gifts with it.
STEP 2 Save plastic produce bags
Save plastic produce bags to pick up dog poop, use them as trash bags in your car, and wrap your clothes in them when you travel to protect against dirty shoes and leaking toiletries. A neat way to store plastic produce bags is to stuff them in an empty cardboard tissue box.
STEP 3 Hold onto greeting cards
Hold onto greeting cards. Even the craft-challenged can cut up old cards to make gift tags and postcards. Or tear off the cover and use the blank side to write out your to-do list instead of wasting note paper.
STEP 4 Don’t ditch mousepads
Don’t throw out old mousepads. Instead, use them as knee pads when you garden or clean the tub, put them under hot dishes, or cut them into pieces and glue under furniture legs to protect wood floors.
Prepare file folders for reuse in advance by putting a piece of clear tape over the tab before you add a label. When it’s time to store something else in the folder, the old label will peel off easily.
STEP 5 Reuse junk-mail envelopes
Reuse junk-mail envelopes for your own mail. Just slap a label over the see-through window or pre-printed address. If the envelope has a bar code at the bottom, run a black marker through it.
STEP 6 Don’t dump cooking water
Don’t dump the water you use to cook vegetables—water your plants with it. Bonus—it’s filled with nutrients!
Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, Americans generate an extra five million tons of trash.
题 目:
On the Characteristics & Translating Skills of English Advertising(英语的特征和翻译)
20XX-1-15——20XX-2-15 确定选题,收集资料,撰写开题报告
20XX-2-16——20XX-2-18 撰写初稿
20XX-2-19——20XX-2-20 完成二稿
20XX-2-21——20XX-3-1 定稿
[1] 曹顺发,冯波,国际商务英语谈判[M].沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,20_.
[2] 彭林霞,黄莉:商务电子邮件与传统商务信函中礼貌策略的对比分析[J].温州大学学报,20_第19卷第5期:49-56.
[3] 秦晓杰:英文商务信函中的“合作”和“礼貌”[J].西安外国语学院报,20_第9卷第4期:11-14.
[4] 曹菱,商务英语谈判[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20_.
[5] Brown G&Yule,G Discourse Analysis,Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Reserch Press
[6] Bilbow G for
Becbecbecbecbecbe joins us in celebrating. We will preview our new product line on June 4. We will be waiting for you at Hal's Steakhouse in Culver way, Century City.
The party starts from m and lasts until the afternoon. We will provide you with wine and dinner. We are looking forward to meeting you at therebecbec.
Becbecbecbece与我们一起庆祝我们将于xx月xx日预览我们的新产品系列我们将在世纪城Culver Way的HAL'S STEAKHOUSE等您。派对从m开始,一直持续到下午,我们将为您提供葡萄酒和晚餐,我们期待着在Therebecbec见到您。
Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products comply standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.
Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.
Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).
Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家).If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.
relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.
People can find fake products everywhere, the fake products imitate the brandproducts, because of the low price of the fake products, people are willing tobuy them. The difference between the fake products and brand products is thematerial, the former have bad quality, the latter are in high quality and thematerial is comfortable. The fake products should be taken away by the policeand the manufacturer should be punished by the law. But the fact is that lessChinese people have the consciousness of copyright, people don’t know toprotect the consumer’s right. That is why the fake products popular all thetime.
With more than one million registered users and monthly active users, QQ is the most popular instant messaging service in China and the largest online community in the world. QQ is not only a way of communication, but also a phenomenon, a part of culture, and a kind of daily necessities. We can use it to keep in touch with friends, which is very convenient.
QQ may also be a way to show our personality.
when it comes to advertisement and products, some people believe successful selling of products can’t be separated from advertisement. to begin with, advertisement keeps people informative about the price and function of products; what’s more, advertisement can help to improve products’ brand awareness and its reputation.
but on another hand, only with good quality can advertisement arouse customers’ interest in the products. otherwise, advertisement can be misleading and what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that honest and colorful advertisement brings benefits to products, but at the same time, products’ quality can’t be ignored.
Mr. McKenzie, let me take you to our showroom to see our latest products. If you have time, I'd like to take you to our showroom if I want to ● it's just a prototype, but it's the best example of our future smart product line.
This oven is just an example, but this will be our future smart product line It's not on the market yet, but we know it's going to be a top seller, it's just, but it's basically, ^v^right cooking^v^ makes it almost impossible for us to over or under cook food in essence, ^v^right cooking^v^ is the bottom line of error proofing, and ^v^right cooking^v^ is basically error proofing and basically necessary ● you have to admit that this kind of feature will attract a lot of microwaves from the West Users, you have to agree that this feature will attract a lot of microwave users in the West. I think you have to admit that this feature will attract a lot of microwave users in the West.
Nowadays in the society, there are enormous fake commodities. When you go to the supermarket, you may buy some fake food commodities. When you go to the pharmacist’s, you may buy some fake medicine.
The deep root of this phenomenon lies in someone’s greed for money. In order to get a large amount of money in a short time, they try every means to produce fake commodities, without any regard for other people’s benefit and health.
Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society. For example, when a person bought fake medicine, it was useless in curing his disease and really a waste of money. Sometimes fake medicine can even cause death. Fake commodities are usually sold in a lower price. It causes unfair competition in the market economy and puts the whole society in disorder.