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合租启事范文英语翻译 第一篇

Advertising is forced into people's lives. People refer to advertising in their daily life because they are consumers. Advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen.

Their products need to be advertised to attract the attention of customers. Therefore, almost every product is advertised in a certain way to a large extent. Good advertising will bring success, while bad advertising means It means failure.

There are many ways of advertising. There are also news advertisements. Some products are publicized on TV and radio, which attract the attention of the audience.

Billboards also carry advertisements. This is a big industry now. Many organizations have been set up to provide various forms of advertisements.

Advertisements are not always true. A product is often distorted. The advertiser exaggerates his intention to sell As a result, he distorts the fact that consumers are victims of this kind of advertising, and millions of people buy and resent advertising products.



合租启事范文英语翻译 第二篇

Whether getting an off-campus apartment is an appealing option for many college students or not

Nowadays, it has become a trend for many college students to get an off-campus apartment. And it is very popular among college students . They think that it is a chance to close to the community and sharpen themselves. What’s more, through it can make them had their own independent space and let them do what they love to do. More still, it is an effective way to reduce the friction between their roommates and themselves. But, as for as I am concerned , it is not an appealing way for college students to treasure themselves. There are main two reasons to supporting my opinion.

On one hand, our college students do not better to control themselves, in other words, they don’t have the ability to control themselves to resist some bad temptations. So, they may be very easy to led astray. And if they belong to the self-control relatively groups ,they are very easy to be influenced by the outside surroundings. As a result, they may be very easy to do something that is contrary to the ethical norms of society, school rules and regulations ,and the matter of human nature.

On the other hand, there are some security risks to get an off-campus apartment . Firstly, the nearby surroundings of rental concentrated is very bad , garbage and sewage can be seen here and there, it influences the

rental college students’ healthy seriously. Secondly , a great many rental housing are illegal structures; and a large number of rental housing have bad doors and windows that are in disrepair ; more still, there are a lot of wire aging. As an consequence, it exists many security risks. Finally, some criminal may be easy to take aim at college students ,who get an off-campus apartment , and commit their crimes.

At last, there are some suggestions for it. Firstly, The community should have a responsible attitude to serve college students, and really provide them with a good surrounding environment. Secondly, the school should seriously think about it, and they also should strictly management it and increase the hardware construction and create a better living, learning environment, so that students are willing to live in the school. Finally, if the college student decides to go out to live, it had better to ensure himself security ; and do best to choose the place ,which has a better environment for living.

合租启事范文英语翻译 第三篇

Read the following ads and find out what they mean: Apartment charm RMS / 2bdrm LGE kitchen, LVRM, mod bath, YRD, gar, NR trans $unhtd call four bedroom luxury BRD new apartment NR rokko Canadian Academy garden view, garden, ultra modern facilities contact owners: single apartment, location, amenities, FWY nrby PKG avbl laundry, wall mounted carpet phone.


阅读以下广告并找出它们的含义:公寓魅力rms/2bdrm Lge厨房、lvrm、mod bath、yrd、gar、nr trans$unhtd Call四卧室豪华brd新建公寓nr Rokko Canadian Academy Fantal view、花园、超现代设施联系业主:单身公寓,地理位置优越,便利设施、fwy nrby Pkg avbl洗衣房、壁挂地毯。

合租启事范文英语翻译 第四篇

Room advertising, spacious bedrooms and private bathrooms are available for rent. October offers all utilities, cable TV and high-speed wireless Internet, including a $monthly kitchen with granite countertops and new appliances, free use of downstairs community laundry, designated parking spaces in private parking lots, walking to downtown restaurants and shopping, exercising in this quiet neighborhood, and staying at home A five minute walk from the free community fitness center and swimming pool to the campus from this bedroom and private bathroom means that you will never be late for class. Women are advised not to smoke, bring pets, and have at least a 6-month down payment on rent, including last month's rent and deposit.

For more information, please contact Adeline.



合租启事范文英语翻译 第五篇





















热门标签: 范文






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