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宁波产品设计范文英语 第一篇

one possible version:

instant-dict is an e-dictionary made in hong kong, china. it is the latest product of hongyun company ltd. with a large vocabulary of i million words and phrases stored in it. so you can look up any word you meet in your senior period. instant-dict is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research. the body of the instant-dict is made of light metal. therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. the price is reasonable. it is a wise choice for english learners.

宁波产品设计范文英语 第二篇

Fake goods can be seen everywhere. Fake goods imitate famous brand products. Because of the low price of fake goods, people are willing to buy fake products.

The difference between them lies in the raw materials. The former is of poor quality, while the latter is of high quality and comfortable materials. However, the fact is that the Chinese people have copyright awareness and do not know how to protect the rights and interests of consumers.

This is the reason why fake and shoddy products have been popular.



宁波产品设计范文英语 第三篇

Digital camera is produced by Qingdao Feida camera factory, which has a long history. G is the latest product. The portable camera is made of light metal, attractive and diverse design g large screen.

Its program control makes the large screen easy to carry. It is a good and cheap product, which is lower than the similar product G.




宁波产品设计范文英语 第四篇

G digital camera is produced by Feida camera factory, which has a long history and is headquartered in Qingdao, China. G is the latest product. The portable camera is made of light metal.

Its program control design is beautiful and diverse, and it is easy to operate. It is a product with high quality and low price, and its price is lower than that of similar products GGG.



宁波产品设计范文英语 第五篇

Mr. 1Dear, I am writing to urge you to send us the catalogue. Product catalog management is to support product managers to manage product information in a structured and consistent manner, which creates a cost-effective way to help customers and channel partners understand the price and availability of certain products or services.

It includes comparison of product characteristics, suggestions for related products and alternative products and services, and development of online programs with functions Catalog and open catalog open up a new vision for customers. Customers and customers need product catalog to compare price and product use, so that they can better understand the product and provide a wider choice for companies who purchase the products they need. Please send your catalogue as soon as possible Worlsen 2Dear white, we have a catalog for our company.

Please don't worry. We will send the catalog as soon as possible. We understand the urgency and importance of catalogues, so it took us a long time to design them.

The catalog explains the advantages of the product and simply explains how it works. We assure you that it is well worth the delay in mailing the catalogue to ensure that everything is in order. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

We hope to cooperate with you again. Thank you for your letter. I know the urgency of the catalog.

Before I make the catalogue, I am working hard. I have to check all the conditions of the products yoequire. It will take some time, but we will make sure that the color and quality of the materials we use, as well as the design and workmanship of our products, are satiactory to you.

I can assure you that I will send you the catalogue on time, your sincere John Doe.


1Dear先生,我写此信是为了敦促您将产品目录发给我们。产品目录管理是指支持产品管理人员以结构化和一致的方式管理产品信息,这创造了一种经济高效的方法,帮助客户和渠道合作伙伴了解和某些产品或服务的可用性它包括产品特性的比较,为相关产品和替代产品和服务提供建议,开发具有多媒体功能的在线目录和开放式目录,为客户打开了全新的视野,客户和客户需要产品目录来比较和产品的用途,以便他们更好地了解产品,并为他们需要的产品的公司提供更广泛的选择请尽快发送产品目录您的sincerelyWhite Worlsen•2Dear怀特,我们已经为公司准备好了产品目录,请不要担心,我们会尽快寄出目录。我们了解产品目录的紧迫性和重要性,因此,我们花了较长的时间来设计产品目录。

目录解释了产品的优点,并简单地解释了产品的工作原理。我们向您保证,为确保一切正常而延迟邮寄产品目录是非常值得的。对于由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意,并感谢您的耐心等待我们希望能再次与您合作,您的真诚的John Doe•3Dear White,谢谢您的来信,我知道产品目录的紧迫性。


宁波产品设计范文英语 第六篇

Fake and shoddy goods are quite common in China. These products usually have the same name as the real products or have the same appearance as the products in remote areas. This situation may be worse.

Taobao is full of these fake and shoddy goods. Some unscrupulous businesses confuse fake and shoddy goods. You can't even see the difference between them.

This kind of behavior has caused people's rights and health Great damage. For example, if a consumer buys fake cosmetics, she may be allergic, which may lead to terrible consequences. What's worse, fake goods also exist in the drug market.

A patient accidentally bought a fake product. The reason for this situation is that some people are only concerned about money, and they don't know the consequences of this behavior will lead to the illegal behavior of the local government against them The rights of consumers must be protected. Only in this way can the market develop healthily and stably, and justice can be carried out.


宁波产品设计范文英语 第七篇

I like to do morning exercises. Usually I go for running or gymnastics. This morning I tried to ride a bike.

It felt much faster than running. I could walk farther. I love it, and I think I'll be down the Thames at about six in the morning, everything is so quiet, the only thing I can hear is the joy from my heart and because of my work, I've stopped for a long time, but I'll continue to do it, after an hour of exercise, I'm very helpful, I'm fresh and energetic, and it feels like everything is under control all day.



宁波产品设计范文英语 第八篇

If you ask me what is my favourite career i d like to follow in the will answer u “A teacher” without any hesitation.

Teaching has been my favorite occupation all the time. My dream of being a teacher was rooted in my childhood. The good natured, patient and strict teachers in primary school made a strong impression on me. As I grow up, I know more about my desired are considered as the greatest occupation in the world. Teachers are the engineers of human soul. That is to say, they play roles in the forming and shaping(塑造) of students' intellectual and psychological try their best to help their students obtain the knowledge. Teachers are also lifelong learners while instructing students.

Nowadays governments at all levels put more stress on the roles of education in society, so versatile (多才多艺的) teachers are urgently needed. To be a qualified teacher in the future, I must prepare right now. The Rosy(玫瑰色的) dream will not be automatically translated into(转化为) teaching methods and job skills. In short, I will make efforts to do well my favorite career teaching.








热门标签: 英语






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