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高考英语询问信的范文 第一篇

Thank you for your inquiry in October. We are sending you our catalogue and samples of the materials you need. We believe that the color, quality, design and workmanship of our materials will satiy you completely.

Our representative in your area is Mr. Freud schlock. We have instructed to send you samples of the products as soon as possible.

He has the right to discuss the terms and conditions of the transaction with you.



高考英语询问信的范文 第二篇

>>>We confirm our letter of May 10th and our last letter of June 10th. We are pleased to write to you on the 10th of this month. We confirm our letter of June 10.

We confirm our letter of July 10. We confirm the comments made on 10 July. We have confirmed the details of the inquiry through this morning's telephone call, our telegram this morning, our tribute of May, and our Benedict at the end of June.




高考英语询问信的范文 第三篇

Assignment this assignment is made and entered into by and between the traneror and the assignee on the day of, in witness whereof the assignee has paid the traneror valuable consideration and hereby acknowledge receipt of the traneror. The assignor hereby assigns to the assignee that, however, this specific agreement does not guarantee this assignment in any form, as evidenced by the fact that the Assignor has executed this assignment agreement on the date stated above and signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of BECBEC.



高考英语询问信的范文 第四篇

I have some good news for you next Sunday. I will travel with my parents in the countryside. We will live with my grandfather for a few weeks.

I believe I will enjoy the country life with friendly people, where there is fresh air and gentle rhythm of life http://wwwadreepcn/cz/html.



高考英语询问信的范文 第五篇

: Date: Dec th Dragon Toy Co Ltd Church Road, New York, PA Fax: email address: timzsh@sinacomDear Mr. or Ms. company: we have obtained your company's name and address.

We learned from the Internet in March that your company is interested in remote-controlled racing cars made in China. We write to you and hope to establish business relations with you. Our company is established in toy and arts and crafts specialty, Now it has become one of the largest import and export companies in China.

Remote control racing car is our new product. Our products have won high praise from customers all over the world with high quality and preferential price. You can have a comprehensive understanding of our products.

We are sending you our latest product catalog for reference. If you are interested in our products, please inform us immediately. We are looking forward to your early reply to our loyal Jerry remote control racing car / / (CM) XX ××× 9kg / kg / kg / 9kg / / / FCL 'FCL' FCL / / '%: Lidi Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Road, China, East District, Nanjing Fax: Dear Sir, we have received your letter and your catalogue.

We have studied the catalogue carefully. We find that your remote-control racing car with No. is very suitable for our market We may need a FCL for January delivery.

Please let us know if we can quote us the best price cifc3 New York price, including details of packing, shipment, insurance and payment. We would like to thank you for your immediate attention and best return. Your loyalty, HALS borgatmanager, dragon Toys Co., Ltd.


高考英语询问信的范文 第六篇

Manager of Peace Hotel: Hello, I'm Wu Qiang. I spent a weekend in your hotel. I had a good time.

But when I got home, I found my wallet was lost. I was not lucky. So I can ask you to help me.

There are some cash and a photo for my family. If you find it, it is very important to me. Can you give it back to me? You're OK.

My number is my address is Guanghua Road, not yours, Wuqiang.











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用时间的链串上健康的珠戴在手腕,你就会把幸福抓在手里面。用平安的诗谱写生活的歌,你就会让快乐长在心里头。祝你生日快乐!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《2023最火生日短句温馨句子》,供大家参考。1.2023最火生日短句温馨句子  1、摘一颗星,采一朵云,装入

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春节来临心情好,风景入目挑一挑,帘卷西风你莫听,夜凉如水你莫察,黄花落地你莫看,没事信息翻一翻,祝你好运连成串,喜上眉梢又一年!本文是i乐德范文网为您搜集的《给好朋友的过年拜年短信》,欢迎大家阅读与评价!  给好朋友的过年拜年短信篇一  1、紫气东来,祝福

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相聚与离别似乎是人生中永远不停歇的音符,如同品一杯苦涩的咖啡,离别的苦涩留在口中,而甘醇的香味伴随着岁月的沉淀,永远留在我的记忆里!i乐德范文网搜集的《单位领导升职调走祝福语》,仅供大家借鉴!  【篇一】单位领导升职调走祝福语  1、你的灿烂笑容长留我心中

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