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小学英语听力试讲范文 第一篇

Wow, this is a very big shop. So At the shop(写题目) the salesman says “Welcome to the shop!” Now, let’s go to buy some vegetables. (开始画)I want to buy it. What’s it? Yeah, how to say it in English. It’s a carrot. Read after me, yeah,/æ/, good. Next, what’sthis? In KFC, many of you likes eatingchips, so you know it’s a potato, read after me, potato. I can make potato chips with you like potato chips?Yeah,I also like eating it. And we usually eat potato chips with what? Please tell me. Yeah, it is a tomato. Read after me, tomato, tomato. Next, I want to . (开始画)fish,fish./ʃ/lookatme. And,thensomemeat.(开始画)meat, some rice. Now read after me again, carrot, carrot, potato, potato, tomato, tomato. But look at my basket, I buy 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes. We can count them, right? Good. Please look at here and remember it, we plus “s” at the end of carrot, and plus “es” at the end of “potato” and “tomato”. They are different..’t countfish, So clever. Now please listen carefully. You can ask me “What would you like, Sophia?” I can answer” I’d like some …, please.” (写黑板)

小学英语听力试讲范文 第二篇

At the shop

So, do you want to make food for your parents? Yeah. All of you are good boys and good girls. Now 4 students a group, 1 student is the seller, 3 students are the buyers. Please look at the screen, you can buy so many things, apples, pears, carrots, meats,fish,rice,noodles, tomatoes,eggsand can ’llgiveyou15minutes. Then I’ll invite some of you to make a performance.

Ok,time is ’sgroup please. Wow, I like your performance. Eric is the seller. He is very interesting. He says Welcome to my shop. Can I help you? Whatwouldyoulike? buys some eggs, Lily buys some noodles, and John buys some apples and bananas. They use how much is it? I’d like some…? What about it? Well done, you guys. Go back to your seat. I’ll give your big group 5 points. Next one, this way, who would like to have another try? Daniel, you four guys please. Class, do you like their performance? Yes, I also like their 5 points for you. Go back to your seat.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Well, time goes so quickly, let’s summarize today’s lesson, we learnt the six words, read it together, carrot, potato, tomato, fish,meat,rice, and thenewsentences,what would youlike? I’d like some…Food is very important, we should learn to save food. Now, would you like to sing birthday song for my mum? Thank you,please:Happybirthdaytoyou,happybirthdaytoyou,happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. I like your voices, thank you.

Your homework time, please ask your parents: what would youlike? with us. Now, class is over, goodbye!

小学英语听力试讲范文 第三篇

Task 1 Individual asking and answering

Now, I’ll ask some of you to read these words one by one. Who want to have a try? Lucy, can you read this word please?(carrot)Sorry,it’snotcarrot,butcarrot,readafterme, carrot, try it again, this time is better. Sit down, please. And Tom? One carrot, two? Carrots, perfect. And two potatoes! I’m so proud of you. Sit down, please. We can also say some carrots, some potatoes, some tomatoes. Next one, Mary, this line, we say some? Fish, meat, rice. Right? You learnt it very well.

Task 2 Right hand or left hand

In order to help you be familiar with and remember these words, let’s play a game ‘right hand or left hand’, now I’ll divide you into two groups, this way is group 1, and this way is group 2. Let’s see which group will do better. Now, listen carefully, you canaskme“Whatwouldyoulike,please?”ThenIsaytheanswer. For example, I’d like 3 carrots. The answer iis right, you put up your right hands. But I say I’d like some fishes, this is wrong, you put up your left hands. Understand? Yeah, let’s go! Group 1, please ask me “What would you like?” I’d like some tomatoes, yeah, right hand. 1 point for you. Continue, what would you like? I’d like some meats. Left hand. Very good. I should say some ’ say some rice. 3 points for you. Now, group2. What would you like? I like some fishes. Left or right? Yeah, left. Why, some fish. Good. Next. I’d like some potatos. Right? I say potatos. So this time no point. Continue, what would you like? I’d like some tomatoes. Right. Good. 2 points for you.

小学英语听力试讲范文 第四篇

Class, look at the picture,Who are they? Yes, they are John and Chen Jie. What are they talking about? you,please, oh maybe, and you, good, perhaps,(一听) Let’s listen to the tape, get the general idea of the passage ready? Go! OK, stop here, you please,oh, Miss Wang will ba our Chinese teacher,Do you agree with him? Good, thank apple for look at the screen,(引导学生看图) Miss wang will be John’s new Chinese teacher, any question? you, please, what’s she like?(板书) Good question,an apple you, is she funny?Good, an apple for you. and that tall boy? Is she strict?(板书) thank you, an apple for you.(二听)

Now let’s listen to the tape again, find the answers, Go!OK, stop here, you,please, she’s kind. how do you know? oh, what’s she like? she’s kind, class, is she right? yes, thank ’re so wonderful! an apple for you! Next, you, please, yes, sometimes. Do you agree with her?yes, thank you, an apple for you! thank you so much! (面向全体)Who is all right?

wow, all of you did a good job,big hand! class, now,(三听)

let’s listen and imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .class, now, do you know who is Miss Wang. yes, She’s Chen Jie’s mother.


let’s listen and imitate, now, I’m Chen Jie, you’re John. Ok, hey,Miss. Wang will be our Chinese teacher, yes, sometimes, yes, she’s my mother, talk like this with your partner,OK? Go! Stop here, who wants to show? you two, please. come here, others watch them carefully. wow, you’re so you, an apple you, class, look ,what's she like? yes, she’s funny. OK! class, Do like this with your partner, OK? Go! stop here, who wants to show? good. you two. please, wow fantastic! an apple for ! You two, please, come here, wow, thank you,marvellous! an apple for you. class, can we judge a person by his or her appearance, NO,we can’t. we can’t judge a person by his or her appearance! OK? OK!

Summery and homework

Class, what we have learn today? You, please. fabulous! thank you, an apple for you,

Homework for you, look at the PPT, clear?

Who is the winner? Let’s count together. G1, 1,2,3,4,5,6. G2,1,2,3,4,5.,6,7 . G2, you are the winner! Congratulations! G1,come on next class.

Class is over, goodbye!

小学英语听力试讲范文 第五篇

Class, look at the picture,Who are they? Yes, they are John and Chen Jie. What are they talking about? you,please, oh maybe, and you, good, perhaps,(一听) Let’s listen to the tape, get the general idea of the passage ready? Go! OK, stop here, you please,oh, Miss Wang will ba our Chinese teacher,Do you agree with him? Good, thank apple for look at the screen,(引导学生看图) Miss wang will be John’s new Chinese teacher, any question? you, please, what’s she like?(板书) Good question,an apple you, is she funny?Good, an apple for you. and that tall boy? Is she strict?(板书) thank you, an apple for you.(二听)

Now let’s listen to the tape again, find the answers, Go!OK, stop here, you,please, she’s kind. how do you know? oh, what’s she like? she’s kind, class, is she right? yes, thank ’re so wonderful! an apple for you! Next, you, please, yes, sometimes. Do you agree with her?yes, thank you, an apple for you! thank you so much! (面向全体)Who is all right?

wow, all of you did a good job,big hand! class, now,(三听)

let’s listen and imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .class, now, do you know who is Miss Wang. yes, She’s Chen Jie’s mother.


let’s listen and imitate, now, I’m Chen Jie, you’re John. Ok, hey,Miss. Wang  will be our Chinese teacher, yes, sometimes, yes, she’s my mother, talk like this with your partner,OK? Go! Stop here, who wants to show? you two, please. come here, others watch them carefully. wow, you’re so you, an apple you, class, look ,what's she like? yes, she’s funny. OK! class, Do like this with your partner, OK? Go! stop here, who wants to show? good. you two. please, wow fantastic! an apple for ! You two, please, come here, wow, thank you,marvellous! an apple for you. class, can we judge a person by his or her appearance, NO,we can’t. we can’t judge a person by his or her appearance! OK? OK!

Summery and homework

Class, what we have learn today? You, please. fabulous! thank you, an apple for you, 

Homework for you, look at the PPT, clear? 

Who is the winner? Let’s count together. G1, 1,2,3,4,5,6. G2,1,2,3,4,5.,6,7 . G2, you are the winner! Congratulations! G1,come on next class.

Class is over, goodbye!​​​​

小学英语听力试讲范文 第六篇

Draw one of your favorite season with your color pens.

逐字稿示范Warm-upGood morning boys and girls! Very nice to see you!(师生问好) Before westart our lesson, let’s say a tongue twister together! Please stand up! Clap hands together!One two three go!(过渡句) (表演表情丰富,声音洪亮,落落大方)(热身活动)Can you can a can as a canner can can a can. It’s easy for you.How about say it again and speed up! can you can a can as a canner can can a canWhat a good try! Thank you! Please sit down! 大方邀请坐下(反馈评价)Lead inLook! I have some pictures for you! Look at the screen 大方伸手指向屏幕(出示材料)Wow! All of you are so excited! You know it right! Where is it?(提问问题)Great! It’s people’s park. It’s in front of our school.(互动)Look, what can you see? 手指着PPT画圈圈 (追问问题)Betty, you see some yellow leaves, oh, Bob, you see many kids flying kites,(互动)it’s windy. Great! Do you know what the season is? Today, our lesson is about season.转身写板书 My favorite season.(引出主题)

Pre-listeningLook at the video, today I invite your best friend to our class. Who is she?Yeah! You are so excited.(语气欢快) She’s Peppa! Let’s say hello to Peppa.Hello Peppa! 挥手 Well, let’s see what does Peppa do in the video. 做招手指引看电影的动作。(直观形象教具,引导讲解新词)(停顿2-3s)Who can tell me what does Peppa do in the video?OK, Lisa, I hear your voice, you please. (邀请学生)Wonderful, sheswims. Do you know the weather? Excellent! (反馈评价)It’s hot, it’s sunny.That’s summer 引导至天气,讲解新词,转身板书。We can swim in summer.After summer, what’s the season? All of you say it’s fall. Well done! The leavesfall. It’s ...拖音...autumn.转身板书,how about the last two seasons?We also have spring...转身板书,and winter. Sarah says we can go hikingin spring, and Angela says we can make snowman in winter! I want to give all ofyou big hands! 鼓掌营造气氛 Look at the blackboard, these are the new words.(时间关系,可不做听前预测)


This time, let’s strike while the iron is hot! (固定过渡句)I prepare a short conversation for

you. You should listen carefully, then tell me what the new expressions are. Clear? Let’s try!


Well, time is up. Who would like to try? Yeah! It’s easy for all of you, the new expression is

Which season do you like best? 转身板书句型

So, how can we answer it?

Exactly, we can say a one season, for example, Summer.(转身写summer)

Because I can swim every day. This is the reason. (转身写I can …)

Let’s read it together. 手指黑板 Awesome!

I believe all of you are familiar with the new knowledge we learn today. (第一次和

第二次听之间的过渡句)Now, let’s listen for the second time, finish these true or false

task. Here are the questions.

Summer is the speaker’s favorite season ( )

The speaker never swim in summer ( )

Please listen carefully and try! Go!


OK! All of you are really want to try! (听完后的过渡句)Let me see who... is ...

the...lucky...guy...拖音营造真实情景。Well, Cindy! You and your partner please!

have a try!

The first one is~true wonderful! That’s right! Where can we find the answer?

Good, from the first sentence.

How about the second sentence. Amazing! Why is it wrong? (停顿听学生说)

I agree with you. The speaker can swim in summer. You have sharp ears! Let’s give

them a big hand!



Just now, we understand the conversation together. (听后的固定过渡句)Now, please

imagine that (创设情景的标志性词语), today is the first day in school! Oh! Please calm down.(注

意语气) You need to talk about your favorite season with your partner. Then make a report. Let’s see

who is the best reporter. Don’t forget to use the new expression we learn today. 手指黑板。5mins for

you! One, two, three go!(停顿2-3s)

Wow, you are so active. Now, I need some volunteers, who can help me? I see all of you raise

your hands high. Justin and Mike, you two please. Xu...做嘘的手势。Listen carefully.

Oh! Justin like autumn best because autumn is cool. Mike’s favorite season is winter because

he can make snowman! Wow, thank you! I appreciate your performance 这里重复学生的答案,让互


Summary and Homework

How time flies!(遗憾的语气) who can summarize what we learned today

for us.(前面没有分组,不总结得分) Vivian, you please. Yes! We learned

many words and know how to talk about favorite season. What a good day! (可以


Don’t forget your homework. Please, draw your favorite season, then

introduce it to your desk-mates using the sentences we learn today.

Well, class is over. Goodbye! See you next time!


小学英语听力试讲范文 第七篇

Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Yeah, I’m fine, too. Thank you.

Before our class, let’s do a guessing game. Are you happy? Yeah. Please listen to me carefully. It’s a place. There are many things in it. For examples, fruits, such as apple, pear, banana, or other food, and toys, and pen, ruler, and some other things. And we can also buy these things from this place. Where’s it? Yeah, you are very smart. It’s a shop or it’s a store. Today, it’s my mother’s birthday, so I want to make lunch for her to make her happy. Now, I want to go to the shop to buy some things. Would you like to come with me? Thank you! Let’s go!








热门标签: 小学 范文






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