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给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第一篇

I just moved into the new apartment a few days ago. It's a pretty good place. It's not a big apartment center.

There are only six buildings in total. But the environment is very good. There is a grader in the center.

People living around it can go for a walk and exercise. There are trees, grass and flowers everywhere. You can't feel that you live in the city.

There is a swimming pool in the middle. You can see it There are little fish playing. It's very interesting.



给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第二篇

My favorite movie is Kung Fu Panda. This movie is about the beautiful scenery of Pinggu and a group of Wulin people. However, unlike Wulin, Pinggu is the treasure of animals and pandas.

Probably, there are no residents' fighting skills and wealth in the valley. My father is a noodle shop. My father hopes that the treasure can be inherited.

However, the treasure is made from noodles learned in the valley As the first martial arts skill of a kung fu , he has been lazy to it. It is only a distant dream. Recently, the tortoise had a premonition: the big dragon snow leopard is about to break through its prison trap.

The dragon will surely revenge with Pinggu after he is in prison, and will immediately meet with Pinggu 5e6ba.



给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第三篇

There seems to be something wrong with the violin, but I can't tell why. Whatever the reason, I just like pop music. After a few years in the United States, he found a job in a bank.

The 10th Summer Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in. I have no hesitation in recommending this violin to you. We must think about solutions to this problem.

Welcome to e's super cool blog:.




给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第四篇

Good morning, everyone needs friends, everyone has friends, but for everyone, maybe they only have one or two best friends for me. I think the most important thing is kindness and honesty. He can play video games with me.

When I need help, he can be the first person to give me a hand. I think this is a friend. Thank you for listening.



给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第五篇

Dear Wang Rui, it is said that you have few real friends like us. Friends are important to everyone, so you must feel sad. I want to give you some advice.

I think you should be friendly and send some kind signals so that others will know that you are a person worthy of friends. You should be sure that your friends may come. You don't have to I hope you will have more friends sincerely, Wang Qi.




给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第六篇

I want to tell you a secret. I have a great pen pal. we have never met each other, but we are good friends.

We have common interests and always know each other thinks that we all like reading, watching movies and listening to light music. If any one of us finds any new books, the latest movies or some wonderful music, we will recommend it to the other person, and then we will recommend it to the other person Share this feeling after reading, watching or listening. If I have any difficulty, I will tell him that almost every time he knows the best way to comfort me, and if he is not happy, I will do the same for him.



标签: 新学期

给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第七篇

Dear Chen, I am very glad to hear from you and I enclose some suggestions on visiting Milan. There are many good hotels near ferra, and I recommend Hotel Wagner. It's about 10 minutes' walk from the fair and there's a subway and train connection.

The public transport here is quite reliable. I don't think you need to rent a car. The traffic in Milan may be a bit crowded.

It should be easy to find a place to eat at night. There are many restaurants and pizzas near the hotel. My favorite is nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood and pasta, it's hard to recommend sightseeing, because if you're interested in art, the city has a lot to choose from, so the last famous Leonardo da Vinci's dinner is a short train ride from the hotel, or you can visit the Brera Gallery, which also has Milan's huge Gothic cathedral Duomo If you are interested in football, you should hold a match of AC or Inter Milan in the middle of the week.

You can visit the fashion area near Napoleon Avenue in Monte Carlo. Thank you for inviting me to have dinner one night during your stay. I'm glad to accept your invitation.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible, and then we can arrange the place and time for our meeting. Dear Maurizio - Northern Quebec - Quebec - Quebec - second Quebec.


BEC BEC BEC BEC BEC5在中国的商业惯例示例回答:单词)亲爱的陈,我很高兴收到您的来信,我随信附上一些关于参观米兰的建议。在费拉附近有很多好的酒店,我推荐瓦格纳酒店(Hotel Wagner)。从交易会步行约10分钟,并且有地铁和火车连接。

这里的公共交通系统相当可靠,我认为你不需要租车,米兰的交通可能有点拥挤晚上找个地方吃饭应该很容易。酒店附近有很多餐厅和比萨店我最喜欢的是Nove Cento,这里上等的海鲜面食很难知道推荐什么观光,因为如果你对艺术感兴趣的话,这个城市有很多可供选择的,那么世界著名的最后一个莱昂纳多·达芬奇的晚餐距离酒店很短的火车路程,或者您可以参观布雷拉美术馆那里还有米兰巨大的哥特式大教堂Duomo如果您对足球感兴趣,应该在周中举办一场由AC或国际米兰组成的比赛,您可以参观蒙特大道附近的时尚区谢谢您邀请我在您入住期间的某个晚上共进晚餐。我很乐意接受您的邀请。


给朋友推荐电影范文英文 第八篇

When I saw the movie spider man, it left a deep impression on me. The hero Peter is handsome and brave. He has helped so many people who need help.

If we are him, can we satirize our love and friendship, even our study, those who are afraid to help others and get into trouble. Although we can't use special abilities like Peter, we can also try our best to help people. For example, if we see some thieves steal goodbye People's wallets, we can shout for the thieves to hurry up.

If we can contribute our love, our society will become more and more warm and get along well with each other.










热门标签: 电影 英文






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