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乡村规划英语介绍范文 第一篇

With the development of the world, China's economy is getting better and better, and people's living standards are also getting higher and higher. So people have the money to drive private cars, which was once out of reach for ordinary people. Now most families have bought private cars.

Owning private cars really brings a lot of convenience to people, but at the same time, it also has disadvantages. First of all, it requires people to spend a lot of money to support private cars We need to buy a shed to park. As we all know, it is very expensive to buy a shed.

People also need to spend money to buy gasoline. When the car breaks down, it needs money to repair.



标签: 新学期

乡村规划英语介绍范文 第二篇

When you say _maybe most people like big cities, but in the countryside, there are people who don't like it._ when listening to birds singing, there are fewer people. They always say hello to each other on the road. But I prefer to live in the country.

They are polite to strangers, which can bring me a happy mood. People in big cities are very good in the morning because of the good living conditions there, Friendly and helpful, because when you get lost, most of them are busy money. They are _familiar with almost everyone_, but in an accident, I can meet all kinds of people and outsiders are eager to send you to the hospital immediately.

It seems to be a free concert, and they are happy to invite you to dinner at their home The situation is different. It's much quieter and calmer. They all know each other very well.

They also talk to you like old friends. The city is crowded and in the country, although you are strange. When I say hello to them and smile at them, city life and country life are very different in terms of population.

They are willing to point you in the right direction. They treat me the same way. I can lie in bed.



乡村规划英语介绍范文 第三篇

Life style is an important content of _socialization_, which determines the nature, level and direction of individual socialization. Life style is a historical category. With the development and change of society, different societies, different historical periods, different classes and different occupations will have different lifestyles in one's ideology.

The change of lifestyle directly or indirectly affects one's ideology and values. Among them, the social life style reflects one's values through the formation of a person's ideas and psychological structure, which affects one's behavior and attitude towards society.



乡村规划英语介绍范文 第四篇

In recent years, being a village official has become the first choice for many college students. Different people have different views on it, because they hold a positive attitude first. They think it is an effective way to relieve the employment pressure in big cities and meet the demand for talents in rural areas.

In addition, the government is trying to encourage college students to work in underdeveloped areas. College students have rich knowledge, which can contribute to more people. College students can also broaden their vision in rural areas and improve their adaptability to different environments.

Both of these are considered to be conducive to their future development, and some people object to it, They will not be able to use the professional knowledge they learned in school, let alone achieve their parents' goal of living and working in a big city. As far as I am concerned, I think it is worth promoting to be a village official. This is feasible.

We have reason to believe that some graduates take employment as the springboard and get preferential treatment with the participation of many college students. We have reason to believe that it will not take too long for graduates to build a blueprint for new rural employment.





乡村规划英语介绍范文 第五篇

Guangzhou is the economic center of Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the economic center of China and the political center of Guangzhou. Education, culture and living water (rice ear) is the abbreviation of Guangzhou.

Yangcheng is also the alias of Guangzhou. Kapok is the city flower and kapok tree is the city tree of Guangzhou. Guangzhou is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province, north of the Pearl River Delta, near the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macau Zhujiang (the third largest Chinese river in the Pearl River) It runs through Guangzhou and is navigable to the south of China.

It has an area of square kilometers. Guangzhou has a population of one million, including one million..










热门标签: 乡村 英语 范文






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