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英语名人简介范文初一 第一篇

I have an old friend. Her name is Amy. We study in the same school.

She is this year. I am younger than her. She is tall, with short black hair and big eyes.

She is very beautiful. She is more interesting than anyone else. She likes singing and dancing.

English and math. We always play games together. I love her and she loves me.



英语名人简介范文初一 第二篇

Lei Feng is a model soldier. He was born in a poor peasant family in a small mountain village in Hunan Province on December 12. He didn't go to school until he became a steel worker.

He is often praised for his excellent work. In January of the same year, he joined the army and joined the Communist Party. He loved the party and the people, and continued to do good for others.

After his death, he became a model soldier. Chairman Mao called on the people to learn from Comrade Lei Feng. The whole nation was moved by his deeds.

Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever.



英语名人简介范文初一 第三篇

Introduce a beautiful, kind and easygoing guy named jialishe. She is always smiling and independent. She likes dogs and cats.

He likes language very much, like English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and so on. He always likes to joke with his friends. He is a single, active person, proficient in painting.

She is a sunny girl. She likes to be a like her, but she just wants to be the best. She prays that everyone believes in God.

She is a Christian. She is also a talkative person. She believes that God will give her the best, love, family and work.

She will always love a person who grows up from a small age And I love kids.




英语名人简介范文初一 第四篇

On May Day, we took a bus to visit a middle school led by a teacher. This school has a long history. Some famous scientists have learned something in it.

The students studying in that school introduced to us their timetable. Mathematics and English are their main courses. Political class.

Physics and chemistry are trying. There are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. In addition, they need a few hours of self-study, and then an hour of physical education after class.

I think they all work hard, and maybe future celebrities are among them.




英语名人简介范文初一 第五篇

There are many unsuccesul years behind every succesul man. Bob Brown, I think there are no rules for success, but you can learn a lot from failure. Jean Kerr, success has no secret.

It is the result of preparation and hard work. Learn from failure. Colin L.

Powell, nothing in the world is difficult if you make up your mind to live in the land Fang, everything is difficult, everything is difficult, before they are easy, constant dripping wears through the stone. The first blow is half of the battle, and the man who is determined to win will never say _impossible_ (Bonaparte Napoleon, emperor of France) _B everything has its advantages ·· difficult environment is the textbook of people's life ·· failure is the mother of success Thomas Paine · - because man is man and of destiny ·· without great willpower, there is No Great talent, Balzac. Good seamen are known in bad weather.

There is hope in life. You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.

Charles Chaplin. Stop fighting. Stop living.

Thomas Carlyle. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. A strong man will fight the storm of fate.

Thomas Addison.



英语名人简介范文初一 第六篇

Avril Lavigne introduces these big names in the music industry. Fans in Toronto, Canada, are excited this week. Deryck Whibley from sum helps introduce his wife, pop singer and international celebrity Avril Lavigne.

Who is performing for this crowded party? She needs to be introduced in her own country, not that she should be the one who introduced her huand. She is an international music celebrity with great musical credit, or is it a situation in which two people decide who to introduce at home? People with poor memory may forget Avril, this woman has been working on the scene for so many years, plus there are many sounds in Canada Music artist and fans will surely forget her name. Therefore, the introduction of famous singer ravine also makes people choose the award as the most popular Canadian artist.

Ravini is famous for her tough attitude. When she accepted the award _why cry_, she broke down and cried - because people, especially her fans, need to re introduce her reputation.


艾薇儿·拉维涅简介这些在音乐界已经家喻户晓的大牌明星们,本周在加拿大多伦多的歌迷们激动不已,来自Sum的德里克·惠布莱(Deryck Whibley)帮助介绍了他的妻子、流行歌手和国际名人艾薇儿•拉维尼,是谁为这个拥挤的聚会表演的?她需要在自己的被介绍,而不是她应该是那个介绍她的丈夫的人她是一个国际音乐名人,有着很好的音乐功劳,或者这一定是一个两人在家里决定谁来做介绍的情况吗记性不好的人可能会忘记艾薇儿,这位女士已经在现场工作了这么多年,加上加拿大有很多音乐艺术家,歌迷肯定会忘记她的名字,因此,著名歌手拉维涅的介绍也使人们选择奖成为最受欢迎的加拿大艺术家拉维尼,她以强硬的态度著称,当她接受奖项“为什么哭泣”时,她崩溃了,哭了——因为人们,尤其是她的粉丝们需要重新介绍她的名声。

英语名人简介范文初一 第七篇

Knowledge makes one humble, ignorance makes one proud. Learning is the eye of the mind, learning is an endless wisdom, a silent fool. There is a way that a person will never be old enough to learn a good book is a good friend.



英语名人简介范文初一 第八篇

Knowledge makes a man humble, ignorance makes a man proud. Learning is the eye of the soul. Learning is an endless learning.

A man is never too old to learn a good book. He is a good friend. Ignorance is not innocence but sin.

Robert Browning has knowledge, but wisdom is eternal. As long as a person lives, his study will not stop unless his learning ability declines. If he does not use it, Robert Hutchins's study is like going against the current.

If he does not advance, he will regress. Chinese proverb learning without thinking is hard, thinking without learning is erous to Confucius.




英语名人简介范文初一 第九篇

Lao She is my favorite writer. He was born in fable literature. He died in Beijing in the third year.

He has many famous works. Many people like to read his novels. He is one of the most famous writers in China.

I hope I can become a future writer.



英语名人简介范文初一 第十篇

He is very tall. He is a player. He becomes the second Chinese basketball player in the NBA.

He is the best basketball player in China. He is Yao Ming. Today, more and more Chinese people begin to pay attention to the NBA.

Yao Ming is becoming a new star. Yao Ming works for our country in the Rockets. With the help of all the players, he plays basketball with Yi Jianlian and others.

Chinese people are getting stronger and stronger I believe the Chinese team will achieve good results in the Olympic Games.



英语名人简介范文初一 第十一篇

Albert Einstein is a theoretical physicist, he is the creator of special relativity and general relativity. In addition, he made great contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics, and was famous for his theory of relativity. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his explanation of photoelectric effect.

Einstein is widely regarded as one of the greatest physicists living in the mass culture. The name _Einstein_ has become the pronoun of great wisdom. The genius Martin Luther King is a black man living in the black church.

In the s, the Negro born in Martin Luther King was regarded as a bad man. He had a dream to change his own destiny. He gave many speeches on black rights and proposed new laws.

Obviously, not only his law, but also his bravery has been remembered by Americans. He is a hero country of the United States. I believe that 500 years ago, life in China was very difficult and most people were poor.

At this time, a great leader of China was born. Confucius was born in a noble family, but his parents were very poor. His father was three years old in Confucius The boy was a very good and obedient son to his mother.

He was quiet, considerate and studious since he was young. When Confucius looked at the people around him, he became very eager to help them. Finally, he left home and began the honesty and kindness of his students.

In memory of their parents, he taught them that a good man would never make himself angry. A lot of his savings have come together, and one of his famous savings is _don't do what you don't want others to do to you._ over the years, he has traveled all over the provinces, spreading his ideas to all who want to listen to him.





英语名人简介范文初一 第十二篇

The protagonist and narrator of Esperanza's novel, a 12-year-old Chicana (Mexican girl Esperanza is a fledgling writer who wants to have a home of her own. The house on Mango Street records her year of emotional and ual maturity. Esperanza in Spanish means hope esperanz A (in-depth ysis) Rachel and Lucy are best friends.

Rachel and Lucy live across the street from Esperanza. The sister is born in Texas, while the little Rachel is born in Chicago. Esperanza finally chooses a mature friend.

Sally neni (in-depth ysis) Sally is a little girl. Esperanza made friends with her and moved in the same year To Mango Street, Sally is also the same age. As Esperanza, she is bold in and charming in Esperanza's eyes.

She is not Esperanza's good friend. She abandons running away with boys again and again. She has an abusive father who runs away from home before the eighth grade and marries a man who doesn't let her meet friends or run away from home.

Esperanza felt like she was protecting Sally Nani. Esperanza's sister, named Magdalena, is a beautiful and dreamlike little girl. She is often admired by Esperanza because neni is still immature.

When they play Rachel and lucissa together, she often makes Esperanza feel embarrassed (in-depth ysis) Malin, a young woman from Puerto Rico, lives with her cousin's family, marlin She sold cosmetics for Avon and taught Esperanza and her friends the world. Although she had a fiancee back in Puerto Rico, she also dreamed that American men would take her from Mango Street to the suburbs at the end of the year, and her cousin would send her back to Puerto Rico.



英语名人简介范文初一 第十三篇

Thomas Edison lost his first job. Over the next five years, he looked for jobs one after another across the country. Finally, Edison went to New York.

He didn't have enough money to buy enough food to eat. He had no place to sleep. Edison looked for a job.

He was hungry. Finally he found a job repairing machines. He could repair old machines.

He also made a new leader who liked Edison's new machine. He is going to give Edison dollars. He can now have the money to do what he wants to do Thomas Edison used that money to open a shop in New Jersey, and he had a lot of people working for him, but he worked more than anyone else, and he had little rest because he was doing more than new things in Alexandria.

Graham Bell made a phone, but it only carried sound. Edison wanted to make one A better phone. He soon built a long-distance phone that could transmit sound.




标签: 追星

英语名人简介范文初一 第十四篇

Einstein is a German born physicist. Although most people know that he is the most intelt person in history, he once called Einstein in time magazine as the figure of this century, but he won the Nobel Prize in physics and published his s in scientific s. Henry Gates III was born in October.

He is one of the wealthiest people in the world. This succesul businessman co founded Microsoft and turned it into the world's largest software company. Time Magazine selected gates as one of the most influential companies in the world.

Rowling is her pseudonym as a writer, j is Joanne's real name But she prefers to be called a Joe seven Porter novel in the future. Rowling is actually one of the richest women in the world. She is the first novelist ever to become a billionaire by writing.

Mozart lives among Mozart. He is one of the most famous composers in history. You can almost hear his music in TV advertisements, movies and cell phone rings, And, of course, the concert hall, Piano Concerto, opera and choral music that he created in his symphonies, Pablo Picasso - probably one of the most famous names in history - was a Spanish painter and sculptor, perhaps the most famous figure in the 20th century art world.

One of his most famous works is the painting of the German bound the Spanish city of Guernica, the Spanish Civil War.


爱因斯坦是德国出生的物理学家,尽管大多数人都知道他是有史以来最聪明的人,他曾在《时代》杂志上称爱因斯坦为本世纪的人物,但他获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,并在科学论文上发表了论文。亨利·盖茨三世于xx月出生,他是世界上最富有的人之一,也许也是最富有的人这位成功的商人曾与人共同创立了软件巨头微软,并把它变成了世界上最大的软件公司《时代》杂志将盖茨选为世纪最具影响力的公司之一罗琳是她作为作家使用的笔名J是乔安妮的真名,但她更愿意以后被称为乔·七波特小说,而罗琳实际上是世界上最富有的女性之一,她是有史以来第一个通过写作成为亿万富翁的小说家,莫扎特生活在莫扎特之间,他是有史以来最著名的作曲家之一,你几乎可以在电视广告、电影、中听到他的音乐,当然还有他在交响乐作品中创作的音乐厅,钢琴协奏曲,歌剧和合唱音乐巴勃罗·_——可能是历史上最著名的名字之一他是一位西班牙画家和雕塑家,也许是二十世纪艺术界最知名的人物。他最著名的作品中最著名的作品是《德国轰炸西班牙城市格尔尼卡》(the Germany Bound the Spanish city of Guernica)的绘画西班牙内战。








热门标签: 名人 简介 英语






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