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关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第一篇

Afe4be5bemore and more students are do parttime work today today day students part time Students usually have a positive attitude towards this kind of extracurricular activities. In addition to earning some money to support themselves, they can also learn a lot of things that can't be learned from textbooks. They will learn to get along with different kinds of people.

However, students have some shortcomings in doing part-time jobs. For example, too much work may shorten the learning time of students, thus their college students Life can be brought into full play to lay a good foundation for their college life. Another drawback is that if the money is used improperly, it may lead to some bad habits, even greed or bad.

It is not easy to find a job in China now. Even if they do get some jobs, they often can't get a high salary to change this situation. The society should re-examine the part-time work of students and provide them with the knowledge they have learned in class Opportunities for real life in our society.


做兼职的学生(afe4be5beMore and more Students are do Parttime Work today today day day Students part time Work)学生通常对这种课外活动持积极态度,除了挣些钱养活自己之外,他们还可以学到很多课本上学不到的东西,他们将学会与不同种类的人相处然而,学生在做兼职工作方面也有一些不足之处,比如,过多的工作可能会缩短学生的学习时间,从而使他们的大学生活得到充分的发挥,为他们的大学生活打下良好的基础,打下良好的基础。另一个缺点是赚来的钱,如果使用不当,可能会导致一些坏习惯,甚至是贪婪或坏的,现在在中国找份工作并不容易,即使他们确实得到了一些工作,他们也常常拿不到很高的薪水来改变这种状况,社会应该重新审视学生的兼职工作,为他们提供将课堂所学知识应用于我们社会现实生活的机会。

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第二篇

Since the beginning of the year,I have found a part time job, which is to translate English to Chinese on the job is very suitable for it is free,you can translate your work in any when you don't have time, you needn't do remember when I found this job, I was very happy because it is very suitable for I did it for several was very today, the boss suddenly told me that I had to be asked him why I had to be he didn't told me the real just said that I was not suitable for this I was fired,I will try my best to find another part time I love English very in the same time, I will improve my English hope I will find another job soon.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第三篇

The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, and August).

Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usuallysolved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it. Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第四篇

If college students should take part-time jobs, should they take part-time jobs? In my opinion, part-time jobs have both positive and negative aspects. Part time jobs provide opportunities to acquire more social skills and transform academic knowledge into practical skills. Second, the university curriculum arrangement is relatively flexible, so part-time jobs can cultivate personal time management skills Job can bring a certain amount of income, and ultimately reduce the economic burden of the family.

Through part-time jobs, we can get to know more people and develop our communicative competence. However, there are also some negative factors that affect college students' attitude towards money. Moreover, a person can become a person.

Moreover, with complex social environment, college students are easy to be used, and college students may be too tired to do part-time jobs Concentrate on study, in short, part-time college students have its advantages and disadvantages.



关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第五篇

in recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school. many teachers complain than there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study. should we put the blame on part-time jobs? is it a good thing for college students to work part time?

it is true that ecellent academic: qualifications are something essential if you want to find a good job after you leave school. but on the other hand, for those who can easily get high marks in eaminations, it is worth trying to find something to do in their spare time. then they can get some work eperience which is as valuable as their academic achievement.

from what i have said, it is difficult to judge whether taking part time jobs is good or bad. it depends on how you deal with the relation ship between working and learning. if you can balance it well, you are sure to get enough knowledge as well as working eperience, so as to get ready for you future success.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第六篇

Most college students tend to do a part-time job, because they want to make their college life colorful and interesting.

Doing a part-time job brings them so many benefits. For one thing, college students can earn pocket money by doing part-time jobs, so that they needn't ask money from their parents any more. For another, the part-time jobs can help them get more working experience.

Nowadays, the working experience is an important thing in job hunting, for most companies prefer to hire someone who is experienced. What's more, through the part-time jobs, they can make more friends and know the society better.

Nevertheless, it's not absolutely right for college students to do the part-time jobs. Since most of them are always busy with their part-time jobs at night, so that they may not have a good rest. Therefore, they can't listen to the teachers carefully and fall asleep in class. I don't think it's wise for them to do so. As college students, study is their major task. If their part-time jobs have a bad effect on their study, they had better give them up and pay more attention to their study instead.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第七篇

In recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school. Many teachers complain than there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study. Should we put the blame on part-time jobs? Cn Is it a good thing for college students to work part time?

It is true that excellent academic: qualifications are something essential if you want to find a good job after you leave school. But on the other hand, for those who can easily get high marks in examinations, it is worth trying to find something to do in their spare time. Then they can get some work experience which is as valuable as their academic achievement.

From what I have said, it is difficult to judge whether taking part time jobs is good or bad. It depends on how you deal with the relation ship between working and learning. If you can balance it well, you are sure to get enough knowledge as well as working experience, so as to get ready for you future success.





关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第八篇

In recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school. Many teachers complain than there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study. Should we put the blame on part-time jobs? Is it a good thing for college students to work part time?

It is true that excellent academic: qualifications are something essential if you want to find a good job after you leave school. But on the other hand, for those who can easily get high marks in examinations, it is worth trying to find something to do in their spare time. Then they can get some work experience which is as valuable as their academic achievement.

From what I have said, it is difficult to judge whether taking part time jobs is good or bad. It depends on how you deal with the relation ship between working and learning. If you can balance it well, you are sure to get enough knowledge as well as working experience, so as to get ready for you future success.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第九篇

Doing part-time job is very popular among college students. Whether this behavior is good or bad, some people think that it brings a lot of benefits to students. On the other hand, some people think that part-time work is not worth it.

Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, there are several reasons to support my view. Doing part-time work can make some money, make more new friends and gain some work experience However, the part-time job after school makes little money, but this money can reduce the family burden of students, or let them have enough money to spend more money to enjoy college life.

Doing part-time jobs in different places can contact different people, which will definitely make more new friends. Moreover, students can get some work experience from their part-time jobs, which is not good for their career after graduation; on the other hand, part-time jobs will occupy students' time. If students do not have time to study with them, their learning time and energy will be reduced, which will affect their team spirit, and the more time they spend communicating with their classmates Generally speaking, the less students come, it is not conducive to the formation of team spirit.

There are advantages and disadvantages in doing part-time jobs. Each student should choose whether to take part-time jobs according to their own situation. If they can balance everything, Dong part-time job is acceptable.



关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十篇





关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十一篇

It is popular among university students to do part-time job. Is this behavior good or bad? Some people think it brings many advantages to the students, while there are another people consider that part-time job is not worth the candle. As far as I am concern, every coin has two sides. There are several reasons can support my point.


On the one hand, doing part-time job can earn some money, make more new friends and get some working experience. Though doing a part-time job after school can earn little money, that little money can reduce students’ family burden or let them have enough money to spend to enjoy more their college life. In addition, doing part-time job in different places can contact with different people, which is sure to make more new friends. Moreover, students can get some working experience from their part-time job, which will not from school course teaching. This experience is good for their career after graduation.


On the other hand, part- time job will take up students’ time and not good for forming teamwork spirit. Everyone’s energy is limit. If students let part-time job to share their time, their study time will be reduced. As a result, it will affect their study. And if students go out to do part-time job once they have time, there will be less and less time for them to communicate with their classmates. It is bad for students to form teamwork spirit.


To sum, doing part-time job has pros and cons. Every student should consider their own situation to choose whether to do part-time job or not. If they can make everything in balance, dong part-time job is acceptable.


大学生不应该做兼职College Students Should Not Do Part-time Job

Different people have different attitudes towards life. Nowadays it is popular among college students to do part-time job. Some people think it is good for students as it can reduce their economic burden and make self-enhancement. But other people think that doing part-time job is bad for the development of college students. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter one. There are several reasons to support my opinion.


To begin with, having a part-time job is bad for students’ study. As we all know that what students should do the most in school is study well. It is their main task. If they take some of their time to do part-time job, their study time will be reduced. What’s worse, some students may lose themselves in making little money. As a result, they may abandon their study in order to do part-time job. Actually, that little money can not help too much in their life. In addition, doing a part-time job is dangerous. The society present is very complex. Some people will make use of students’ thought to help lighten family economic burden to make a trap for them to jump into. As the students do not have too much connection with the society, they are pretty naive. So they are easily get cheated.


In general, doing part-time job bring more disadvantages than advantages to university students. It may have bad influence on their study, life and mind. It is not worth having a try on it. Students just do their job well is the best. Study hard.


大学生应不应该做兼职?Should College Students do Part-time Job or Not?

Doing a part-time job is very popular among college students. As college students have much more free time, so most of them choose to find a part-time job. But some people hold another opinion that doing part-time job will have bad influence to students’ study. They do not agree with college students having a part-time job in their spare time. In my opinion, I agree with the former view. Reasons are as follows.


First of all, a part-time can lighten the economic burden of family. Although the pay for a part-time job is not very good, it still has salary. Maybe those can’t not pay your education fee, but it can afford your living expend. Or the money can’t afford your living expend, but it can solve half of it. In some extend, it is certain that can help students reduce the burden of their family. In addition, a part-time job can improve a person in various aspects. Different part-time jobs can provide students different social experience. In other words, it is helpful for students to adapt the society and making preparation for it in advance. Last but not least, doing a job that is not full-time can make many new friends. I think everyone knows that friendship is priceless. Even students can find out what kind of jobs are they really want, which will reduce their confusion when they are hunting a job after graduation.


In a word, university students having a part-time job after class are having nothing to lose but everything to gain. So I advise college students should do a part-time job in their spare time on the condition not affecting their study.


关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十二篇

There has been much controversy over part-time jobs for college students. People who are against it hold that the sole purpose of higher education is for the students to acquire knowledge. If they are engaged in part-time job they will be invariably distracted from their studies and as a result they can not fulfill the requirements mapped out by the State Education Commission.

The writer, however, thinks that there are several advantages for college students involved in part-time jobs. Firstly, part-time jobs provide opportunities for students to contact society so as to know the situation of the talent market. For instance, if a student works as a part-time governess, he or she will know what kind of professionals are urgently needed by the market and this will help him to choose a future job. Secondly, there are some financial gains from part-time jobs. Since the reform was carried out, institutions of higher education have started to collect tuition fees from students. Needless to say this means another financial burden on parents. And part-time jobs can serve as a partial solution to this problem. Last but not least, part-time jobs can cultivate students' sense of independence.

To sum up, part-time jobs can do a lot more good than bad to students as long as they can make best use of their time and raise the efficiency of their study.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十三篇

It has become apparent to us that...


例句:It has become apparent to us that living in a small town is more comfortable.


I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)


9、It''s great to be great , but it''s greater to be human. ---W. Rogers


10、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain)

11、One''s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十四篇

Some peolpe think there are more advantages for colleges students to take part-time jobs than disadvantages, others don't think so. What's your view on this?And tell why.

A serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more collegestudents abandon study because of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs. However, taking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for college studens in my eyes.

First, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, If a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable him to better understand what he's learned from books. What's more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he's been taught in class, and he'll learn something that doesn't exist in books but in practice.

Second, students can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Actually, part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after they graduate, and help them prepare for their future careers. In addition, as fresh blood in the society, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences. It's easier to find jobs for those who have accumu lated experiences in part-time jobs.

Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students' financial burden, especially those who are from poor families. College tution fees have greatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy. Many students from poor families cannot afford college fees, and our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countries, sotaking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in campus lives.

It's an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studies, especially when they fall into conflict with each other. But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. Only following this principle can they benefit from their part-time jobs.

关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十五篇

.When asked about..., the vast/ overwhelming majority of/ most/ many/ quite a few people say/ think/ believe/ answer that... But...


5、Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)

永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔)

6、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)


7、While there is life there is hope.


关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十六篇

More and more students are doing part-time jobs. In addition to earning money to support themselves, they usually have a positive attitude towards this kind of extracurricular activities. They can learn a lot of things that can't be learned from textbooks.

They will learn to get along with different people, gain useful work experience and understand the value of labor. However, there are also some disadvantages for students to do part-time jobs. For example, too much work may shorten students' study time when they should get the best results.

Their college life has laid a good foundation for their college life and laid a good foundation for their future work. Another disadvantage is that if the money is used improperly, it may lead to some bad habits, even greed or good or bad, even if they get a job in China now. In some jobs, they often don't get a high salary to change this situation.

The society should reexamine the situation of students doing part-time jobs, and provide them with opportunities to apply the knowledge they learned in the classroom to the real life of our society.




关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十七篇

As a college student, I want to make money to earn my living, because I am not the small kid any longer, I can work now. But I am a student, it is not possible for me to work all the time, so I can have a part-time job. Part-time job has advantage and disadvantage for me.

On the one hand, if I find a part-time job, I can make some money, so I can keep my ends meet and relieve my parents’ burden. My parents have paid for all my things, such as my education, my clothing and so on, all these things are great burden. So I find the part-time job to make my living, though not so much, for me, it is satisfying.

While on the other hand, I have to make out my study time to do the part-time job. As a student, my first job is to study, I must study hard, my parents have paid a lot on my education. The part-time job will certainly distract me at some level, I need to spare some time to do it.




关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十八篇

In the bar chart, it shows the changes of the proportion of the students having part-time jobs during the four years’ study in college. The proportion increases slightly from the first year to the third year, however, the fourth year has witnessed a fast increase, surging to .


There is no denying that this trend is very pervasive in current colleges and in a certain degree is quite proper. To begin with, when students in their first year in college, their major job is to study, not to work. They have to lay a profound knowledge base so that they make a good preparation for future work. What’s more, when students are going to step out of school and enter into the society, they have to know lots of experience , for example, how to deal with challenges outside, so they need to have some part-time jobs. Clearly, doing a part time job has many advantages. Students can learn how to get along well with others and know the society more profoundly. Secondly, to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice. Finally, students can make some money, which helps to unload their families’financial burden.


Due to the analysis above, to be an eligible heir of socialism construction, you have to strike a balance between your study and the job. Study is your major task while a part time job is a minor one though work experience is desirable


关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第十九篇

In the bar chart, it shows the change in the proportion of part-time students during the four-year study period. From the first year to the third year, this proportion increased slightly, but in the fourth year, there was a rapid growth, surge to undeniable, this trend is very common in the current university. To a certain extent, the main job of freshmen is to study, not work.

They must lay a deep knowledge foundation in order to prepare for future work. What's more, when students want to go out of school and enter the society, they must know a lot of experience, for example, how to deal with the challenges of the outside world, so they need to have a clear part-time job. There are many advantages in doing part-time jobs.

Students can learn how to get along with others and have a deeper understanding of society. Part time jobs provide a valuable opportunity for students to pay for what they have learned from books Practice. Finally, students can make some money, which helps to reduce the financial burden of the family and become a qualified successor of socialist construction.

You must balance between study and work. Learning is your primary task, and part-time work is a secondary task, although work experience is an ideal job.





关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第二十篇

I am a middle school student. I am very active. I like to go out and play recently.

I like skating. I want a pair of skates, but my mother doesn't allow me. Because she is worried about my injury when playing, I want to find a part-time job to earn money to buy a pair of skates.

I am always free on weekends. I don't think I can have any extra work. I am very strong.

I am willing to do everything I can, anyone If you have any information about part-time job, please recommend it to me.



关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第二十一篇

Many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time. Whether it is good or bad is still subject to constant debates.

Some people believe that taking a part-time job certainly brings about several advantages. To begin with,students can learn how to get along with people and know the society better by taking a part-time job. Furthermore, to take a part-time job provides the students with a valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice. Finally, students can make some money, which helps to unload their families' financial burden.

However, problems may also arise. Firstly, some students spend too much time doing part-time jobs while neglecting their studies. Secondly, when taking part-time jobs, the students may be distracted from their studies by the colorful lives in the society. Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers, because they don't know how to protect themselves.

As for me, I share the view that college students need to step out of the campus and take some part-time jobs if their schedule permits. After all, it opens them a window to know about the society, which is essential to their maturity.






关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第二十二篇





关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第二十三篇


关于大学兼职英语范文初中 第二十四篇

Some people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school. While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study. In my opinion, I think part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages.

On one hand, part-time jobs can broaden students’ horizon and make their free time more colorful. They do not only have the life on campus but also have many social activities. In this way, they can lead to a varied life. What’s more, their personal development can be enhancing to a better level. Some part-time jobs can have great contribute to the society. For instance, to be a volunteer in the orphanage, or do some cleaning for the community. Through these work, the students will realize their personal va








热门标签: 兼职 初中 英语






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