
更新时间:2024-03-21 18:24:20 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

对事件的认识范文英语 第一篇

Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Yiru. My English name is su. I am a primary school student.

I study in Tangjialing primary school. My hometown is Henan. It is famous for Shaolin Temple.

When I was three years old, I loved my hometown very much. When I went to Sichuan with my old friends, I was lucky to go to Sichuan with my old friends. I had the opportunity to go to Russia and Russia is in Asia Red Square is the largest country in the world.

It's beautiful. Now I'm old. My dream is to be an English teacher.

If I can be a teacher in the future, I will try my best to teach my students. Thank you for all this.



对事件的认识范文英语 第二篇

What moral issues best define you what is the biggest impact of the Internet describe your worst experience discuss the most memorable event in your life is capitalism the best political and economic system to defend your choice is that knowledge is more important than wisdom is a cup half full or half empty explain why humans are so obsessed with understanding whether cosmic technology has fulfilled its promise second A good impromptu speech theme zoo morality three key happy life reality show beauty what do you eat love is a choice professional athletes are high paid dogs than cats how to become a millionaire communication importance.


对事件的认识范文英语 第三篇

Every morning, the editor in chief of a news office will hold a meeting with reporters to discuss the main events of the day. Once the reporters know what to write, they will send reporters to cover these events. They will start to work, call people, arrange time for face-to-face interviews.

Sometimes they will conduct telephone interviews. It is very important to check the information. They will go to the news's own library to find what they need Information this is called doing homework at the same time, and the photo editor decides which photos the photographer needs the next day.


对事件的认识范文英语 第四篇

One of the important events I remember very clearly was the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan in May. When I heard the news of this event, I was working and my friends were watching games on TV. This incident is very important to me because many people lost their lives in the earthquake.

All the Chinese are very shy, they need to help a lot of people come to HLP them.



对事件的认识范文英语 第五篇

China warned Somali pirates on Tuesday that it was ready to use force when its naval vessels arrived in the Gulf of Aden to combat the wave of piracy that disrupted international shipping. AFP reported that two Chinese destroyers and a supply ship set sail on Friday, the first time in China's modern history to deploy vessels outside its territorial waters to carry out potential combat tasks. 2 China is also willing to own to Taiwan Ships provide rescue and assistance services as long as they are registered on the mainland, he said, and since the beginning of this year, seven Chinese ships have been attacked by Somali pirates.

At least one Chinese vessel is believed to be still in the hands of the attackers. The UN Security Council last week authorized countries to take action in lawless Somalia to stop the rampant piracy in the Gulf of Aden.




对事件的认识范文英语 第六篇

Last year, my father, mother, grandparents and brother took a bus to Mawei, Fuzhou. In the morning, when we went down the mountain, we saw the mountain forest and wild flowers blooming. We climbed up the hillside along the mountain road.

I felt a little tired and began to rain. My West Lake silk umbrella missed my father and said to Mei Ting not to give up halfway. So I insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain The view on the top is so beautiful.

We are flying kites. I am thirsty. My mother bought me a bottle of water.

Finally, we went home. At that time, I kept my umbrella. I'm glad.



对事件的认识范文英语 第七篇

I think everyone has heard of the little Yueyue incident. A toddler named Yueyue was run over twice by a passing van, but no one called an ambulance, and no one provided any help. The poor child was sent to the hospital until a garbage collector noticed her.

Some people may cite the social psychological phenomenon of bystander effect. In China, many people have to pay attention to the bystander effect People don't want to help people who seem difficult because they are afraid of being blamed. Some high-profile legal proceedings have ended, and good-natured people have been ordered to pay huge fines to those they seek help.

But if I live here and our society needs humanistic care, I will call an ambulance immediately because I will not carry her to the roadside because I feel dizzy at the sight of blood, and I am afraid to hurt her again, but I will remind other drivers that we always do Blame the upper level policy is not good, but never take the world as their own responsibility. If everyone believes that they can, try to change a little change in the social temperature and make some changes. Therefore, even if there is no policy, the main body will fall down.

No matter how good the policy is, it will be distorted, and it will appear pale and indifferent.



对事件的认识范文英语 第八篇

Results don't matter. When people start setting goals, they think about the results immediately. Of course, if people can predict the results, they certainly want the best results.

Most people will give up because they know the unsuccessful ending. In my opinion, if the result is not good, what people strive for is meaningless. The process of striving for the goal is much more important than the result.

When we strive for our own goal, we will try our best to improve ourselves. Even if we fail in the end, when we review the beginning, we will find that we are no longer people Growing up, more importantly, in the process of struggle, we should be close to success. As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success, so don't take the results seriously, just enjoy the process.



对事件的认识范文英语 第九篇

Suffering from pain, or dealing with a very unpleasant situation for a long time with strength and patience, or living or living (VI Beara) being so uncomfortable with something or someone that they make you very angry or impatient B) being so upset with something that you can't accept it or let it happen.


忍受痛苦的折磨,或者用力量和耐心长期处理一个非常不愉快的情况,或者继续活着或者继续存在(vi beara)非常不喜欢某件事或某人,以至于他们让你非常恼火或不耐烦b)对某件事非常不安,以至于你无法接受它或让它发生登杜雷贝恩杜雷贝尔霍尔德hold hold hold。

对事件的认识范文英语 第十篇

Now, some students don't like learning English, because learning English is a hard work. I think it is necessary to learn English in daily life. We should have a good way to learn English and spend more time on it.

These are my suggestions. We should read English as much as possible and talk to your parents and friends. Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you talk to others, because everyone makes mistakes.

Moreover, we should write as much as possible. We spend a lot of time practicing. We should also listen to more English.

We can listen to English music and some tapes, but it is very important to listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. We should do our homework carefully and believe in ourselves. I believe that if we study hard, we will learn it well.





对事件的认识范文英语 第十一篇

My favorite novel was written by Jules Verne. Born in France, he devoted himself to Literature and wrote several scientific romance novels, so he was named the father of modern science fiction. This is a science fiction novel.

It tells an exciting story of an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg. He bet with his club partners to travel around the world in 80 days, which vividly describes many difficulties and events in his journey.

From this story, we can see the author's love of the sea, travel and adventure, his rich imagination and science Geographical knowledge also surprised and convinced us.









热门标签: 英语 范文







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