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牧场企业优势介绍范文英语 第一篇

The farm can be an enterprise, owned and operated by an individual, a & nbsp; family & nbsp; Community & nbsp; and & nbsp; a & nbsp; Union, & nbsp; company ownership and & nbsp; management, and & nbsp; Farm & nbsp size can be & nbsp; acres & nbsp; equal, & nbsp; spin & nbsp; America, with tens of thousands of & nbsp; farms & nbsp; hundreds of thousands & nbsp; during this period The scale of the people's commune is & nbsp; large & nbsp; state-owned farms & nbsp; and several villages and towns & nbsp; large & nbsp; farms & nbsp; Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, Heilongjiang production and Construction Corps, Heilongjiang rection area, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi Give, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi, Enshi.


农场 可以作为一个企业, 由个人, 家族 orcommunity 拥有和经营, union, 公司所有权和 管理, farm size可以是 acres unequal, in America, a农场的规模可以达到数万个 农场 数十万个 ;nbsp在这段时期内,nbsp  人民公社的规模为 大型 国有农场  的规模为几个村镇 大 农场 新疆生产建设兵团、黑龙江生产建设兵团、黑龙江垦区、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、恩施、。

牧场企业优势介绍范文英语 第二篇

This morning, my friend Jack and I went to a farm. We met at the school gate. Then we went to a bus stop and went to the farm by bus.

When we arrived at the farm, we were warmly welcomed. The owner of the farm showed us around the farm. We saw a lot of fruits, vegetables and sheep.

We were very happy to have an outdoor picnic. After dinner, we sang, danced, told jokes and told stories. What is a happy day? Jack ranch is a piece of land covered with vegetation.

It belongs to the farm Part of it is pasture or other open coastal , or the land used by wild animals to graze or browse before the advent of factory agriculture. Pasture is the main food source of grazing animals (such as cattle and horses), and it is still widely used, especially in arid areas, where the pasture is not suitable for any other agricultural production in more humid areas Grazing is widely developed for free grazing. Organic farming forage can be composed of herbage, legumes, other grasses, shrubs or mixed soil.

The minimum annual temperature and rainfall are important factors in pasture management.



牧场企业优势介绍范文英语 第三篇

Our school organized a field trip to the farm on June th. It was a sunny Saturday. We gathered in front of the school and left at 8 .

we chatted and joked with each other on the way to the farm. We were warmly welcomed by the farm staff. There are a lot of cows and goats here.

First of all, the staff showed us how to milk. Some of us have the opportunity to milk by hand, and then we help feed cows and goats. We had a pine cone lunch on the green ranch.

We exchanged food. There was a lot of delicious food. In the afternoon, we took a walk on the farm grass and ate delicious orange juice cake.

We ate five cakes on the farm.




牧场企业优势介绍范文英语 第四篇

xxxVilla del Boscoxxx farm holiday xxxVilla del Boscoxxx is a bed and breakfast on the west side of Sicily. xxxVilla del Boscoxxx means xxxwooden hutxxx. We welcome guests from all over the world.

We produce and sell olive oil and red / white wine. Wheat flour is , food is always fresh, and guests can use the farm's tesnis directly from the oven Court some rooms are air-conditioned and none of our rooms have suite facilities, so we suggest that our resort is suitable for families (children welcome) or at most a group of people. We have two living rooms with a library and high fidelity, surrounded by a relaxing green area, and two hot spring stations, just kilometers from the farm.

The farm covers an area of about hectare, km away from the town of kalatafimis sesta and km east of the ancient town of Segesta. We have a beautiful tennis court. From the window of the cottage on the farm's border can be seen the ancient timber of the ancient town and theatre angimb è, which may have originated in Arabia, and is an ideal place for walking or cycling.

The farm is suitable for sports activities, including archery. There is a tennis court on the top of the mountain with beautiful scenery. Spring and autumn is the best season.

The weather conditions are very good. The land is green. You can pick mushrooms and edible wild vegetables or beautiful flowers.

In July, you can enjoy the rehearsal at the Segesta old theatre. The farm is an ideal place. If you want to visit the west side of Sicily, we also recommend our farm to the place where Erudites and writers who love peace and inspiration create interesting things Fang also has a small library full of Italian books.

All the guests have dinner together, and they're all the same. I speak English and a little French and have a good understanding of Sicily. I also drive my Land Rover team to the mountains to discover unusual archaeological sites.

Around Segesta, you can reach the Gulf of castelre in minutes, just a few kilometers from the beautiful beaches of Scopello or zingaro.


“Villa del bosco”农庄假日“Villa del bosco”是西西里岛西侧的一个床和早餐。“Villa del bosco”意味着“木头小屋”。家庭气氛热烈,我们欢迎来自世界各地的客人我们生产和橄榄油和红/白葡萄酒。

牧场企业优势介绍范文英语 第五篇

An interesting farm today, I went to visit an interesting farm where there were many interesting animals. In the farm, I saw three lovely chickens and three yellow ducklings grazing on the green grass. It was so strong that three pigs all slept quietly under a big tree.

How lazy I was. I spent a good time in the interesting farm.










热门标签: 英语






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