
更新时间:2024-04-09 15:37:49 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

我的作息表英语范文 第一篇

I usually get up in the morning and run for half an hour. Then I have breakfast and go to school. I work hard at school and go home in the afternoon.

I have dinner with my parents. I do my homework before I go to bed at night.





我的作息表英语范文 第二篇

I can use this time to do what I like, because my parents don't force me to take extra classes like others. I do my homework as soon as possible. Usually, a good schedule helps my health.

So I still go to bed early and get up early. I have a lot of time to visit my grandparents and do some housework. I like the weekend.

This weekend is the best time in my opinion.



我的作息表英语范文 第三篇

My day is typical, and I'll bet it's like you say my daily life my alarm clock when I get up slowly, I polish it with a stretcher, I take off my pajamas, I brush my teeth and comb my hair, I put on my uniform, pack my schoolbag to school, I leave with my sports shoes, I never skip breakfast to eat at home or on the road, but I always eat in a hurry. After school, I go to cram school and I I read there. I finished the day's homework.

Finally, I came home and I relaxed and rested. I had dinner with my family. I went to bed watching TV as soon as I fell asleep.

Everything was different. I went to bed late and had a dance. Is your day the same as mine.



我的作息表英语范文 第四篇

The lost time will never be found again. That's what I learned last semester. I spent a lot of time fooling around, and my grades started to drop.

I finally realized that something had to be done. It's time to change. Now I have a new plan to use my time wisely.

I've put my alarm clock forward half an hour, which will give me a surprise when I decide to reorganize mine When I think about it, I will start again.



我的作息表英语范文 第五篇

Sally and Tom are twins. They are in the same class every day. Except for working days, they are in the same class every day.

Then they have breakfast and go to school together. They have four classes in the morning. They have lunch at school.

They have three classes in the afternoon. They all like playing football, traveling, reading, singing and so on. They also like to help their mother do housework.



我的作息表英语范文 第六篇

Note: Mr. Li, Mr. Li called you this afternoon.

He said that he would come to this city on business. He would like to stay here for three days. He would like to meet you, but I don't know when you have time.

I checked your schedule and made a reservation to meet you at the Binhai hotel at seven o'clock tomorrow evening. Please be on time.



我的作息表英语范文 第七篇

http://zhidaobiducom/question/htmlhttp : / / zhidaobaiducom / question / htmlfr = QRL & CID = & index = 3My it's not a funny day, I feel bored, but I want to tell you, you can tell me what you think. First I get up at eight, but sometimes I'm sleepy. Then I make the bed and my sister's bed, tidy the room, go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and then I go to the toilet at 8:30.

I have breakfast and watch TV at nine. After I finish my homework, I start to do it. If I'm free, I can play on the computer, or watch TV, or listen to music at 12:15.

I have lunch and then I'm ready to go to school. When I leave school at 12:5:6 or 10:7 ., I go home to play on the computer or go out with my friends, then I have dinner with my family, after dinner we watch TV, I help my mother clean the table, and then I go to me I went to bed at half past eleven. This is my daily life.

I hope you like me.




我的作息表英语范文 第八篇

Today is a fine day. On July 7, my friend Mr. White from the United States will come to my home.

Beijing Olympic Games will be held in China next month. My friends and I will visit the Olympic Stadium in the evening. We will have dinner together.

Mr. White likes Beijing roast duck best. He also likes Chinese food, such as dumplings or dumplings.

The day after tomorrow, I will see him off at the airport, Give him some small gifts, such as Chinese knots, tea, a dragon tie for his father, and a cheongsam for his mother.










热门标签: 英语 范文






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