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给老人烧纸的范文英语 第一篇






清明节快到了,星期天我和爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶、舅爷爷、阿姨一家人,去给姥姥扫墓,顺便去踏青游玩。 一路上,我看到小鸟在枝头唱歌,河水清澈见底,空气湛蓝深远,鸟语花香,一片春天的景象。扫完墓后,我们就向目的地出发了,我们今天踏春游玩的地点是金井茶园。一下车,就闻到一阵清香,我们迫不及待的进去了。看到这里风景优美,鸟语花香,我们走啊走啊,看到了好多茶树,绿油油的。我们摘了一大袋,还拍了照想留住这美好的一天。我们继续往前走,半路上,看到了一个很大的池塘,水里还有许多鲫鱼浮在水面晒太阳,像在欢迎我们的到来。池边,看到了粉红色映山红,我摘了几朵来,送给了我的妈妈。我们走啊走啊,转了个圈,又回到了原地。在回家的路上,我们经过一片草莓地,顺便摘了点草莓,一吃,好甜。我们就开开心心的准备回家了,今天的踏春多么难忘啊!

Qingming Festival is coming. On Sunday, my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts and I will go to the grave for grandma and go for a outing.

Along the way, I saw birds singing in the branches. The water was clear, the air was blue and far-reaching, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, a picture of spring.

After sweeping the tomb, we set out for our destination. Today, we are going to visit Jinjing tea garden in spring. As soon as we got out of the car, we could not wait to enter. Seeing the beautiful scenery and the fragrance of birds and flowers, we walked and walked, and saw a lot of tea trees, green. We picked a big bag and took photos to keep the beautiful day. We went on, half way, saw a big pond, there are many crucian carp floating in the water to bask in the sun, as if to welcome our arrival. By the pool, I saw the pink reflection of the mountain. I picked some and gave them to my mother. Let's go, go, turn around, and go back to where we were.

On the way home, we passed a strawberry field and picked some strawberries by the way. It was sweet. We are happy to go home, how unforgettable today's spring outing!

给老人烧纸的范文英语 第二篇





给老人烧纸的范文英语 第三篇

Once a year the Tomb-sweeping Day to Tomb-sweeping Day, is China's traditional festivals, is also the most important festival is the ancestor worship, ancestor worship, an activity has mourn the passing of a loved one. This day, Grandma had been ready to give grandpa grandma and grandpa too too grave for something, uncle drove the car, we soon came to the mountain. First we went to the great grandfather's grandma's grave and put flowers, and burn some paper money. Then to Grandpa's tomb, the tomb they are not far away, we take out the grandpa's love of alcohol and tobacco, put in my grandfather's tomb, the grandfather to burn some money, so as to express our thoughts and wishes to relatives! And pray for them silently in my heart, bless them on the other side of the heaven and we can live happily.

In a flash, grandpa has been dead for four years. Grandpa died due to illness, when the time is still very young, I vaguely remember some of the pictures I played with my grandfather when I was young, I can not help but feel a bit more missing and sad.

One day the grave would end this way. On this special day, I realize the value of life.




给老人烧纸的范文英语 第四篇























给老人烧纸的范文英语 第五篇

The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China.

On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’ tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come some provinces of China, people use different activities to commemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the Ay Tsaojuice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done.

People believe that eating Ay Tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.




给老人烧纸的范文英语 第六篇


雨细细的,就像千万根尖针落下来,变成一个个深浅不一的小土坑。让我不由得想起了唐代诗人杜牧《清明》“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 一位大爷手拿一个粗长的棍子用力地敲打着面团,一边敲,一边还念着一首诗还是一个童谣,节奏感很好,旋律也很美妙,只可惜我一个字也没听懂。大爷敲打,大娘揉面,真是“男女搭配,干活不累。” 我在一旁呆呆的看着他们,自己也想“玩一玩”。我迫不及待地跑过去拿起那粗壮的棍子,拿棍子可真重呀,就算我使出全身的力气,它还是得意洋洋,纹身不动地站在那里,还时不时对着我坏笑。 我拿它没办法,只好去帮他们印清明果。这“印”可不是把什么东西印在清明果上,而是把清明果面团放在一个容器里,让它成形。 看着自己制作的清明果心里别提多高兴,再咬一口更是美滋滋的。这个清明节过得真是滋味!

The sky is grey and the people are scattered. There is a sound of knocking on the street. It turns out that people are making delicious qingmingguo! It began to rain, drop in the container of qingmingguo, drop on the green dough, it seemed more attractive.

Rain thin, like tens of thousands of needle down, into a small pit of varying depths. I can not help but think of the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's xxxQingmingxxx, xxxQingming season rain one after another, passers-by want to break their souls.xxx

A big man was beating the dough with a thick and long stick. He was still reading a poem or a nursery rhyme. He had a good sense of rhythm and melody, but I didn't understand a word. I beat and knead. It's true that xxxmen and women work together, but I'm not tired.xxx

I was staring at them, and I wanted to play. I can't wait to run over and pick up the thick stick. It's really heavy. Even if I put all my strength into it, it's still triumphant. The tattoo stands still and laughs at me from time to time.

I can't take it, so I have to help them print the qingmingguo. This xxxsealxxx is not to print something on Qingming fruit, but to put Qingming fruit dough in a container and let it take shape.

Looking at the qingmingguo made by myself, I'm not too happy. It's even more beautiful to take another bite. This Qingming Festival is really delicious!

给老人烧纸的范文英语 第七篇

The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’tombs.

Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs.

The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors.

People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams e true.





给老人烧纸的范文英语 第八篇

Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.

My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestor's grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains You'll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!

On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story. I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!


我和爸爸回到了乡下老家给祖先上坟.我们来到了祖先的坟前,爸爸用铁锨把坟茔修缮了一番,然后把带来的贡品放到坟前,带着我给祖先磕了三个头,起身倒了一碗酒,围绕坟茔洒了一圈.上完坟,我们就在山里踏青游玩 你也能够投稿,高高的山上,有茂盛的树林,有绿绿的青草,还有清澈的湖水,美丽极了!


给老人烧纸的范文英语 第九篇

Most people are tired of their parents' words because their parents have told them many times. In the long run, people want to turn a deaf ear to their parents, especially agers. When I start to hear my mother's nagging, they are rebellious and oppose their parents' saying that I am one of them.

I pretend to listen to her, but the fact is that one day I didn't put her Keep in mind what I said. When I was shopping, I lost my wallet. I was very worried.

I began to think about my parents' words. They always told me to be careful, but I forgot this. I learned a lesson.

We should listen to our elders. They have experienced so much. What they tell us is our valuable experience worth learning.



给老人烧纸的范文英语 第十篇








xxxQingming Festivalxxx in succession, the pedestrian on the road.xxx This year's Qingming Festival is on Thursday, April 4th, and our family drove to the old house early in the early morning to go to the hometown of Chaoyang to visit the tomb for the ancestor. The cars on the road were dragons to the cemetery.

I was the first time to visit the grave, on the way to my heart, I always guessed what the mountain cemetery was really looking forward to, finally to the destination, I can't wait to rush up, but the raining mountain road is too slippery, xxxflopxxx I fell a mouth mud. When I got up, my mother looked at him and said, xxxbig ye, impatient to eat hot tofu, and walking on the hillside.xxx I listened to my mother's words and walked slowly. There are many fruit trees on the hill: bayberry, apple, banana and olive. A little Yang Meigua is on the tree. Some apple is red like a kid who drinks a lot of wine. The banana is like a small boat hanging on a tree. The air was very fresh!

Walk and go, finally to the tomb of grandmother's grandmother, we cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, and then put the tribute and paper money before the tomb of grandmother's grandmother. Put the paper into the fire to burn, finally we lit firecrackers, knock three times after put things away home.

So many mountain worship, there are echoes of paper money and firecrackers, today the mountain can be really fun ah!

After returning home, I was wet, but I was still very happy, because I learned a lot from this tomb sweeping.

给老人烧纸的范文英语 第十一篇

The sun is shining, the day qing qi shuang, to appear again.

Street much service for the old station, newspaper, radio began to promote how to respect love and support nursing homes, the hospital care towards several additional again.

Most of the old service station is sincere, also has a part is taken advantage of the sale of some of the so-called treatment instrument. Here just free for the old man made a simple body measurements, there are busy not fold out instrument shows the old man, exert all one's skill, eloquent, shi will make old people buy it.

Some units on the day of the chongyang, there must be a action, called send love to the old man, actually earn a reputation for the unit, send some erratic gifts, such as vision care instrument, the old man used in not to tube.

Will often have at ordinary times like things exposure of elder abuse, but 'homes or still want to open, just change the name to regroup. As for service quality have improved, and it is unclear. Based on the current social environment, a lot of families is a child, to our old age, due to various reasons, in the field, or children, or working relationship, or their own reason, too busy to care for the elderly, many people may have an opportunity into the nursing home to spend their twilight years, this situation how to don't let the human worry later?

Really care about the old man, don't just care about form, don't point during the holidays to express concern, do not need to use money and material to measure the degree of concern. Body outside, a text message, a phone call, as long as it is with sincere greetings, and the old man will be very happy. Economy is not very good, help the old man do the housework more at ordinary times, and the old man to talk, is also the best filial piety. As for the unit enterprise offer the love festival, really do something for the old people, less vain who are just along for the ride.








给老人烧纸的范文英语 第十二篇

Every year on the Lantern Festival, many boys set off firecrackers. Let's go out to see the lions and dragons and set off some fireworks. They suggested that firecrackers be banned in the city centre.

They set off firecrackers and watch fireworks. Red couplets are hung on our door. We set off firecrackers and light candles to wait for a new day.

The villagers beat gongs and drums, set off firecrackers, and colorful water lily boats, lotus lanterns, red lanterns, Spring Festival couplets, firecrackers, drum music and so on. Every family will set off firecrackers and paste Spring Festival couplets. Relatives and friends wish each other new year Everything goes well.

Chinese people like to paste couplets on the Spring Festival, and also write couplets on red on the last day of the lunar calendar. On New Year's Eve, there is a grand family dinner, and the whole family has a big reunion dinner. Whenever possible, these people will go home to have a reunion according to the Chinese tradition.

On this day, all Chinese family members sit around the table and eat xxxreunion dinnerxxx, also known as xxxreunion dinnerxxx It's not important that they can't get together at ordinary times. But in Song Dynasty festivals, they should have a reunion dinner. Adults give their children coins wrapped in red as new year's gifts to protect them from harm.

Parents give their children red envelopes to celebrate the new year. The reunion dinner given to you by parents helps to deepen family relations. At the same time, exchanging gifts and greetings can promote friends in the new year The next day, the relationship between Qin and her mother, arividi, was here to pay New Year's greetings to everyone.

As soon as he came in, the two women wished him a happy new year. They paid for the phone call to pay a new year's call. At this time, they heard the same expression: celebrate the new year, and celebrate the new year.




给老人烧纸的范文英语 第十三篇

Today is the traditional festival of our country - Tomb Sweeping day. The day dawn, we will follow the one family go to the mountains to the worship of ancestors. The street is already crowded, heavy traffic, people came from all sides have from the grave. On both sides of the road is a large pear, white flowers in the spring breeze blowing, like a white butterfly dance; yellow winter jasmine like willow like Daochui on either side the river, a good school Spring is in the air. scene.

One to the foot of the mountain, even more people, one in a long team, there are a lot of police in order to maintain the tension. To the mountains, winding mountain road is very narrow, I pulled out the fearless spirit, Chengcheng to climb, but before long, my legs felt like footsteps filled with lead, more and more slowly, the old man is learning percussion - out of breath. A short rest, looking all over the mountains and plains azalea, I summon the spirit to go on board...... Finally came to a very grave, suddenly feel refreshed, down view the following views: a car like the beetle crawling on the road; a building section and low buildings well-proportioned; a river like crystal ribbon is embedded in the earth, very beautiful!

Pay homage to several ancestors, under the sky from the spring rain, we a pious ancestors to worship, go home.












热门标签: 老人 英语






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