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放假对外通知模板范文英语 第一篇

The Official Holidays in China for 20_ published by General Office of the State Council:

I. New Year: 01/01/20_ (Wed.)

II. Spring Festival: 31/01/20_ ~ 06/02/20_, seven days totally.

Remark: 26th Jan. 20_ (Sun.) & 8th Feb. 20_ (Sat.) are working days.

III. Tomb Sweeping Day: 07/04/20_ (Mon.).

IV. International Labor Day: 01/05/20_ ~03/05/20_, three days totally. Remark: 4th May 20_ (Sun.) is a working day.

V. Dragon Boat Festival: 02/06/20_

Autumn Festival: 08/09/20_

VII. National Day: 01/10/20_~07/10/20_, seven days totally;

Remark: 28th Sept. 20_ (Sun.) & 11th Oct. 20_ (Sat.) are working days.

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第二篇

Dear parents:

This is to remind you the school’s calendar for the National Holiday. We will have an eight days holiday from 9/30 to 10/7. The school will be opened on Saturday the 28th、 to make up the classes for Friday the 20th.

Please make sure the students come to school on school bus will be on routine schedule as you.

xxxx School

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第三篇

All cadres and employees:

According to the arrangement of the superior, the matters related to the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays of our company are arranged as follows:

From October 1 to 7, there is a 7-day holiday. He officially went to work on October 8.

Before the holiday, all departments should carefully check the water, electricity and other facilities, close the doors and windows, turn off the power supply, and do a good job in holiday safety and anti-theft. During the holidays, the heads of all departments shall keep their mobile phones unblocked for 24 hours. The personnel on duty should be serious and responsible and do a good job on duty during the holidays. The leaders of the company will check from time to time. I hope everyone will have a happy National Day.


放假对外通知模板范文英语 第四篇

The Official Holidays in China for 20xx published by General Office of the State Council:

I. New Year: 01/01/20xx (Wed.)

II. Spring Festival: 31/01/20xx ~ 06/02/20xx, seven days totally.

Remark: 26th Jan. 20xx (Sun.) & 8th Feb. 20xx (Sat.) are working days.

III. Tomb Sweeping Day: 07/04/20xx (Mon.).

IV. International Labor Day: 01/05/20xx ~03/05/20xx, three days totally. Remark: 4th May 20xx (Sun.) is a working day.

V. Dragon Boat Festival: 02/06/20xx

Autumn Festival: 08/09/20xx

VII. National Day: 01/10/20xx~07/10/20xx, seven days totally;

Remark: 28th Sept. 20xx (Sun.) & 11th Oct. 20xx (Sat.) are working days.

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第五篇

Holiday Announcement of 20xx Spring Festival Dear customers:

Thanks for your concern and care for such a long time. According to the production arrangement, our company has made a holiday plan for this coming holiday:

Spring Festival: - ;

Resume normal work from

If you have any demand during this holiday, please issue PO two weeks ahead of time. If you have any urgent or special demand, please contact us freely, we will do our best to cooperate with you.

It will be appreciated if your announcement about holiday days could be informed.

Happy Spring Festival! Thank you very much!

Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parts Co., Ltd.

Key Words:20xx Spring Festival Announcement

Approved by: Zhun Huang

Made by: Zhilin Ye Print: Anna Jin

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第六篇

Dear Colleagues

Please kindly be informed that our offices in China (office Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai) for the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 15th to 17 vacation days off, a total of 3 18 days (Sunday) to work.

Please help to communicate this message to our staffs, customers, suppliers and any other relevant parties if required.

IT, Operation, Finance and other department’s, thanks to prepare your backup and helpdesk planning during the holiday period if needed.

Wish you have a good holiday and thank you for your attention.

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第七篇

Holiday Announcement of 20_ Spring Festival Dear customers:

Thanks for your concern and care for such a long time. According to the production arrangement, our company has made a holiday plan for this coming holiday:

Spring Festival: - ;

Resume normal work from

If you have any demand during this holiday, please issue PO two weeks ahead of time. If you have any urgent or special demand, please contact us freely, we will do our best to cooperate with you.

It will be appreciated if your announcement about holiday days could be informed.

Happy Spring Festival! Thank you very much!

Hangzhou Amphenol Phoenix Telecom Parts Co., Ltd.

Key Words:20_ Spring Festival Announcement

Approved by: Zhun Huang

Made by: Zhilin Ye Print: Anna Jin

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第八篇

Dear Colleagues

Please be noted the following holiday arrangements for XXXX employees for 20xx National Day. 30th September Sunday – 7th October Sunday (8 days), 29th September Saturday will be adjusted to work.

Please help to communicate this message to our staffs, customers, suppliers and any other relevant parties if required.

IT, Operation, Finance and other department’s, thanks to prepare your backup and helpdesk planning during the holiday period if needed.

Best wishes to all employees for a happy National Day and an enjoyable break!

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第九篇


attention, please. i have an announcement to make. we are going to visit the history museum this saturday. we are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. we will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next monday. please come on time. that's all.

放假对外通知模板范文英语 第十篇


Boys and girls,

Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. We'll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That' s all.

Thank you.

The Students' Union








热门标签: 模板 英语 通知






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